Fiction 5 Plan - Hamilton Trust

Y2: Summer Term
Whole class teaching
Wk 1
Fiction: Plan 5A - Quest Stories
Spoken language
Read Lost and Found to chn before starting this unit. Keep The Way Back home as unseen until it is used in the teaching session.
Introduce the genre: quest stories as
Reread opening pages of Lost & Found,
Unseen text: Introduce The
Share story map created for Lost
stories about a journey with a goal,
comparing with 1st sequence card text.
Way Back Home as another
and Found. Discuss features of
which requires the characters to
What is different? Remind chn that stories quest story. What might chn
quest stories and discuss how
overcome obstacles. Remind chn of
are usually in past tense as action has
expect from this book? Read
each obstacle and its solution
Lost and Found, rereading if needed.
already happened. Present tense is for
and display the first few pages
moves the plot on. Ask chn how
Sit chn in a circle and show them Story what is happening now. Ask chn about
up to '...take it out for a go right a reader might feel if an obstacle
Sequence Cards (see resources).
what is happening now: We are sitting
away'. Explain that we can't
was presented but not solved.
Explain that the cards are jumbled and /The sun shines. Record on f/c. How would always know what will happen
Explain that story maps are good
that chn need to work together to
it sound if it was about yesterday? Rewrite in the future but we can make
ways of thinking about the
order them. Read each card aloud and sentences in past tense, emphasising
predictions. Draw a crystal ball
structure of stories. Ask chn to
ask chn to think about which cards will changing verb. Make up class actions for
on a f/c and ask chn to predict
discuss where tension is created
be at the beginning, end and middle.
past and present tense so chn look behind
what might happen next. Model in the story map. Agree on a way
Put cards into order and read thro' to
them dramatically for past tense, and put
recording ideas on a post-it and of marking this and record. Can
check. Agree that they have created
hands in air for present tense. Play action
place inside the crystal ball. Ask chn give each moment a tension
the beginnings of a story map,
game where chn show if a sentence is in
chn to explain how they have
rating? Why do chn think writers
showing each event in turn.
past/present tense using the agreed
made their prediction. What
use tension?
Spoken Language 1
actions when teacher says a past/present
clues did they use? Word
Comprehension 3
Comprehension 1
tense sentence.
Grammar 1
Reading 1 /Comprehension 2
Spoken Language 2
Main texts: Lost and Found; The Way Back Home; The Quest
Show chn The Way Back
Home page where the
boy prepares to fly his
plane. Ask chn to recount
partner what he did in full
sentences. Share some
examples and record a
few sentences
emphasising tense. What
if chn had to instruct
someone how to do it?
Chn try this with partner.
What happens to the
tense? Record some
instructions and compare
these to the recount
sentences. Grammar 2
Composition 1
a. Listen and
1. Monday: Exploring events from Lost and Found through drama in small groups
(For class of 30, 10 groups of 3 chn: boy, penguin and additional character or object e.g. iceberg).
appropriately to
Distribute a Story Sequence Card to each group, explaining that each group will explore through drama, acting out the events and
adults and peers
ending in a freeze frame .They should discuss what the characters might be thinking and what these thoughts prompt them to do.
g. Use spoken
Discuss ways to express emotion through body language, facial expression, voice etc. Provide chn with thought bubbles which they must
language to develop
fill in and hold at the moment of freeze frame to show characters' thoughts.
