February 2012 [DOCX 100.43KB]

Associate Tutor Meeting
Wednesday 8 February 2012, 10.00 – 11.30
Mantell 3b3
Department and teaching issues
The AHoD of Business and Management requested feedback on the ATs experience of
teaching for the School, particularly the relationship with the Course Convenors. The
responses from the ATs were positive in terms of having a good relationship with Convenors
and feeling that they were informed about teaching requirements.
There were no specific issues requiring further discussion.
Teaching and Learning, Teaching Handbook
Peer Observation of Teaching
The DTL outlined the School’s system of Peer Observation of Teaching, which was part of
the training and support offered by the School.
AT Support
Discussion took place on the possibility of setting up an AT Buddy System, to support ATs
new to teaching. It was suggested that this system could be made more formal, as there
already existed an informal network. Current ATs, attending the meeting, felt they would be
willing to volunteer to buddy a colleague.
Marking and assessment
The DTL reminded the ATs that there was a formal procedure for marking in each
Department. It was suggested that the processes should be standardised and produced as
a guideline.
An AT reported that it was felt that the marking load for the BAM programme (Information
Systems) was uneven, she appeared to have a heavier workload that fellow ATs.
Action: AHoD, BAM, to investigate
The ATs felt it would be useful to have a list of the submissions for each term.
Action: SA to organise for next academic year
Student support, attendance monitoring, student reps
Those present were reminded of the importance of recording student attendance for
seminars. It was explained that the purpose for the monitoring was to identify students who
are struggling with their study and assist them with getting back on an academic track. The
Student Life Centre (SLC) support the students wellbeing.
An AT enquired as to whether Postgraduate Taught students were monitoring. It was
explained that this had not been the case in the School, but from 2013 attendance
monitoring will be taking place. It was hoped that students struggling would be picked up in
the first teaching block, to enable the School and SLC to offer assistance.
The DTL requested assistance from the ATs present with encouraging students to
participate in the National Student Survey (NSS).
Contracts and payments
The SA provided copies of the AT Role Profiles grades 5/6/7. It was explained that these
were job description. When a Convenor was employing an ATs a discussion should take
place on what was level of work being expected, based on the role profiles. The grade was
then defined by the level of work.
ATs were reminded that there was a useful AT University web page:
Also, that all payments added to the AT payment system could be accessed by ATs through
Sussex Direct>Personal>Financial.
Training and Staff Development
Those present were reminded that they were able to book on to the Staff Development Unit
(SDU) courses on offer to all staff by either referring to the following link or Sussex Direct.
Any other business
A discussion took place on the provision of Undergraduate crash courses: Introduction to
Economics; calculus training for students; English language (written). It was agreed that
students required basic skill sets, that these would be non-credit bearing.
BMEC Associate Tutors (ATs)
Professor David Storey, Acting Head of Department, Business and Management (AHoD)
Professor Andy McKay, Head of Department, Economics (HoD)
Dr Fiona Marshall, Director of Student Support (DoSS)
Mike Barrow, Director of Teaching and Learning (DTL)
Trudy Robinson, School Administrator (SA)