Instructions for proposal

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Item-by-item instructions for filling out the form – pages 1 and 2
Item by item instructions Page 1
Questions and fields
Designate up to two co-proposers (if applicable):
Include the name of the co-leader if applicable.
Choose “Global: Study Abroad”, “Global: Study
USA”, “Global: Blended” or “Global: On campus”
as appropriate.
For a travel-embedded course that combines
coursework on campus with a short travel
experience during a semester break, choose
“Global: Study Abroad” or “Global: Study USA”
based on the location of the travel component.
Proposal Type:
Choose “new”
New Deletion
Proposal is about:
Is your proposal for the undergraduate or graduate
Curriculum? (check one):
Choose “Course” even if you are proposing a
new non-credit-bearing experience.
Virtually all proposals will be for the undergraduate
☐ Undergraduate ☐ Graduate
Does your proposal impact another department or
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, you will be asked to: Insert the Elon email
address for each additional Department Chair, Program
Director, and/or Dean (other than your own) who is
impacted by this proposal. You may also Click on the
Browse button next to each field below to locate the
recipient's the email address.
Choose “yes” and include your home department.
Also be sure to include the current Faculty Fellow
(Donna Van Bodegraven, for
the Global Education Center as one of the people
impacted by the proposal.
Continue to Page 2…
New Course Proposal Form (Page 2 of 2)
Course Prefix: GBL
All new Global courses will carry this prefix.
Course Level:
Specific course numbers will be assigned later.
0xx – level (non-credit bearing)
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(Contact the chair of the Global Education
Curriculum Committee before proposing a 300level course)
Course Title (include geographic location in title):
Proposal Type (check one):
However, please indicate the level.
For example - Arizona: On the Line in the
Immigration Debate
NOTE: A separate proposal for the pre-departure
preparatory seminar must be submitted and
would be categorized as a “New on-campus
New Study abroad experience
New Study USA experience
New blended (abroad and USA)
New on-campus course/experience
Proposal is seeking ELR credit.
If “yes” complete the next section. (This
should pop up if “yes” is chosen).
Proposal is about:
If you want the course to count for ELR credit, you
must address the expectations for ELR credit –
preparation, engagement with difference,
reflection and assessment. The pop-up section
appears at the end of this document.
Check the appropriate box.
Short-term faculty-led off-campus course
(winter or summer)
Travel-embedded program (fall or spring)
Non-credit bearing program (any semester)
On-campus course
Semester Hours:
Indicate number of semester hours.
Number of Sections Per Year:
.5 (if the course will be offered every other year)
Semester(s) Offered per Year (check any that
☐ Fall
☐ Winter
☐ Spring
☐ Summer
If this is an on-campus course/experience, what
type of instructional space will be required?
(select one):
☐ Standard Classroom
☐ Seminar Room
☐ Computer Lab
☐ Science Lab
Choose one from drop down menu. For a course
that takes place entirely off-campus, choose “not
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☐ Studio Space
☐ Other
☐ Not applicable – off-campus course/experience
Core Curriculum area(s) this course will probably
fulfill (check a maximum of 2)
not applicable
The Director of the Core Curriculum sits on the
Global Education Curriculum Committee. The
committee will make the final decision with the
input of the Director.
Briefly describe the proposal and the rationale
behind it. If this is an off-campus course or
experience, include a justification for the chosen
Be brief but specific. This is a four-part question:
a) Description of proposal
b) Rationale
c) Justification of location (for off-campus
What are the specific learning outcomes of this
For assessment purposes, list the learning
outcomes (in measurable terms).
Example: By the end of the course, students will …
a) comprehend the complexities of the
immigration debate through interaction
with multiple stakeholders along the
Arizona/Mexico border.
b) demonstrate the ability to participate
effectively in public discourse about
immigration at the local, regional, or
global level (related to SLO #3 of the
Writing Excellence Initiative – to write as a
c) identify the characteristics that make
border culture different.
d) interact respectfully with representatives
from the indigenous cultures of the
Arizona/Sonora area.
e) increase self-confidence by engaging in
public discourse on a controversial issue.
f) assume responsibilities for different
aspects of logistics and reflections using
the Witness for Peace functional
leadership model.
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What are the implications for staffing, budget,
and library resources?
Be sure to carefully assess and explain any
foreseeable budgetary implications here. For
example, will faculty need to be hired to teach a
new course or staff additional sections because of
faculty participation in this GBL
What is the timeline for implementation of this
Keep in mind that new proposals for off-campus
study generally require a 15-month lead time for
implementation. See the proposal timeline
guidelines available from the Global Education
Curriculum Committee. Indicate the semester and
year that the proposal is to be implemented.
What implications (if any) does this proposal have Please be thorough in assessing the potential
on other programs/departments?
implications of your proposal on other
departments. At the very least, you will need to
include your home department and that of your
co-leader (if applicable). You may also need to
include interdisciplinary programs that might be
able to add this course to their list of electives.
Appendix A: For programs/courses seeking ELR designation, complete this form.
1. Preparation: Which of the following preexperience activities will be employed in the
preparation phase of this program? Check all
that apply.
Pre-departure preparatory seminar
(1 s.h.) - Required for short-term facultyled off-campus programs. NOTE: A
separate proposal is required.
Pre-departure meetings
Number of meetings planned
Total hours of contact planned
Other (Please specify below)
Indicate which type of preparation
will be included.
2. Intentional interaction across cultural
difference: Briefly describe how, when and
where students will engage with cultural
difference. Refer to specific activities on the
planned itinerary. (Limit – 200 words)
Be brief but specific. Refer to
appropriate sections of the proposal
template if preferred.
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3. Reflection: Which of the following activities
will be employed so that students reflect on
the experiential component of this program?
Check all that apply.
group discussion(s)
daily journals
class presentation(s)
research paper(s)
reflective paper(s)
artistic work(s)
Other (Please specify below)
Check all that apply.
4. Assessment of Experiential Learning: Briefly
describe the assessment plan for the
experiential component of this
course/program. (Limit -- 200 words)
Provide your plan for assessing the
experiential learning of this ELR
The rest of the proposal template is quite clear. However, contact the chair of the
Global Education Curriculum Committee or the Faculty Fellow for Global Education
if you have any questions.