Chap 7 RR -

Ashlyn Gibeaut
Chap 7 RR
Question: Explain how zero reject, the IEP, the LRE help to bring about FAPE
Zero reject states that no student can not be allowed to attend school based
on a disability. Students that fall under this category would qualify for Free
Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Zero reject helps to bring FAPE to the picture
because all of these students with disabilities can attend school with the rest of the
school age population.
Individualized Education Program (IEP) allows for FAPE because each
student that has special needs can get the specific learning that they need through
the IEP. These are geared directly at the student; for example, if the student is in 4th
grade but has a 1st grade reading level and IEP will help the student improve their
reading skills but also maintain what the main objective is from the reading that is
being done in the regular classroom. This allows a student to still receive the
appropriate education that is required for all students.
The least restrictive environment (LRE) helps to bring about FAPE because it
allows for the students to be in the most conducive learning environment. If the
students do not need the resource room or the special education classroom for the
entire day they are place in the mainstream student body. This allows for the
special needs student to be in the least restrictive environment ultimately providing
the free and appropriate public education that is required.