Name: Study Guide Cells/Organelles/Microscopes Part A. Cells and

Name: ____________________
Study Guide Cells/Organelles/Microscopes
Part A. Cells and Cell Theory
1. What is the cell theory? State the three sections of the cell
theory below.
a. All cells come from pre-existing cells
b. The cell is the basic unit of structure or function of all living
c. All living organisms are made up of one or more cells
2. What did the following men do that increased our understanding of cells?
a. Anton Von Leeuwenhoek discovered “animalcules” in the pond
b. Robert Hooke given credit for discovering cells
c. Schleiden discovered that all plants are made up of cells
d. Schwann discovered that all animals are made up of cells
e. Virchow developed the theory that all cells come from other cells
3. What do all cells have in common?
a. cell membrane
b. cytoplasm
c. ribosomes
d. DNA
4. What are the two major classes of cells?
a. Prokaryotes
b. Eukaryotes
5. What is the major difference between the two classes of cells you identified in
question 4?
Prokaryotes do not have organelles or a defined nucleus.
Eukaryotes have organelles and nucleus.
6. List some of the differences between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell?
You can make a table if you want to.
Older ~3.5 billion
Smaller 1-10 um
No organelles or nucleus
Younger ~1.5 billion
2-1000 um
organelles and nucleus
7. What do the following organelles do for the cell? What is the definition for
Control center, directs all the cells
Organelle in the nucleus that produces
Cell membrane
Regulates what enters and leaves the cell,
acts as a boundary
Cell wall
Extra protection
Organelle that breaks down bacteria, old
worn out cell parts, sugars etc
Golgi apparatus
Modifies, packages and ships out proteins
Produces proteins, not a true organelle
Structure used for movement
Central vacuole
Large organelle in plants that holds water,
enzymes and waste products
Smooth er
Membranes that produces lipids,
hormones, detoxifies alcohol and drugs
Rough er
Membranes that make proteins and move
the proteins around the cell
Where all the chemical reactions take
place in the cell. Cytoplasm is made up of
cytosol and organelles
Organelle that uses the energy of the sun,
chlorophyll and enzymes to produce
Made up of microtubules and
microfilaments this aids with structure
and support
Organelle that provides the cell with
energy. Powerhouse
8. What are some of the major differences between an animal cell and a plant cell?
Plant cell has a cell wall, central vacuole and chloroplasts. Animal
cells have lysosomes, centrioles and some have flagella
9. Where do you find ribosomes?
Ribosomes are round free floating in the cytoplasm and
attached to the membranes of the rough ER
10. Why are ribosomes NOT considered to be true organelles?
Ribosomes are not true organelles because they are NOT membrane bound
structures. The large subunit and the small subunit will dissemble once the
protein has been produced.
11. What type of cell would you expect to find hundreds/thousands of mitochondria
in? Why?
Cells that require a large amount of energy all the time would have many
mitochondria in them. Cell examples would be sperm cells (swim to the egg)
and muscle cells.
12. What type of cell would you expect to find a lot of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in?
Cells that detoxify poisons and break down alcohol would have a lot of smooth er (liver
cells for example) Also cells that excrete (ship) lipids would have a lot of smooth er.
(hormones )
13. What is unique about the mitochondria and chloroplast?
Both of these organelles contain their own DNA, which might indicate that they were
organisms that once were able to live on their own.
14. Why did it take so long for us to discover the golgi apparatus?
Golgi was not discovered until technology improved, better microscopes. The golgi
was considered to be part of the endoplasmic reticulum.