Annual School Library Growth Plan

Annual School Library Growth Plan
Date: September 2013
School Librarian: Chris Hall
School: Summit High School
District: Summit RE-1
Library Mission: The mission of the Summit libraries is to help students and faculty be successful finders and users of information and
technology, and to enjoy reading and life long learning. Research shows that students with good information literacy skills perform and
achieve at high levels on academic tasks!
School Unified Improvement Plan
Goal (UIP) Goal
HESLP Target area (which area
would you like to improve upon?)
My SMART goal which is worded
to show alignment between UIP
and HESL Target area
My Strategies/Indicators for
carrying out my SMART goal
Goal #1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: All Summit School District students will be proficient or
advanced in state tested core subjects and will develop the knowledge, skills, conceptual
understandings and attitudes for life-long learning.
Library promotes reading in traditional and innovative ways using digital text devices (ebooks,
iPads, etc.) to enrich and expand critical, creative and independent thinking.
Number of students who check out books/ereaders increases by 10%
Bookfairs, ebooks, iPads, author studies, book displays, book clubs, book reviews in school
My Partners
Librarian, tech coach, classroom teachers, journalism teacher
My Measure(s) of Success
“I will know I’m successful when the total number of books checkout for the year exceeds 4,000.”
Measure of success as seen by
others (evidence)
“Others will know I’m successful when students want to come to the library to check out books
and the school increases its test scores in reading.”
SMART Goals:
 Specific  Measurable
 Attainable  Realistic  Timely
School Unified Improvement Plan
Goal (UIP) Goal
HESLP Target area (which area
would you like to improve upon?)
My SMART goal which is worded
to show alignment between UIP
and HESL Target area
My Strategies/Indicators for
carrying out my SMART goal
My Partners
My Measure(s) of Success
Goal #1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: All Summit School District students will be proficient or
advanced in state tested core subjects and will develop the knowledge, skills, conceptual
understandings and attitudes for life-long learning.
Instruction and Learning Environment: Collaboration and Instruction
School librarian plans and collaborates with “classroom” teachers from many disciplines and
grade levels and is involved in the assessment of collaboratively planned lessons.
Share new resources and tech tools available to teachers. Also provide examples on how they fit
into content standards, curriculum and assessment via email, PLG time, and tech classes.
Increase the number of collaborate units between teachers and librarian by 10%.
Librarian, tech coach, classroom teachers
Increase the number of collaborative units taught
Feedback from teachers
Keeping a document to record resources and tools hared with teachers each month (Google
Spreadsheet) Form for collaboration
I will continue to work with content areas teachers in order to 1) identify the topics which they
cover in their classes, and 2) locate materials, either new or borrowed, that can support their
students’ needs.
I will use also the standards for Information Literacy and my growing knowledge of technology
tools to help teachers incorporate these learning tools into their classrooms. As teachers are
always short on time, it makes it difficult for them to learn this information on their own. As
such, I can teach their classes how to use the tools in order to demonstrate their learning to their
teacher. In this manner, I am instructing the students directly in my knowledge area which may
not be familiar to their classroom teacher.
Measure of success as seen by
others (evidence)
SMART Goals:
 Specific  Measurable
The most obvious measure of this goal is the increased collaboration between the teacher
librarian and staff. Another indicator will be the use of web 2.0 tools, library resources, and
technology in instructional and assessment methods. And, the ultimate measure will be an
increase in student achievement.
 Attainable  Realistic  Timely
GOAL 3 (optional)
School Unified Improvement Plan
Goal (UIP) Goal
Goal #2: INSTRUCTION: Summit School District staff will consistently use research-based
instructional practices to teach Colorado State standards through the International
Baccalaureate framework, pre-K-12, in order to ensure equity and access to a high quality
education for all of our students regardless of differences.
Program Advocacy: Communication, Marketing, PR and Advocacy
HESLP Target area (which area
would you like to improve upon?)
My Strategies/Indicators for
School librarian helps students and staff use digital resources to create, communicate and
carrying out my SMART goal
collaborate! Integrating tech, as well as, Web 2.0 with staff and students for use of
communicating, lesson planning and assessment: Prezi, wiki ,wordle, Googledocs, Animoto…
My Partners
Librarian, tech coach, classroom teachers
My Measure(s) of Success
Evidence of Web 2.0 tools being used by teachers, specialists and paras seen by me.
Measure of success as seen by
others (evidence)
SMART Goals:
 Specific  Measurable
Evidence of Web 2.0 tools being used by teachers, specialists and paras seen by others.
 Attainable  Realistic  Timely