Sam Mohnkern Final Presentation

Group Dynamics:
Discovering ways to bring people together!
What is a group?
“A group is an aggregate of individuals standing in certain
descriptive (i.e. observable) relations to each other. The kinds
of relations exemplified will, of course, depend upon, or
determine, the kind of group, whether it be a family, an
audience, a committee, a labor union, or a crowd.”
(Cartwright & Zander)
Two Types of Group Functions
1. The achievement of some specific group goal
Initiates action
Keeps members' attention on the goal
Clarifies the issue
Develops a procedural plan evaluates the quality of the
work done
Makes expert information available
Two Types of Group Function
2. The maintenance or strengthening of the
group itself
Keeps interpersonal relations pleasant
Arbitrates disputes
Provides encouragement
Gives the minority a chance to be heard
Stimulates self direction
Increases the interdependence among members.
How to facilitate
• Members may facilitate in different ways
– They will be task oriented and sacrifice all to reach
the goal.
• Risks: Damaging team dynamics, cohesiveness and
interpersonal relations.
– They will be focused on working together as a
cohesive group and working towards a goal as a
• Risks: Goal may not come to fruition because members
were too focused on the cohesiveness.
How to Develop Unity in Groups
• Group Games
• Ice Breakers
• Team Builders
Marshmallow Towers
• Materials
– Marshmallows (1 bag per team), toothpick (1
package per team), stopwatch
• Instructions
– Each team will get a bag of marshmallows and a
package of toothpicks. The activity supervisor will
give the allotted time for the activity. Each team
will try to build the strongest and tallest tower
they can with the time they are given.
Great Egg Drop
• Materials
– One egg per team, duct tape, scraps of cardboard,
packing peanuts, tissue paper, and cotton balls.
• Instructions
– Distribute the egg, tape and other material to each
team. Each team will be given a certain amount of
time to build a safety structure around their egg. Once
the structure is built each team’s structure will be
tested to ensure the safety of the egg. The structure
will then be dropped from the highest possible point
in the room. Unwrap the structures and find out who’s
structure protected their egg and left it unbroken.
Photo Scavenger Hunt at the Zoo
• Materials:
– Camera, lists of animals at the zoo
• Instructions:
– Develop a list of animals from the zoo. Have the
teams disperse with their group
leaders/photographers into the zoo. First team to
complete the list of photo requirements with
every team member present in the photos, wins.
• Cartwright, D. & Zander, A. Group Dynamics:
Research and Theory, 3rd ed. pg, 45, 306-307.