Plenary: Ask chn to share drama scenes with the class. Ask chn what obstacles are overcome at each stage, where each scene is set, and
through speculating,
means of travel (note down). What would happen if you retold the story but forgot an event? Explain that good writers link events
smoothly, giving reasons for why characters act as they do.
imagining and
Create a story map display of Lost and Found, photograph each freeze frame, display with sequence cards and thought bubbles - link
exploring ideas
each with ribbon or string. Add post-its with settings, obstacles & solutions, and transport type.
d. Articulate/ justify
2. Thursday: Working with partner to discuss and draw a story map for The Way Back Home
answers, arguments
Encourage chn to talk about ideas, giving reasons for their thinking. They need to practise listening to others and responding to what
and opinions
has been said. See Comprehension 3
Continue to apply phonic knowledge and skills as the
1. Wednesday: Using phonic knowledge to read an unfamiliar text aloud
route to decode words until automatic decoding has
Remind chn how to apply phonic skills to unfamiliar words
become embedded and reading is fluent
See Comprehension 2
Plenary: see Comprehension 2
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
See resources for:
Story Sequence
Cards (Enlarge to A3 for
whole class work)
Thought Bubbles
Digital camera
Display materials
Y2 Sum Plan 5A
Y2: Summer Term
Fiction: Plan 5A - Quest Stories
Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to
read, vocabulary and understanding by:
 discussing sequence of events in books
and how items of information are related
understand both the books that they can
already read accurately and fluently, and
those that they listen to by:
 checking that the text makes sense to
them as they read and correcting
inaccurate reading
 predicting what might happen on the
basis of what has been read so far
Main texts: Lost and Found; The Way Back Home; The Quest
1. Monday: Sequencing events and discussing how they are related
See Spoken Language 1
2. Wednesday: Paired reading of a new text, sharing and discussing predictions
Explain that chn will be reading a book with a partner or in threes, taking turns to read aloud/along silently.
Each time they get to a post-it they discuss ideas for what might happen next and agree on a written
prediction. Post-it notes can be initialled then placed in the crystal ball. As chn read aloud they listen for
sense and self-correct if needed.
EASY: Work as a TD group. If needed, alternate children and adult reading to enable chn to get a sense of
the story, enabling predictions to be made. Predictions can be adult-scribed.
HARD: Discuss and note down ideas for a sequel
Plenary: Share some of the predictions. Who was right? How does the writer make you want to make
predictions? Which bits of the story were most tense?
For more able classes you could link their predictions to grammar work (future tense)
A set of The Way Back
Home with post-its placed
in pages ending…
‘...his torch began to go
'...settled down to watch.'
'...ever meet again.'
Re-read The Way Back
Home to class outside
session in preparation for
Comprehension 3
Develop pleasure in reading, … etc. by:
3. Thursday: Working with partner to discuss and draw a story map for The Way Back Home
Intro task of creating story map. Agree success criteria with chn, ensuring that chn will discuss ideas together
 discussing sequence of events in books &
before recording story map, including details: settings, transport, obstacles and solutions, tension ratings.
how items of information are related
 participate in discussion about books that Chn create story map, referring to The Way Back Home
they can read for themselves, taking turns Plenary: Share some maps, do chn agree on details? What obstacles did they note? How were they solved? What
journeys did the boy make?
and listening to what others say
1. Tuesday: Playing a miming game and writing sentences in present and past tense
 Use and
Ask chn to play a miming game in pairs. One child mimes an action. The other guesses the action, saying it as part of a present tense sentence
(Anna blows her nose). When the guess is correct, both chn record sentence twice, once as present tense and once as past. Ask chn to
past and
underline the verb in each sentence and agree endings with partner, using a different colour for each tense.
EASY: Encourage lots of verbal practice of game, record examples only when secure.
HARD: Ask chn to come up with a ‘rule’ which often works for changing present tense to past
Plenary: Write headings 'Present' and 'Past' on a f/c. Write some of pairs of verbs from chn's mimes. Underline the -ed endings. Ask chn what
they notice. Most past tense verbs end in -ed (regular). Ones that do not we have to learn (irregular).
2. Friday: Writing instructions in present tense
 As above
See Composition 1
A set of The Way
Back Home
Paper & drawing
Make simple additions, revisions and
corrections to their own writing by:
 re-reading to check that their writing
makes sense and that verbs to indicate
time are used correctly and consistently,
including verbs in the continuous form
Copies of picture of
boy preparing to
fly, from The Way
Back Home for
EASY group
1. Friday: Writing instructions linked to unit texts, paying attention to tense
Chn work independently to write instructions linked to this week's texts
EASY: use page shared in whole class teaching, where each step is structured by pictures to write instructions 'How
to get ready to fly an aeroplane'.
