The I..F.. Media Kit - The Other Guys Theatre Company

Media Release
Other Guys Theatre company presents
The Incompleat Folksinger by Pete Seeger
Mark Hellman is Pete Seeger in the Other Guys Theatre company adaptation of
Seeger’s, The Incompleat Folksinger.
“A good song reminds us what we’re fighting for.” Pete Seeger was a folk singer,
political activist, and a key figure in the American folk music revival. He sang in
defense of the poor, the oppressed, and the exploited; and always to enliven and
encourage, to delight, and to tell tales. Through his own words and music (and
Mark Hellman’s inspiring performance) share Seeger’s stories, his battles, and
his favourite songs.
Directed by Ross Desprez with musical direction by Tobin Stokes and lighting
design by Rebekah Johnson.
Media Response
“…beautiful tunes, accomplished storytelling and an immense heart.”
REVIEW, by Janis Lacouvée, Victoria BC
“The audience joined Hellman in song, adding support to his banjo and
guitar work on folk staples. Hellman communicated Seeger’s folksy charm
with a raised eyebrow or under-his-breath chuckle - imbuing some of the
quieter moments with the poise of a pro.” REVIEW, by Mike Devlin, Victoria
Times Colonist
Artists available for interviews.
Please contact:
Mary Desprez
Company Manager
Other Guys Theatre