Recycle committee minutes 8-13-2012


Recycling Committee Meeting, 8/13/12

In attendance: Jen Eaton, Judy Sheldon, Phil Stannard, Abbey Greene, Andrea Yonge, Bob

Spaulding, Bonnie Rosati, Wilma deSpain

Judy shared with group purpose of investigate whether or not Fair Haven should consider changing recycling methods and then make recommendation to Selectboard

Question was asked why the selectboard is looking at this, it was stated that the understanding was that, long-term, it might save town money

Andrea Yonge (Casella rep) Role is to help implement recycling in communities, education, work with current haulers (not focused on hauling contract)

Shared some success stories (handouts)

60% of household trash is recyclable

Bowden, ME 10-15% increase in recycling when moved from dual sort to zero sort (their population is comparable to ours)

Explained some of the things that Casella will do to help educate community, press releases, face to face

Movement from, future, important to educate about the reasons for doing it, reduction in labor

New 2013/14 all public trash containers must have recycle container next to it

Compactor.... there are options to include leasing

Bob Spaulding

Trial period may be possible, but hard to go to back

Plastic is costing the most money, partly because no revenue and there is the expense of hauling and getting rid of it

Metal is hauled elsewhere because it pays better than Casella

Cardboard to St Albans, taking out boxboard, 1 1/4 ton cardboard every 10 days

Pulls a lot out, does not charge contamination fee

Discussion about new law

No cost guarantee, numbers he sees indicate that source separation is the way to go

Canusa currently has best rates and no haul fee

Cardboard - twice as much when takes to St. Albans, which he separates

Infrastructure concerns with transfer station that have not been addressed!

Abby Greene

Glass is crushed and kept there, used as fill

Boxboard can go in magazines or with white paper, no sign

People don't know, seem to struggle with what to do no matter how many signs or directions

Currently recycle through source separation: Magazines, mixed paper, white paper, paper bags, newspaper, plastics 1-7, tin cans, e-cycle, clothing, cardboard, glass, tires, metal pile, appliances, refrigerated stuff separate ($10 to get freon out-then into metal pile), compost leaves, burn pile

for brush, big stump pile

Would guess about 40% (of people that use transfer station) recycle but that is a guess

Transition would change set-up a lot

Canusa - comes, town loads it and Kanusa takes it, sends check

Bonnie Rosati

Bonnie is local rep for SWAC, secretary and treasurer

Pam Clapp is the SWAC administrator

INTER-local contract and articles of agreement, finalized in nov 2002

Joint municipality that allows towns to come together to do something cheaper as a group - 10 towns

Solid waste agreement contract - tells you what you have to do to follow laws

She is the liaison with Kanusa and arranges pick-ups

SWAC arranged planet aide

Administrator watches all laws and passes information to local reps

Benson, West Haven, Fair Haven, Rutland Town, Shrewsbury, Pawlet, Middletown Springs,

Tinmouth, Sudbury (missing one)

Every towns rate is based on per capita

Provides educational programs

Household hazardous wastes days

Healthy homes proposals

NRRA working on compiling statistics state-wide about recycling

Big concern is cost and potential loss of revenue

Nothing made off plastic, lose revenue off paper, cardboard and tin

Commodity market fluctuations .


Overall flow of transfer station

Issues with current infrastructure

Michael Dufour, Kanusa (Don Bortz), Staunton, Pam Clapp input

Committee needs to talk about what they've heard and continue gathering more information

Next steps:

1. Have another meeting with Bob Spaulding present to share with us the numbers/spreadsheets/information he has - Monday, August 27, 2012 @ 6 pm

2. After the 27th, Committee will plan a date/time to share with Selectboard what they've learned and what they still need to know to determine future steps.

Jen Eaton
