(Executive Summary) Click to

Answering God’s Call and Following an Adventurous Dream
The San Francisco Story
(Executive Summary)
I’m excited to put this proposal in front of you for your prayerful consideration. It is my
hopeful desire that you would read and reflect upon the entire proposal. Yet, I know that
life’s busyness may not afford you that opportunity. Therefore, this concise summary will
highlight the key points of our calling to be missionaries and church planters in the great
city of San Francisco.
Why San Francisco?
Hospitable City – San Franciscans value tolerance and thrive in an ethos where ALL
types of people are equally respected and loved. Historically, San Francisco has been
a migration melting pot of those who seek freedom, fame, pleasure, and identity.
Secular City – San Francisco embodies a pluralist society – embracing and
celebrating various cultures, religions, and lifestyles. Its postmodern ethos makes it a
society where there is no officially approved pattern of belief or conduct. San
Franciscans are open to new ideas and change.
Culturally Influential City – San Francisco is known for having progressive social
policies. By being a safe environment for discussing any issue, San Francisco has
influenced our culture to rethink tradition, politics, justice, morality, sexuality and
Creative City – San Franciscans are creative-doers. They are highly gifted with doing,
inventing, creating, accomplishing and pushing the boundaries in the arts,
environment, science, medicine and politics.
Global Class City – California has always attracted migrating peoples to its shores.
From the beginning, San Francisco (birthplace of the United Nations) has been a
haven to those of foreign descent. According to a Bay Area census, 36.8% of San
Franciscans were born in a country other than the United States. San Francisco is
strategic in reaching the world for Christ.
Economically Influential City – San Francisco is one of the world’s most impressive
metros for global business opportunities, livability, culture, intellectual capital,
transportation and infrastructure, green space, and innovation. According to The
Atlantic,1 San Francisco is the 3rd greatest city in the world. According to Troy and
other city-dwelling friends, San Francisco is the greatest city in the world!
Whom are we trying to reach?
Our calling is to plant a church for the people of San Francisco.
 The Seekers: Those seeking answers to the questions, “Who am I? What went wrong?
Is there any hope?” Those seeking: a new life, refuge, gender identity, financial
power, sexual pleasure, fame, freedom, God.
 The Doer’s: Those newcomers to the city who have come to SF to be successful.
Those people who have been able to stay in the city because they’ve been successful.
 The Young Professionals: Those who live and work throughout the city.
 The “Least of These”: Those suffering from prostitution, poverty, pain, addiction,
human sex-trafficking, and homelessness. San Francisco has the highest number of
homeless inhabitants per capita of any major city in the United States.
 The Families: Families and children that we meet in our neighborhood, at the market,
on the Muni, at the beach, at parks, at school, and on our sports teams.
 The Internationals: Those first generation internationals who are very entrenched
with their religious preference. Those second and third generation internationals who
are open to change regarding their religious preference. “The San Francisco Bay Area
is home to more multiethnic families per capita than anywhere else in the country.”2
Similar to the mythological rising-phoenix, San Franciscans seek to rise above chaos and
suffering by rebuilding themselves. Some describe San Francisco as home to those
wandering aimlessly through the wilderness and wasteland of idolatry and perversion.
Yet, WE ARE THEM, as we also wander and search for freedom and meaning – trying to
rise from our brokenness and despair. Unlike you and me, San Franciscans have little
opportunity to find a church where they might hear the Good News of Christ’s story. The
story of One who came loving all types of people. The story of One who came to die as
an atoning sacrifice. The story of One who rises above death so that we can rise with Him
and have life forever. The story of One who came to restore us and bring us out of exile.
The story of One who will eventually make all things new.
With whom are we partnering?
“We're measuring what makes a city successful. Success as we define it cuts across business opportunity,
cultural opportunity, and education opportunity. We use ten indicators [including Transportation and
Infrastructure, Intellectual Capital and Innovation, and Lifestyle Assets], each made up of smaller variables
[within Lifestyle
Assets: share of green space, skyline impact, hotel rooms].”
