Overview of Agreement Statistics for Continuous, Binary, and

Overview of Agreement Statistics for Continuous, Binary, and Ordinal Data
Presented by Dr. Lawrence Lin
This webinar be a general overview presentation with practical examples and without much
statistical formulas. It will be based on materials presented in Lin, et al (2012), Statistical Tools
for Measuring Agreement, Springer, NY (prerequisite). We will discuss definitions of precision/
accuracy/agreement and pitfalls of some misleading approaches. For continuous data we will
start with the basic scenario of two assays/raters each with one measurement. We will consider
the case of random or fixed target values for un-scaled (absolute) and scaled (relative) indices
with constant or proportional error structure. For categorical data we will introduce traditional
approaches with the basic scenario for un-scaled and scaled indices. We will present the
convergence of approaches for categorical and continuous data. For both continuous and
categorical data we will present examples of a unified approach for agreement among multiple
raters each with multiple replicates. We will also present examples of a flexible and general
setting where the agreement of certain cases can be compared relative to the agreement of a
chosen case. Many practical examples will be presented in a wide variety of situations.
Date: September 24, 2015
Time: 1:00-2:30 Eastern Time
Registration Fees:
Member of the MDD Section: $40
ASA Member: $65
Nonmember: $85
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