
Tietoa valmistajille ja maahantuojille
Suomessa markkinoilla olevien tuotteiden koostumustietojen toimittaminen Myrkytystietokeskukseen
Myrkytysriskin arvioinnissa ja ensiapuohjeiden antamisessa tarvittavat tiedot ovat tuotteen vaaraa aiheuttavat
aineosat, pH ja yleiset ominaisuudet (olomuoto, väri, haju).
Nämä luottamukselliset tiedot, käyttöturvallisuustiedotteet tai kemikaalitietojen ilmoituslomakkeet
Myrkytystietokeskukselle toimittaa yleensä tuotteen valmistaja tai toiminnanharjoittaja, joka vastaa tuotteen
luovuttamisesta markkinoille.
Tiedot voi toimittaa Myrkytystietokeskukseen pdf-tiedostoina tai Word-dokumentteina sähköpostilla osoitteeseen
myrkytys(at) Paperitulosteet tai CD:lle tallennetut tiedot voi lähettää osoitteeseen
PL 790
00029 HUS
In Finnish Poison Information Centre, we give information about risks, symptoms and treatment
in cases of acute poisonings by telephone and to be able to provide advice in these poisoning
cases we collect information about the composition of products.
The contact details of the Finnish Poison Information Centre are allowed to state in the Material
Safety Data Sheets and the product labels with no costs, but if you choose to do so, it is very
important, that we can get the information about the composition of the product, also the
harmless ones.
At the minimum, the relevant information for correct assessment and treatment of acute
poisonings includes the ingredients and physical and chemical properties (i.e. pH, physical
state, colour, odour) of the product. All the information is confidential.
However, to avoid a large amount of detailed data transmission, if the chemical notification of
the product have been submitted to the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency, we can get the
information about your products as Poison Information Centre do have an access to the Product
Register of Chemicals. Enterprises or their representatives are obliged to submit information on
chemicals, which are on the market or in use in Finland and are classified as dangerous to
health or the environment or as causing fire and explosion hazards to the Finnish Safety and
Chemical Agency, Tukes. You can have more information about these obligations and demands
submitting the information on chemicals and the current CLP regulations at their website
In cases, the notification of the product need not be submitted to the Product Register or there is
in addition some other information available for the correct risk assessment of acute poisoning,
we ask you to send the confidential product declarations or Material Safety Data Sheets to us.
You can send this information by post as paper prints or files saved on a mass storage device
or by e-mail.
Poison Information Centre (Myrkytystietokeskus in Finnish language)
P.O.BOX 790
00029 HUS (Helsinki)
tel. +358 9 471 977 (direct) or +358 9 4711 (exchange), 24 hours
fax. +358 9 471 74702