MEDIUM/HARD: choose from writing instructions 'How to prepare for a long journey by rowing boat' or 'How to fix
a broken spaceship engine'.
Plenary: Chn reread writing with a partner checking for sense and tense. Chn edit where needed.
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
Retain flip chart
verb list and add to
as chn come across
further examples in
Y2 Sum Plan 5A
Y2: Summer Term
Whole class teaching
Wk 2
Fiction: Plan 5A - Quest Stories
Main texts: Lost and Found; The Way Back Home; The Quest
Read The Quest to chn before Week 2. Friday before going home would be perfect!
Display The Quest on IWB,
Show chn question cards from last
Display The Quest on page beginning
asking chn to tell a partner
session. What do these sentences have
'They found a torch...'. Read together
what quest stories entail.
in common? How can you recognise a
& focus on the word bottle. How
Remind chn of phonic skills
question? Try saying them. What does
many syllables? Can they clap them?
needed to decode new
your voice do when you ask a question?
Which part of the word is stressed?
words. Locate and display an Record Question on f/c and features.
Write bottle on f/c and split into
example word for chn to
Remind chn of instruction writing last
syllables. Challenge chn to spell on
decode and discuss (e.g.
week. What sort of sentences did chn
whiteboards words that follow this
particular). Reread opening, use? Give some commands (stand up, sit spelling rule: apple, table, sparkle,
up to 'might be very
down etc) and agree that commands
struggle, little, middle, etc. Explain
dangerous...' Explain that
give instructions. Record rules and
that this is the most common way of
writers choose words
examples. Write, then read in a proper
spelling this sound, but that there
carefully to create effects.
monotone, 'I am so excited.' What is
are other ways. Ask chn to read the
Ask chn to spot synonyms
wrong? Explain that voice should show
next page and spot the /l/ sound
for 'said' in text and discuss
strong emotion. How can we write this?
spelt with a different grapheme
what extra info this gives
Discuss and record rules for exclamation (tunnel). Explain that this is less
reader. Record some
sentences. Change punctuation and
commonly used: record and discuss
interesting words and
reread sentence with emotion. Intro
examples: metal, pedal, hospital,
phrases on post-its/paper & statement sentences as those that give
animal, etc. Explain that chn will be
display for future reference. information. They are most commonly
reading a poem with this sound in
Comprehension 4: Group
and spotting the graphemes.
reading/Word reading 2
Grammar 3
Transcription 1
Display and share The Quest on
page beginning 'They set out'. Ask
chn to describe setting to partner.
How do they know? What words
create a picture in their minds?
Remind chn that Quest stories
involve journeys and overcoming
obstacles. Settings are important as
they often provide obstacles &
make the stories exciting. Remind
chn of some of settings from Wk 1.
Share Lost and Found where the
boat is in a storm and discuss.
What words and phrases can they
use to 'paint' the setting? Share
ideas and model recording good
words/phrases. Explain that the
class will be acting as wordpainters this session, collecting rich
descriptive ideas for their own
writing. Composition 2
Spoken Language 3
Display a settings poster from
Thurs and discuss. Tell chn
that they are going to make a
magical journey to that
setting using the chair. Pick a
child to sit, count to 3
explaining that child will be
transported to the place for a
very short time. They should
explore, using all senses & be
ready to answer questions
when they return. Conduct a
theatrical transportation,
prompting child to look
around before returning them
back to class. Ask questions in
past tense, requiring answers
in full sentences and past
tense. Repeat as required,
encouraging interesting vocab
and correct tense, referring to
poster for ideas.