Infinite City: A San Francisco Atlas, Rebecca Solnit, p.65
Valley Springs Presbyterian Church – Roseville, CA, Christ Church Berkeley, and
several churches from the Evangelical Presbyterian Church are uniting in this effort with
prayer, provisions, and people. Their support (along with other churches and individuals)
will provide the necessary stability, direction and mentoring to make the mission
successful and sustainable.
What is the need?
Prayer. Provisions. People. Following the model of church planting efforts in the book of
Acts and Paul’s commission in Romans 10, we need three major things – Prayer,
Provisions, and People as we embark on starting a church in San Francisco. Let me
strongly urge you to read the following sections of the Prospectus: What will it take to get
us there?, Appendix A, and Appendix B.
Prayer – Faithful and fervent prayer is a real and urgent need as the Kingdom of
Darkness prevails over much of the culture of San Francisco. I’m aware that any plan of
significant impact will encounter serious opposition.
We need 100 Prayer Supporters praying daily.
Provisions – Strong financial backing is an enormous need as the cost of living and
spiritual soil in San Francisco will require expansive resources. (As we plan for modest
congregational giving over the five-year period, our prayer is that after this 60 month
pledge period, the church would be self sustaining.)
We need churches who will give sacrificially over the next 5 years.
10 Churches giving $417 / month
5 Churches giving $1,417 / month
1 Church giving $3,334 / month
We need individuals who will give sacrificially over the next 5 years.
10 Individuals giving $50 / month
8 Individuals giving $100 / month
5 Individuals giving $500 / month
People – This is a relational and strategic need that will help us in the early months and
years of this church plant. While we’re praying for many conversions, we anticipate few
having the maturity to train and lead new believers to grow in their love for Christ and
the world. We’re praying for a team of people with diverse vocational callings that would
prayerfully consider moving to San Francisco with us for the purpose of being light and
love in a beautiful and broken city.
We need YOU.
Would YOU or YOUR CHURCH consider sending some
of your best people to be our local missionaries?
What is your part in the story?
Please ask God how you can partner with us in reaching San Francisco. Perhaps God will
call you to be one of our faithful prayer supporters. Perhaps God will call you to move to
San Francisco! Or, perhaps God will call you to be one of our financial partners. Please
check the appropriate box on the attached card and send it via the provided envelope.
I’m humbled and thankful that you would consider this as a unique opportunity to engage
in mission together for the glory of God.
Why me?
Troy and Caroline Wilson (Stephen – 13, Lillian - 11, Elizabeth – 9)
My life was significantly shaped as a young boy as I watched my mother bless others
with her gift of hospitality – my backyard was the favorite neighborhood hangout as she
blessed me and my neighborhood friends. She taught me and others the “how” and
“why” of loving all types of people. Her modus operandi on hospitality was: “Everyone
has a story. Don’t assume that you know their story – ask questions.” My Dad perpetually
planted seeds of entrepreneurship and creativity by helping me think through a plan to
start a lawn cutting service as well as a car detailing service in our neighborhood. My life
was forever changed when a fraternity brother in college led me to a personal relationship
with Christ – and then taught me how to study God’s word, pray, share the gospel with
others, and disciple others. My experience as a missionary (college minister & church
planter) in Thailand, my training in seminary, and my training as a pastor have given me
a broad range of ministry experience. Along with my wife (Caroline), family, friends and
mentors, there have been several individuals, professors, and churches that have discipled
me and shaped my love for Christ and the world. Their opinions have been very
influential in shaping our decision towards San Francisco. Many partners (formal and
informal) have helped in bringing confirmation to this passion and gifting for church
planting. I’m excited and humbled to see God bring together this need (in San Francisco),
the passion (my love for San Francisco, meeting people, evangelism, and pastoring), the
gifting (leadership and preaching), and the support from Caroline and friends. Caroline’s
passions (writing, thinking critically, and discipling women) and gifts (leadership,
teaching and counseling) have been influential in shaping me, our marriage, family, and
our ministry over the years. I feel like Caroline and I have been loved well as God has
prepared and shaped us specifically for this adventure.
Co-laborers in Christ,
Troy Wilson | troy@valleysprings.org | 916.300.5293
Assistant Pastor, Valley Springs Presbyterian Church (Roseville, CA)
Church Planter / Lead Pastor, Vespers in the City (Sacramento, CA)