Gods & Goddesses

The Greek (and Roman) Gods & Goddesses
Zeus (Jupiter)
- King of the Olympians
- Most powerful
- god of heaven and earth
- ruler of wealth and delivers justice
- thunderbolts as weapon
- eagle also his symbol
Hera (Juno)
- Queen of the Olympians
- goddess of marriage and childbirth
- wife/sister of Zeus
- peacock is her symbol
- cows and lions sacred to her
- jealous
Poseidon (Neptune)
- god of the sea and earthquakes, and horses
- trident is weapon
- dolphin and horse are his symbols as well
- Amphitrite is his wife
- Zeus’ brother
- 2nd most powerful
Hades (Pluto)
- god of the underworld and wealth
- ruler of the dead, but he is not Death
- has a helmet of invisibility
- symbols include: coins, gems, and Golden Chariot with Black
- Persephone is his wife
- Not evil!
- 3rd most powerful
Aphrodite (Venus)
- goddess of love, beauty, and fertility
- mother of Eros/Cupid
- Wife of Hephaestus
- protected sailors
- could make love occur between the gods
- symbols are a dove and a rose
- born out of the sea in a cushion of foam
Athena (Minerva)
- goddess of wisdom, courage, and defensive war (looked for
peaceful ways to settle fights)
- daughter of Zeus and Metis
- patron goddess of Athens
- master of arts, crafts, cooking, and spinning
- carries a shield with Medusa’s head on it
- symbols are owl and olive tree
Artemis (Diana)
- Apollo’s twin sister
- goddess of virgins, the hunt, wild things
- protected animals and children
- symbols are deer, her bow, and arrows
Ares (Mars)
- god of war and hatred
- son of Zeus and Hera (but both hate him)
- cruel, bad-tempered, coward, loved violence
- has three children with Aphrodite
- symbols are bloodstained spear, wild boar and
Dionysus (Bacchus)
- son of Zeus and Semele
- god of wine, parties, drama, and happiness
- symbols are grapes, ivy, wine, chalices
Apollo (Phoebus)
- god of truth, music, poetry, prophesy, the sun, medicine and
- he was thoughtful and advised others
- had good signing voice
- son of Zeus and Leto
- wolves, dolphins, and crows are sacred to him
- plays the golden lyre
Demeter (Ceres)
- goddess of vegetation, agriculture, and fertility
- had powers of growth and resurrection
- symbols are bundles of wheat, cornucopia, and poppies
- daughter of Demeter and Zeus
- queen of the Underworld
- goddess of springtime
- pomegranate is her symbol
Hestia (Vesta)
- Zeus’s sister
- goddess of the hearth and home
- gave up her spot on Mount Olympus for Dionysus
- considered peacemaker
- symbols are fireplace and hearth
Hephaestus (Vulcan)
- god of fire and blacksmiths
- ugly
- thrown off Mount Olympus for interfering in fight between
Zeus and Hera
- symbols are anvil and quail
Hermes (Mercury)
- messenger god and god of thieves
- often helped others
- Greek trickster figure
- very fast
- loves Aphrodite
- guided souls to the underworld
- symbols are winged headband, sandals and staff
Eros (Cupid) - Not an Olympian
- god of love
- son of Ares and Aphrodite
- often portrayed as a child
- he has wings
- symbols are bow and arrow (cause one to fall in love)