Composition 3/ Grammar 4
g. Use spoken language to develop
understanding through speculating,
hypothesising, imagining, exploring ideas
c. Use relevant strategies to build their
Develop pleasure in reading, motivation
to read, vocabulary, understanding by:
Discussing their favourite words and
Understand both the books that they can
already read accurately and fluently, &
those that they listen to by:
Answering and asking questions
3. Thursday: discussing & describing settings, using adventurous language
Chn will be describing settings trying to draw on new as well as existing vocabulary. This means that they
need to listen to teachers or adults and also to the ideas and descriptive phrases of other children. This is a
chance to extend their vocabulary and brainstorm some really original ways of describing a setting.
See Composition 2
4. Monday: Guided and paired reading activities
EASY GUIDED GROUP A: Adult led. Chn read aloud, discuss and support decoding of more difficult words.
Discuss questions once relevant page has been read, encouraging rereading to check answers in text.
MEDIUM/HARD GUIDED GROUP B: Adult led. Chn read aloud, discussing questions at short intervals.
Encourage rereading to check answers and 'highlighting' (with a finger) the evidence supporting answers.
INDEPENDENT PAIRED READERS: in pairs, chn read The Quest, taking turns to read pages aloud. Supported by
Reading Task Cards (2 levels), chn write quiz questions and the answers based on text. Chn can record in preexisting reading journals or on index cards with Q and A on opposite sides.
Plenary: Try some of Q&A cards, recording both Q&A correctly punctuated on f/c for next session.
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
See resources for:
Reading Task Cards A&B
Guided Group Questions Adult Prompt Sheets A&B
Index cards
A half class set of The
Y2 Sum Plan 5A
Word reading
Y2: Summer Term
Fiction: Plan 5A - Quest Stories
Main texts: Lost and Found; The Way Back Home; The Quest
Word Reading
2. Monday: Guided and paired reading activities
Chn use phonic skills to decode unfamiliar words. Encourage chn also to
 continue to apply phonic knowledge & skills as the route to decode words until
use other word attack skills if appropriate, for example reading past an
automatic decoding has become embedded & reading is fluent
unknown word or looking for grammatical clues.
 read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain the graphemes
See Comprehension 4
taught so far, especially recognising alternative sounds for graphemes
1. Wednesday: Find and spell the /l/ or /Əl/ sound spelt le, el, al at the end of words
Distribute The Incredible Quest Poem and ask chn to read in pairs aloud. Ask chn to listen out for the /l/ sound at the end
 learning new ways of spelling
of words - there are lots. Chn should mark the words, using a different colour highlighter for each grapheme. Explain that
phonemes for which one or
there is a third /l/ grapheme which they might spot.
more spellings are known, and
Extension: Chn pick a word from the poem ending in /l/ which they think is tricky. Both take 30 seconds to learn it, then
learn some words with each
test each other. Chn can score points for correct spelling.
spelling, including a few
Plenary: Collect the words in 3 grapheme groups and record for future use. Chn can add further examples from their
common homophones
reading as they encounter them.
 apply spelling rules/guidelines
3. Tuesday: Sort and write four types of sentence
 learning how to use sentences
Chn engage in the task of sorting sentences into 4 types, using f/c guide from whole-class teaching to support.
with different forms:
EASY: Sentence Sort A: Sort sentences from The Quest (punctuation present). Stick an example of each type in book.
statement, question,
MEDIUM: Sentence Sort B: Sort sentences from The Quest (punctuation present). Write examples of each type in book.
exclamation, command
HARD: Sentence Sort C: sort sentences from The Quest (partial punctuation). Write in book, punctuated correctly.
Plenary: Write the word 'Help' on f/c. Can chn say it in 4 ways to match 4 sentence types? How would each type be
punctuated? Why might writers use a range of sentences?
