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Learning Plan 2
Identify Basic Nutrition Concepts
In order to plan and implement menus, a dietary manager needs to master nutrition
concepts. An understanding of basic nutrients is also essential for planning modified
Learning Materials/Objects
Becky Rude – Power Point: Identify Basic Nutrition Concepts
Protein Foods Tip Sheet, USDA
Salt and Sodium Foods Tip Sheet, USDA
ADA Fact Sheets on Healthy Fats, Carbohydrate, and Fiber
Worksheet : Identify Basic Nutrition Concepts
Food labels. Description: Food labels from products such as whole wheat bread,
crackers, chips.
Pictures of foods containing a variety of nutrients.
Assessment Task #2 – Personal Journal.
Robin Gaines – Lesson Review Questions
Target Competency
Identify Basic Nutrition Concepts
You will demonstrate your competence:
in the classroom
you identify six nutrient groups
Identify six groups of nutrients
in a written assignment
in the field (clinical) setting
using resources provided by the instructor
Your performance will be successful when:
you list energy content of nutrients
you display examples of nutrient-dense foods
you follow directions
you complete required tasks on time
Learning Objectives
Define Calorie
List the energy content of nutrients
Differentiate between simple and complex carbohydrates
Explain nutrient density of foods
Calculate energy content of a simple food
Learning Activities
_____1. BRAINSTORM how many different nutrients you can name.
_____2. ATTEND a lecture on six groups of nutrients, energy content of specified
nutrients, and nutrient density of foods.
_____3. DEVELOP a definition for Calorie.
_____4. PARTICIPATE in a group discussion to classify foods on menu according to
nutrient density.
_____5. REVIEW MyPyramid and Choose MyPlate from Learning Plan 1.
CATEGORIZE each MyPlate section according to the six nutrient groups.
_____6. CALCULATE own daily nutrient recommendations for dietary planning based
on the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). (see Appendix B in the nutrition
_____7. DIFFERENTIATE between simple and complex carbohydrates on a label of a
product such as whole wheat bread, whole wheat crackers, etc.
_____8. COMPLETE a worksheet to identify basic nutrition concepts and to calculate
calorie content.
_____9. COMPLETE a personal journal related to Choose MyPlate and Daily Values.
Assessment Activities
_____1. SUBMIT the Basic Nutrition Concepts worksheet; it is 100% correct and
_____2. SUBMIT journal pages related to Choose MyPlate and Daily Values; entries
meet the Assessment Task #2 - Journal-Personal Diet Reflections.