EGG EXPERIMENT________DUE______________ (This sheet is


EGG EXPERIMENT________DUE______________

(This sheet is a rough draft and cannot be turned in for the assignment)

Students will perform the Egg- Experiment described below at home and complete the Lab Write Up. The lab write up must be typed and have all six steps listed and completed in the correct order. In order to get an “A” you must also attach a bar or line graph showing the changes in the circumference or photographs of the changes in the eggs throughout the process.

PURPOSE: 1.To use qualitative and quantitative observations to describe how different liquids affect a raw egg?

2. To learn how to perform an experiment and properly prepare a scientific lab write up.

You will place a raw egg into various liquids for different periods of time. This experiment will take approximately 5 days. You will make quantitative and qualitative observations throughout the process describing how the liquids affect the raw eggs circumference, texture and color. You will follow all directions carefully and then prepare a lab write up to share your steps and results.

HYPOTHESIS: Describe how you think the various acids and liquids will affect the circumference, color and texture of the raw eggs?

Vinegar- I think vinegar will affect the egg by…….

Corn Syrup- I think corn syrup will affect the egg by…..

Water- I think water will affect the egg by…..

Food Coloring – I think food coloring will affect the egg by…..


Two Raw Eggs ( in case one cracks) * Bowl

Vinegar (white vinegar, apple cider, or balsamic work best)

 Water

* Measuring Tape (use centimeters)

* Food Coloring (any color)

* Corn Syrup


Measure the circumference of the uncooked eggs. Write down the measurement and any other observations you make.

Carefully place the eggs into a bowl of vinegar, cover and leave for two days. Eggs can be left on counter or in fridge.

Remove eggs and rinse gently under tap water. All of the shell should be gone now. Measure the eggs circumference, record and write down any other observations you make regarding how the egg has changed including texture and color. You really need to be careful with the egg, as it is still raw. If you burst the outer skin, it will make a big mess.

Place Egg into Corn Syrup leave overnight, remove, rinse and measure again, record and make observations.

Place Egg into water leave overnight, remove, rinse and measure again, record and make observations.

Add food coloring (your choice of color) into the water. Place the egg into the colored water. Leave overnight, rinse and measure, record and write down any other observations you make.

You have now completed the lab. Carefully crack the egg in the sink and make observations! 

DATA: (measure and label in centimeters)

Starting Circumference Vinegar Corn Syrup Water

Egg A

Egg B

Other observations

 What did the egg look like when you cracked into the sink at the end of the experiment?

Food Coloring

CONCLUSION: Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences!!!!!


What is a hypothesis? When are you supposed to make your hypothesis? Is it ok for your hypothesis to be wrong?

Explain your answers.


Why do you think it was important to place the raw egg into vinegar before the other liquids? What happened to the shell of the egg while it was sitting in the vinegar and what caused the vinegar to do this to the shell of the egg?


Why do you think it was important for you to have a starting circumference before you began the rest of the experiment?


Why was it important to record your data right away into your data table?


Why do you think some liquids caused the egg to get bigger, some smaller and some did not change the circumference?


Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative observations and give an example of each from the experiment.


Did you enjoy doing this experiment? Explain.