 Use and distinguish past and
present tense
consider what they are going to
write before beginning by:
 writing down ideas and/or key
words, including new
4. Friday: Write a description in past tense
Chn are choosing to use past tense in their writing. See Composition 3
2. Thursday: Generate words and phrases to describe settings
Set up: each table provides stimulus for a different setting type. On each table: a large piece of paper; photos of that
setting type; pens; post-its for collecting ideas from around the classroom; prompt cards.
Encourage chn to discuss/describe the setting before recording ideas on the large paper. Once chn have exhausted ideas,
allow groups to move to each table in turn, reading posters and adding ideas of their own.
Plenary: Each group presents their favourite 3 words/phrases to class, saying why they are effective. Explain that each of
the posters is a treasure chest which they can take ideas from for their writing. Display.
 encapsulating what they want
to say, sentence by sentence
3. Friday: Write a description of a setting, in past tense
Chn pick a setting and imagine travelling to that place, using their observations to describe it, in full past-tense sentences.
Allow time for role-play and discussion with a partner before writing activities. Model & encourage verbal rehearsal before
writing each sentence.
EASY: Read questions carefully, write answers straight on to question cards and reread to check sense.
MEDIUM: Choose from question prompts, write answers in full sentences and reread to check sense.
HARD: TD Guided write a letter describing the setting to a pen friend. Challenge chn to organise it into paragraphs.
Plenary: Ask chn to highlight their most interesting sentence then read to a partner. What makes it a good sentence?
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The Incredible Quest
Highlighter pens
Sentence Sort A,B,C
copied onto card and
cut into strips
Settings photographs
Prompt cards
Large pieces of paper
A range of coloured
Access to all post-its/
ideas collected &
displayed so far
Prepare a 'magic'
chair (cover in a
fabric, tinsel etc).
EASY: Question cards
MED: Question
Settings posters
Highlighter pens
Y2 Sum Plan 5A
Y2: Summer Term
Spoken language
Whole class teaching
Wk 3
Fiction: Plan 5A - Quest Stories
Intro task: chn to write own Quest
stories. Recap Quest features and
make sure these are on display.
Explain that today's session will be
for planning their story. Remind
chn of story maps created in wk 1.
Chn must decide where the journey
will lead, what obstacles will be
met and what the goal will be. You
may decide to give chn characters,
to allow focus to be on plot (Mali &
Sarah for example). Look at/read
We're Going on a Bear Hunt, as
this works well as a model ‘quest’
with a series of obstacles linked to
settings. Shared plan an exciting
Quest story with chn. Review Quest
features. Have you included them
all? Composition 4/Spoken L 4
Agree criteria for story opening:
intro characters and setting.
Model writing the introduction to
class Quest story, making
mistakes with tense. Can chn spot
the error and correct it? Remind
chn of how The Quest used a
question to draw reader in. Can
chn think of questions that they
can use? Record some generic
ones for chn to use if stuck
(Where could they find the
lost...? etc.). Ask chn to rehearse
the opening to their own stories,
referring to story maps.
Challenge chn to work with a
partner to compose a question
and record on their plan.
Composition 5/Grammar 5
Main texts: Lost and Found; The Way Back Home; The Quest
Agree criteria for the middle of the
story: a series of increasing
obstacles, which must be overcome.
Model writing an obstacle. Remind
chn of how The Quest used
exclamation sentences to show
emotion/excitement. Model
rereading and inserting some of
these sentences, possibly as
dialogue. Discuss the problem of too
many exclamations and agree on a
limit. Ask chn to rehearse the first
obstacle in their own stories,
referring to story maps. Challenge
chn to work with a partner to
compose an exclamation sentence
and to record it on their plan.
Composition 6/Grammar 6
Think back to Lost and Found. How
would chn feel if story stopped
when the boy and penguin parted
at the S. Pole? Explain that stories
are disappointing when they stop
abruptly and are boring when they
go on too long (home for tea etc).
Ask chn to look at plans to see
where their stories should stop.
Has goal been met? Is there a
rounded feel? (The reader knows
that life will return to normal/or
changed forever? Agree criteria for
the middle of the story & ask chn
to rehearse the ending to their
stories, referring to story maps.
