Aerospace Sensors Working Group


NASA-Industry Aeronautics Sensors Working Group (ASWG)


• The purpose of this working group is to collect and disseminate knowledge on sensors needs and priorities, sensor technology gaps, as well as fundamental pre-competitive sensor technology developments

• This is a forum for information exchange between government and industry

• Share best practices about pre-competitive developments and capabilities that will advance the cause of affordable sensing technologies for the improvement of aeronautic systems

• Information sharing o We envision that information that is shared among the entire group is non-proprietary and publicly available. o Export controlled data is not the topic of this working group. o No expectation of information safeguarding is implied or expected. o Participants can share proprietary information among themselves following whatever practices the individual participants require to safeguard intellectual property. o Working groups which concentrate on specific sensor issues may be formed if desired by members of the ASWG.

ASWG Concept of Operations

• Participation is open only to US entities.

• Participation is expected from technology developers and users.

• Participation is voluntary and independent of past, current, or future contractual participation with NASA.

• This working group is not Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) activity.

• Group will help maintain awareness of sensor development activities from academia and organizations such as the National Science Foundation.

• It is envisioned that this group will meet at least once per year in person, with additional meetings as necessary. The additional meetings may be telecons or other virtual arrangements.
