LSPI February draft minutes - Winkelman Natural Resource

Winkelman Natural Resource
Conservation District
February 11, 2015
General Kearny Inn, Kearny Arizona
In Attendance:
Bill Dunn, Josh Avey, Steve Turcotte, Bob Evans, Charles Ffolliott, Bob Rogers,
Stefanie Smallhouse
Called to order:
Meeting called to order by Bill at 10:18 a.m.
Approval of Minutes
Bill motioned to approve the January minutes with corrections: change to state Hattie
would donte her land for the plan. Josh second the motion and the motion was carried.
Discussion of mitigation proposals:
The main discussion of mitigation proposal was being ready for a design. Bill stated he
would not like to see too many restrictions on the first project and wanted it to be an
Ecosystem Services type of deal. The main idea is to interest people on the lower San
Pedro who are downstream from the initial project. Once the pilot project is developed it
can be presented to organizations and companies who may be interested in helping.
Some of the groups interested are the Lower San Pedro Working Group, BOR (Bureau
of Reclamation), SRP (Salt River Project), Asarco, Game and Fish, Resolution Copper,
and TNC (The Nature Conservatory). If we can get a grant such as RCPP (Regional
Conservation Partnership Program) which would be a watershed wide EQIP contract to
fund the project, it may interest others to get involved. It would also help to get
organizations like Audubon involved to help with things like wildlife monitoring even if
they don’t invest.
Josh discussed his visit with the Malapai group and how it inspired him for the
Winkelman group. He said they already have an HCP (Habitat Conservation Plan) in
place and think they could be of some help to the Winkelman group. Josh suggested
having one of them come speak at the next meeting.
Mitigation strategies:
Take steps to develop a proposal to give to entities interested in the LSPI project. The
committee decided the first step would be to apply for an RCPP Grant with a focus on
brush control and water efficiency practices to get going. Stefanie said that if we can
secure an RCPP Grant and it is successful, it will provide the basis for showing how
these practices can develop water for downstream users and others who won’t
necessarily see a direct benefit but fits with their overall environmental objectives.
Since there was not a quorum to approve moving forward, the proposal will be on the
March meeting agenda. If approved by the committee, the next step will be to begin
finding partners for an application for the grant. Then a plan will be presented to the
respective NRCD boards for approval.
The proposal will be taken to the April Lower San Pedro Work Group meeting. This is
a group of companies and agencies that have already made mitigation investments in
the Valley and have been meeting for awhile planning projects there. We will also invite
someone from have Malapai to give an in depth presentation at our next meeting. Josh
will contact them. Bob Rogers will talk with SRP and Resolution about coming to the
meeting as well. Bill is going to contact get Florence- Coolidge NRCD about getting
involved as co-applicants in any RCPP grant we may apply for.
Time and date for next meeting:
Wednesday March 25, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the General Kearny Inn Kearny, Arizona
Meeting adjourned by Bill at 12:19 p.m.