Display some example 'ending
sentences' to support.
Composition 7
Ask chn to think back to first
hearing 3 Quest stories. What
makes a good reading?
Model some dreadful
performances (with willing
volunteers if available) and
use to compile a guide of dos
& don'ts for reading aloud,
including what to do if your
audience loses interest. Allow
chn to practise reading
sections of their story to a
peer. Allocate points for each
do/don't to allow for scoring.
Explain that chn will be
reading stories to a younger
class and testing out the
guide. Composition 8
Spoken Language 5
j. Gain, maintain and monitor
the interest of the listener(s)
b. Ask relevant questions
f. Maintain attentions and
participate actively in
collaborative conversations.
h. Speak audibly and fluently
l. Select appropriate registers
g. Gain and maintain interest
 Learn how to use sentences
with different forms:
statement, question,
exclamation, command
 Learn how to use familiar and
new punctuation including
question marks.
4. Monday: Planning a quest story using a story map
Allow discussion time, while chn decide on goal, destination & obstacles. Encourage to use settings posters to
support. Provide Story Map sheets for those who need them, otherwise allow chn to take their pencil for a walk and
be flexible in how they plan. Prompt chn to increase size of obstacles to a climax before characters reach the goal.
Plenary: Chn present their plan to a writing partner and peer-assess to see if the plan meets the Quest story
requirements. EASY: present in a group Adult led.
4. Friday: Reading their story to a younger child
Before session, remind chn of the tips for reading aloud and discuss attention span of younger children and how chn
will need to work at keeping an engaging pace and tone. See Composition 8
5. Tuesday: Posing question sentences to intrigue the reader in story
In writing their opening, chn need to think about the question that their quest is going to answer. E.g. Where is the
lost….? They should be aware that they can choose to being with a question, and that then they will be writing
statements and exclamations with appropriate punctuation. See Composition 5
6. Wednesday: Writing exclamation sentences to show excitement/strong emotion in story
In writing their stories, chn will use exclamations and also statements. They should monitor their own writing so
that they don’t use too many exclamations! They also need to ensure that they are starting each sentence with a
capital letter and ending it with the appropriate mark: full stop or exclamation or question mark.
See Composition 6
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
See Composition 8
See Composition 5
See Composition 6
Y2 Sum Plan 5A
Y2: Summer Term
consider what they are going to write
before beginning by:
 Planning or saying out loud what
they are going to write about
 Writing down key ideas including
new vocabulary
make simple additions, revisions and
corrections to their own writing by:
 Re-reading to check that their
writing makes sense and that verbs
to indicate time are used correctly
and consistently
Develop positive attitudes towards and
stamina for writing by:
 Writing narratives about personal
experiences and those of others
(real and fictional)
 Encapsulating what they want to say
sentence by sentence
Make simple additions, revisions and
corrections to their own writing by:
 Evaluating their writing with teacher
and other pupils
 Proof-reading to check for errors in
spelling, grammar and punctuation
(e.g. ends of sentences punctuate
 Read aloud what they have written
with appropriate intonation to make
the meaning clear.
Fiction: Plan 5A - Quest Stories
Main texts: Lost and Found; The Way Back Home; The Quest
4. Monday: Planning their own Quest story using a story map
Allow discussion time, while chn decide on goal, destination & obstacles. Encourage to use settings posters to
support. Provide Story Map sheets for those who need them, otherwise allow chn to take their pencil for a
walk and be flexible in how they plan. Prompt chn to increase the size of obstacles to a climax before
characters reach their goal.
Plenary: Chn present their plan to a writing partner and peer-assess to see if the plan meets the Quest story
requirements. EASY: present in a group Adult led.
5. Tuesday: Writing the opening to their own Quest story
Chn work to write opening to own Quest story. Encourage THINK/SAY/WRITE/READ to produce writing which
makes sense and is interesting. Chn should reread whole opening when finished and check that it meets the
agreed criteria.
