Morality HW -

Rachael Eroh
English 101- 037
Morality HW
1. My gut reaction to the first question posed was Mother Theresa. I grew up
catholic and we had a small statue of her in our house, so I’ve always thought very
highly of her. My reaction did not change with further reading of the article.
2. The first person I admire is my mom. She counsels pregnant and parenting
teenagers and is there for them day or night because in most cases they don’t have a
strong support team at home. My mother also raised my sister and I by herself while
working full time and going to school to get a bachelors degree in social sciences and
social work. My mom has always told us we could do anything we put our minds to.
She is my influence for most of the things I do and accomplish. I don’t know if I have
a second person that I admire, it’s more like a representation of anyone who
donates their time or money to helping abused or suffering animals. I have the
softest spot in my heart for all things cute and fuzzy. This represents that I believe in
being kind and generous and putting other things/people before yourself.
3. I don’t believe morality is universal because everyone has different beliefs and
values. I don’t necessarily think some people’s morals are right but who am I to
judge them. People in some Middle Eastern cultures definitely don’t have the same
morals as I do. They may think my morals are backwards and I might think some of
theirs are backwards as well.
4. The five elements of morality are harm, fairness, community, authority, and
purity. I believe Americans ranks harm, community and authority first. Usually
when I harmful crime is committed people in a community come together to solve
or support. We also take authority and find justice. Americans (good ones anyway)
fight against abuse and injustice don’t to the innocent and lean on each other for
support during good and bad times.