November 13

Welcome to the Light of the East - The Byzantine Lantern
***Christ to Saint Francis of Assisi: Rebuild My Church!***
Saint Joseph Byzantine Catholic Church
814 North Fifth Street
Toronto, Ohio 43964-1620
(Office Hours: By Appointment Only)
Spiritual Father: The Reverend Father John Kapitan, Jr., O.F.M.
Electronic Mail:
Parish Web URL:
Parish Advisory Council: Miss Dorothy Blaner and Mr. Homer Bowers.
Parish Ushers and Money Counters: Mr Robert Hanuscin, Mrs. Molly Prosko, and Mr. Joseph
Prosko, Sr.
Glory To Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
***Liturgical Schedule***
Saturday – 14 November 2015: Vigil Divine Liturgy for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after
Pentecost at 5:00 P.M. The Changeable Propers Resurrection Tone Eight with The Typical
Psalms and The Beatutides {note below} may be found on pages 161-163 of the Green Book.
The Intention for this Divine Liturgy is for the Parishioners, Families, Friends and
Benefactors of The Church.
Saturday – 21 November 2015: Vigil Divine Liturgy for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday after
Pentecost at 5:00 P.M. The Changeable Propers for Resurrection Tone One with The Typical
Psalms and The Beatutides {note below} may be found on pages 161-163 of the Green Book .
The Intention for this Divine Liturgy is for the Parishioners, Families, Friends and
Benefactors of The Church.
+++November 2015 Weekday Divine Liturgies+++
Friday, 20 November 2015: Vigil Divine Liturgy for the Solemn Holyday-Entrance into the Temple
of the Theotokos, at 5PM.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015: Vigil Divine Liturgy for Thanksgiving Day at 5PM.
+++Parish Initiative:+++
Commencing 25 October through 30 November 2015,
Divine Liturgies can be requested for any intention, either for the living or the deceased. The
Divine Liturgies will be the secondary intention for the Sunday Divine Liturgy and will be
published in the weekly parish bulletin. For this period of time 3 Divine Liturgies can be
requested for $20.00. The requested liturgical intentions will be celebrated commencing 8
December 2015, until exhausted.
The Altar Candelabra Candles for November 2015 have been donated by Miss Agnes Demko.
The Altar Candelabra Candles for December 2015 have been donated by Mrs. Anne Sugar.
The Altar Candelabra Candles for January 2016 have been donated by Mrs. Helen Scalley.
*** Church Offerings ***
November 2015: $1,538.00
1 January through 31 October 2015: $35,979.48
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support! And may God bless and love you!
Thank You from the parishioners to those of you Who do things around the parish known only
to God and to Father!
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Upcoming Events:
The Philips Fast - 14 November 2015 {sunset} – 24 December 2015:
The traditional aspects of this fast are as – follows: Monday, Wednesday and Friday are
days of Strict Fast. Tuesday and Thursday are days of Simple Abstinence. Weekends,
Thanksgiving Day, The Friday after Thanksgiving and 8 December are free from fasting.
During all Liturgical Celebrations
During The Nativity of Christ Preparation Penitential Season,
+++ The Typical Psalms {Pages 16-18} and The Beatitudes {Pages 23-24} +++
Shall be sung in lieu of the Antiphons.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015: Philipkova Fast Class - All Welcome
+++The Process of Forgiveness+++ at 4:00 P.M.
In the church prior to the Solemn Holyday Divine Liturgy.
+++25 December 2015+++
Divine Liturgy for The Nativity of Christ at 9:00 A.M.