June Newsletter 2014

That Couple
Residents enjoyed
listening to songs by
Doris Day performed
by Annette and
Rickard, bringing
back memories of
their past.
Residents tried
their hand at
knitting or making
pom pom balls out
of wool.
The New Chambers Cafe
Residents attended The New Chambers Café this
month located in Sutherland. Residents enjoyed
eating a variety of traditional Greek meals for
lunch in an outdoor setting.
Residents Birthdays in
Happy Birthday to
those residents
celebrating their
birthday this
June Morris – 5th
Damoulakis – 21st
Keith Shade – 26th
Important Dates & Reminders
SHOPPING 6th, 16th, & 27th June
HAIRDRESSER 10th& 24th June
DENTIST 17th June
Monday to Friday
with Carla from 1pm-3pm.
DSS approved additional two beds effective date 1/6/2014
Additional staff appointed:
- Kitchen (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
- RAO (afternoon)
- Weekend (support)
- Environmental/housekeeping (1 full time)
- Preventative Maintenance (1 full time)
Staff Profile: Meet our new Registered Nurse: Cindy
Engagement: Monday – Friday (7:30am-12:30pm)
Registered Nurse: Lorenzo
Engagement: Monday – Friday (12pm- 8pm),
Saturday/Sunday – On Call
Winter Health Tips
Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious virus that is spread by coughs and
sneezes and mainly affects the lungs.
Every year it causes widespread illness in the Australian community,
typically between June and September.
There are several different strains of flu (including Swine and Avian),
many of which you and your family can be effectively immunized
What it influenza?
Flu is an acute viral illness that mainly affects the respiratory system.
Symptoms usually start with a sudden onset of chills, shakes, headache,
aching, fever and dry cough. Your body's immune system most often deals
with the virus within a few weeks but it can cause severe illness and lifethreatening complications especially in the elderly and people with heart or
lung disease.
It is quite different from a bad cold and the only way to be certain that
someone has flu is to either collect a nose or throat swab or a blood test.
Once a person has recovered from a bout of flu they are usually immune for it
for that season.
There are several strains of flu virus including types A, B and C. Swine and
avian flu are examples of this and can be particularly dangerous as a
person's immune system has no existing defenses to it. All flu strains are
continuously changing and developing resistance to immunizations.
Treatment of flu aims to minimize the symptoms including bed rest, pain
killers to reduce fever and plenty of fluids.
Also anti-viral medication can help reduce the duration of the flu but it must
be taken within 48 hours of the first symptoms showing.
Who influenza affects
People of all ages get the flu. In general people affected by the flu is between
5-10 per cent but in bad years it can be up to 20 per cent however in places
such as nursing homes it can two-three times higher.
How to prevent influenza
Avoiding people with flu and washing hands helps but the most effective
prevention is a flu vaccination. A flu vaccination will usually give you a year's
immunity to that particular strain of flu. It isn't 100 per cent effective but
when the vaccination matches the existing flu strain it is 70-80 per cent
effective in both healthy children and adults.
Save money on Vitamin D supplements.
Once a year Vitamin D injections are available ($35 with an
authorized prescription), discuss with Majestic’s Registered
Prolia – Bi-annual injection (Pensioner - $6, Non-Pensioner $36.90*with an authorized prescription*, Private - $300.40*
no script*) discuss with Majestic’s Registered Nurses.
Clinical team is organizing bone density testing for all
Majestic residents at St George Division of General Practice.
More information shall be forwarded when information has
been received.
Majestic Health Aged Care
has been nominated for the
2014 St George Best Local Business
Award in the Community Services
Outcome to be reported upon Kogarah Council