June 2013 [DOCX 24.38KB]


School of Business, Management and


Associate Tutor Meeting




Wednesday 5 June 2013


Location: Jubilee G30

Attending: Merrill Jones (Chair) School Administrator

Sarah Hardman (Secretary) School Manager

Guadalupe Alvarez Tinoco, Javad Izadi Zadeh Darjezi, Olaya Moldes Andres,

1. Apologies

Johannes Rauch, Anannit Sumawong, Yassin Hassan, John Cash, Michele

Stua, Jose Christian

A number of apologies were noted, including from Ian Davidson who was interviewing.

MJ would Chair in his absence.

MJ welcomed all the attendees and thanked them for their contributions to teaching and supporting students during the term.

2. Notes of last meeting and Matters Arising

MJ reviewed the minutes from the last meeting, actions and matters arising. MJ confirmed that she had recently requested additional desktops for all of the PhD workspaces, three in total for each department along with one more powerful desktop for each department.

3. Head of School Update

SH described work Clare Mackie was leading to explore distance learning.

In addition e-submissions were expected to be introduced for first years in September. SH reported that Schools had suggested that this should be phased to ensure IT infrastructure was sufficient to support it. BMEc had volunteered to pilot e-submissions.

Recruitment of staff was progressing and advertisements had been placed again. So far seven staff had been successfully appointed to vacant faculty positions. 12 new TF positions had been approved and were being advertised.

4. AT pay

A proposal had been drawn up to pay ATs in a fairer way based on volume and type of work in BMEc. This proposal had been put to Chris Marlin for approval. Jose asked if it was possible for ATs to receive an itemised payslip as it could sometimes be unclear exactly what payment covered. SH would investigate with HR.

5. Recruitment of ATs

New advertisements for ATs had been put out and all ATs would promote these through their networks.

6. Workspace

MJ had covered issues relating to work space above. A number of issues were reported with the building including the lack of ventilation in the AT room on the second floor and problems with toilets and taps. Merrill would order fans for the AT room.

Secretary’s Note: Following the meeting, MJ had a discussion with Estates with regard to the ventilation and was advised that the heating and ventilation issues were being addressed. MJ was advised to avoid buying fans or air conditioning units until the building was fully commissioned.

New printers had been ordered including for rooms 102 and 136. MJ would look into how to print to university printers from personal laptops.

7. Storage

There were no issues raised and MJ confirmed that additional filing cabinets had been ordered as requested.

8. Training

Some ATs reported they had not been paid for TLDU training even though this was showing as approved on the system. MJ would investigate this and report back.

Secretary’s Note: Following the meeting MJ liaised with Course Coordinators and confirmed that all payments had been put on by the Course Coordinators and had been authorised for payment.

Any outstanding payments would need to be followed up with payroll and HR by the Associate Tutor.


MJ concluded the meeting by asking people to please speak to her if they had any concerns in between meetings, and thanked all for their participation.
