Setting Goals and Modeling Behavior PowerPoint

Setting Goals &
Modeling Healthy Behavior
Setting Goals
Make them manageable and
Start small and try not to focus
on too many things at once.
Make a plan.
Write it down and give yourself a
Know your resources and
support system.
Don’t expect perfection.
Small Steps
Can still reap huge health benefits without making
huge changes!
Ideas for small steps:
 Lose 5 pounds.
 Replace one sugary beverage a day with a glass of water.
 Add one serving of low-fat or non-fat dairy each day.
 Take a 15 minute walk each day at lunch.
Personalized nutrition and activity plan.
Set and keep track of goals.
Remember to log on daily to keep motivated.
Track food intake and physical activity.
Revise and set new goals
as needed.
2010 Dietary Guidelines
Selected Messages:
 Enjoy your food, but eat less.
 Avoid oversized portions.
 Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
 Make at least half your grains whole grains.
 Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk.
 Compare sodium in foods and choose the foods with
lower numbers.
 Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
Eat Smart
Important to balance healthy eating habits
and physical activity for better health.
Pay attention to what you eat and how much.
MyPlate – visual representation of the 2010
Dietary Guidelines.
What are some ways that you can Eat Smart
and encourage your students to do the same?
Eat at Regular Intervals
Do you eat breakfast and lunch everyday?
Encourage students to make healthy choices
and not skip meals.
Adequate nutrition can help both children and
adults stay alert throughout the day.
Portion vs. Serving Size
 A portion is the amount of
food that you CHOOSE to
 A serving is a standard,
MEASURED amount used
in determining the
number of calories and
nutrients in food.
Incorporate Nutrition Messages into
Let students know that
making healthy choices
fits into all aspects of life.
Talk with students about
how to help keep their
bodies healthy.
Provide an environment that supports and
encourages healthy choices.
Refrain from Using Food as
Food should be enjoyed as
nourishment for the body and not
seen as either a reward or a punishment.
 Use non-food items or incentives as a reward for
 Avoid withholding treats other students are
receiving as a punishment.
Could lead to negative relationships with food
in the future.
Play Hard
Adults need to play hard too! Aim for 30
minutes of physical activity most days.
Children should get at least 60 minutes of
physical activity each day.
Find something you enjoy doing and let
children see that you enjoy being active.
Being a Healthy Role Model
Children learn from what they see.
Practice what you preach.
Make healthy choices fun.
Don’t criticize yourself.
Being a Classroom Role Model
Do not drink soda in front of children.
Participate in tasting activities.
Offer healthy options for class parties.
Eat meals and snacks with the children.
Incorporate nutrition education and
opportunities for physical activity into daily
Praise children making healthy choices.
Get moving with the kids!
Educating Parents
Healthy messages should be
reinforced between classroom and
Provide information in
newsletters, on website, or sent
home with children.
Help parents overcome challenges
of healthy eating and being
physically active.
Creating a Healthy Environment
To make healthy choices, children must have
an environment that encourages these
All areas of the school should provide clear
and consistent messages reinforcing healthy
eating and physical activity.
Find ways to help make your
school environment healthier.
Support Wellness by Being a Healthy
Role Model!
Children and adolescents are making choices
now that will affect the rest of their lives.
By making healthy choices for yourself, you
are being a great role model and showing
students that you care about the choices they
make as well!