Plenary: Chn choose their best sentence and highlight it. Read that sentence to a writing partner. Chn find
one sentence which they think they can improve. Work with partner to edit.
Story Map - enlarged to A3 if
Large pieces of paper/pupil
6. Wednesday: Writing the middle part of their Quest story
Chn work to write middle part of story. This will require an extended amount of time for most, so allow for
this in planning.
Chn's story maps from last
Chn's story maps from last
Plenary: Chn reread today's writing, then focus in on exclamation sentences. Are they worthy of an
exclamation mark? Do they need improving? e.g They stood in the mud!→ They were stranded in the swamp!
7. Thursday Writing the ending of their story, reread story as a whole to proof-read
Chn work to complete stories. This should be a short passage of writing, allowing time for chn to reread
writing aloud, as a whole, checking for sense and overall effect. Encourage chn to edit to improve writing,
referring to criteria agreed across the week.
Chn's story maps from last
Plenary: Are chn pleased with stories? Do they lead the reader along like following the line in the map?
Share plans for performance.
8. Friday: Reading story to a younger child
Before session, remind chn of the tips for reading aloud and discuss attention span of younger children and
how chn will need to work at keeping an engaging pace and tone.
Invite a younger class in for a story-reading session.
Plenary: Ask chn to reflect on success of reading session. What score would they give their performance? In
what way could they improve it?
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
Publishing Plans
Chn could record their
readings & create a CD for
the book corner
Type up stories & illustrate
to create a class book
Y2 Sum Plan 5A
Y2: Summer Term
Fiction: Plan 5A - Quest Stories
Main texts: Lost and Found; The Way Back Home; The Quest
Main Texts
Lost and Found, by Oliver Jeffers, Publisher: Harper Collins Children's Books (2006) ISBN-10: 0007150369; ISBN-13: 978-0007150366
The Way Back Home, by Oliver Jeffers, Publisher: Harper Collins Children's Books (2008) ISBN-10: 0007182325 ISBN-13: 978-0007182329
The Quest Hamilton Group Reader available from Hamilton Education in sets of 6.
We're Going on a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosen, Publisher: Walker Books Ltd; New Ed edition (1993) ISBN-10: 0744523230; ISBN-13: 978-0744523232
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© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
Y2 Sum Plan 5A
Y2: Summer Term
Fiction: Plan 5A - Quest Stories
Main texts: Lost and Found; The Way Back Home; The Quest
1. Create a story map as a class
2.Explore and present a story
scene, from shared text
3. Write ideas for what characters
might be thinking
1. Play miming game, focusing on
the verb
2. Write pairs of sentences in past
and present tense
1. Read aloud to a partner, using
phonic knowledge to decode
2. Make & discuss predictions at
key points in the story
1. Create a story map, with a
1. Write instructions, linked to
shared text
2. Write in present tense
1. Guided/paired read shared text
2a. Answer questions, focusing on
information retrieval; effect of
word choice & making inference
2b. Write question and answer
cards based on text
1. Explore 4 types of sentence &
agree rules for use
2. Sort sentences into 4 types
1. Read poem
2. Identify and sort spellings
according to grapheme
3. Choose and learn spellings
1. Discuss ideas in a group
2. Generate descriptive language
3. Evaluate & present work to class
1. Write descriptive sentences
2. Write in past tense
1. Plan a quest story in story map
2. Peer assess plan, using criteria
1. Write opening to story
2. Pose questions to intrigue
3. Evaluate writing and improve
with partner
1. Write middle part of story
2. Write exclamation sentences
3. Self -evaluate and edit writing
1. Write satisfying ending to story
2. Proof-read
3. Evaluate extended writing,
looking for flow
1. Discuss tips for reading aloud
2. Create guide for reading, as a
3.Read own writing in an engaging
4. Reflect on success
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
Y2 Sum Plan 5A