We have read the course syllabus for French IA

IB MYP Language B/Language Acquisition (French 1A)
NHP 2014-2015
Mme Hargus
School phone number: (469) 501-0645
Email: jhargus@uplifteducation.org
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes
to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his
Nelson Mandela
Introduction to the IB Middle Years Programme
This course is taught through the methods of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years
Programme (MYP). As an IB World School, we are committed to fostering the IB mission:
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring
young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural
understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international
organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous
These programmes encourage scholars across the world to become active, compassionate
and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be
In order to support this mission, our instruction is guided by the MYP’s three fundamental
concepts which are intercultural awareness, communication, and holistic learning. This course
will support scholars in the development of the IB learner profile: IB learners strive to be
inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers,
balanced, and reflective.
In French IA, we will meet each of the three fundamental concepts by exploring the cultural
practices of various francophone countries, performing level-appropriate tasks using the three
modes of communication, and borrowing from other content areas such as mathematics and art
to enhance lesson plans and make them more engaging.
French I A scholars will have an opportunity to develop the IB learner profile by asking
questions, studying regularly, thinking critically, expressing themselves in all three modes of
communication, doing their own work, remaining open-minded regarding cultural and linguistic
differences, demonstrating empathy for their classmates and others in the larger world
community, going beyond their comfort zone, maintaining intellectual and emotional balance,
and self-evaluating their language development on a consistent basis.
IB MYP Language B/Language Acquisition (French 1A)
NHP 2014-2015
Mme Hargus
Course Overview
French I A introduces scholars to the basics of French language and culture, and serves as the
foundation for the development of the scholars’ communicative competency and linguistic
accuracy in the language. The basic skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing are
stressed in the context of “real life” scenarios. All three modes of communication - the
interpretive, the interpersonal, and the presentational - will be equally emphasized within the
context of authentic realia and “real life” scenarios. While scholars will have access to a
textbook, we moving toward a communicative/proficiency-oriented approach. Thus, the
textbook will chiefly serve as a reference and as a guide. Classes will be conducted in French to
the greatest extent possible.
Textbook: Discovering French Today (Bleu) by Jean-Paul and Rebecca Valette (2005)
Scholars may also have homework from workbooks for language and vocabulary practice and
will have access to the on-line edition at my.hrw.com.
First Semester Scope & Sequence
MYP Unit Title
Faisons Connaissance
The register I use and my surroundings
can affect the way I communicate.
La vie courante
My environment may affect the choices
I make.
Second Semester Scope & Sequence
MYP Unit Title
Qu’est-ce qu’on fait ?
What I do may be influenced by where I
Le monde personnel et familier
What I tell people about myself can be
determined by my culture and my
IB MYP Language B/Language Acquisition (French 1A)
NHP 2014-2015
Mme Hargus
Scholars will be assessed based on their mastery of four criteria. For French I A, they are:
Criterion A: Comprehending spoken and visual texts
Scholars should be able to “recognize basic conventions and engage with the spoken and
visual text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a personal response
to the text.
Criterion B: Comprehending visual and written texts
Scholars should be able to “identify basic facts, messages, main ideas and supporting
details; recognize basic aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose for writing;
engage with the written and visual text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes and by
making a person response to the text.”
Criterion C: Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual texts
Scholars should be able “respond appropriately to simple short phrases; interact in simply
and rehearsed exchanges, using verbal and non-verbal language; use basic phrases to
communicate ideas, feelings and information on a variety of aspects of everyday topics;
communicate with a sense of audience.”
Criterion D: Using language in spoken and written form
Scholars should be able to “write and speak using a range of vocabulary, grammatical
structures and conventions and when speaking use clear pronunciation and intonation;
organize basic information and use a range of basic cohesive devices; use language to suit
the context.”
Grading policy
Homework: 25%
Quizzes: 20%
Participation; 15%
Assessments (Tests, presentation, projects): 40%
Homework policy
When given, homework will consist of assignments which either:
promote attainment of positive work habits and study skills
practice material / skills already taught
prepare for upcoming lessons
study for upcoming assessments
extend scholar understanding of concepts
Given the correlation between homework completion and success on assessments, scholars are
IB MYP Language B/Language Acquisition (French 1A)
NHP 2014-2015
Mme Hargus
encouraged to complete all homework assignments.
Late work policy
All work should be completed and handed in on time. In the case of an excused absence, the
scholar has as many days as are missed to turn the work in for full credit. If the assignment is 1
day late, it will receive a maximum of 70% After that, a scholar will receive no grade higher than
Academic Integrity
In order to promote the IB learner profile attribute of “principled,” scholars are expected to
demonstrate academic integrity at all times. Academic integrity means exhibiting honesty in all
academic exercises and assignments. Academic dishonesty refers to any form of misconduct that
occurs in relation to all academic exercises. Incidents of academic dishonesty such as the use of
on-line translation sites are taken very seriously and will result in a referral to the scholar’s
Approaches to Learning
Throughout the course scholars will have the opportunity to hone the five skills that comprise the
MYP’s Approaches to Learning. Scholars will communicate in spoken and written form on a
daily basis. At times, they will develop their social skills as they complete group assignments
while at others they will work independently and learn to self-manage their learning.
Occasionally, they will research topics related to francophone culture, and they will be expected
to always think critically. If, at any time, scholars are having difficulty, they are urged to sign-up
to attend after school help sessions on Thursdays or at another mutually convenient time.
Scholars must be prepared every day with pen or pencil, paper, scholar interactive notebooks—
for which an 80 page spiral is needed, and a 1 -1 ½” binder devoted exclusively to French or a
designated section of a larger binder. Markers or map pencils are encouraged.
Behavior Expectations
In addition to NHP Policies, scholars must follow one classroom rule at all times: BE
RESPECTFUL. Scholars who are not respectful following an opening year discussion of what
respect looks like will receive a warning for the first violation (unless the infraction is so serious
that it threatens the safety of the scholar or others), an email or call home for the second, an
email to the scholar’s counselor and detention for the third, and an administrative referral for the
fourth violation. In an MYP school, there is absolutely no place for disrespect; education is to
be valued.
IB MYP Language B/Language Acquisition (French 1A)
NHP 2014-2015
Mme Hargus
We have read the course syllabus for French IA and understand the expectations and
policies. Please complete the following and return this page only by August 15, 2014.
Scholar Name:__________________________________Date:____________________
Scholar Signature:________________________________________________________
Scholar Email: __________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:___________________________________Date:_____________
Parent/Guardian Signature:_________________________________________________
Phone number: __________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________________
If applicable, please include a second parent/guardian’s contact information.
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Phone number: _________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________
Do you have a PowerSchool login?
No _____________
If not, I encourage you to register for it so you can track your scholar’s performance online.
Is there any particular information that would be helpful for me to know as we begin the
year to support your scholar’s success this semester?
Do you have any questions or comments?
IB MYP Language B/Language Acquisition (French 1A)
NHP 2014-2015
Mme Hargus