Unit 1 Earth Science: Cooking Up a Universe


Unit 1- Earth Science Name: _____________________

Teacher Check _______________________

Unit 1 Earth Science: Cooking Up a Universe

What You Will Learn:

 Earth is made up of layers

 What the inside of the earth looks like

 Wegener developed the theory of

Continental Drift

 How the theory of Continental

Drift was developed

 How the plates of the lithosphere interact

 How to identify rocks and minerals

 Minerals are the building blocks of rocks

 Rocks are identified by their physical properties

 How rocks and minerals can be used

 There are three different types of faults

 Earth’s crust consists of slowly moving plates

Why Earth Science is AMAZING:

Rocks are all around you. You have even EATEN rocks. Think I’m joking?

Have you ever eaten French Fries? Do you use toothpaste? Ever used baby powder, computers, pencils, glassware or a mirror? In short, we are surrounded by rocks!

Rocks are incredibly beautiful. Geodes are some of the most mysterious rocks, with gray, boring outside; but if you crack one open you will be amazed at the colours and gem like qualities.

Rocks are made up of many different properties. You will look at evidence in rocks that show you more about history than a textbook ever could.

Gold, obsidian, asbestos and quartz are all rocks that have some great value.

You might even have some buried in your back yard!

Pre-quiz check in

A Glance into the Future

Lesson Key Words


Old Old Old Beginnings

 Universe vs. Galaxy

Video Lab I: The Story of Earth

LAB #1: The Story of


HW: The Formation of the Earth




Historical Perspectives

 Who’s Who geologists

 Guess Who ACTIVITY

HW: Measuring the



Rocks Rock! (and Minerals


Lab #2: Treasure Hunt

 Minerals

 Eight Levels of


HW: Rocks vs. Minerals

 Station ACTIVITY

LAB #3: Identifying


HW: Lab results

 Web Challenge

Continental Drift theory

Plate Tectonics



Rock forming minerals

Silicon-oxygen tetrahedron







Mid Unit Review



Postquiz check in



Earth’s Structure

LAB #4: Layers of the


HW: Earth, a layered planet

 Layers of the crust

 The mantle

Debate: to drill or not to drill

HW: how do we find the core

Video II: Earth Forms

 Convection Currents


Plate Tectonics

LAB #5: Egg Tectonics

 Clues in the crust:


 Cause & Effect: Plate tectonics

HW: Evidence

Supporting Continental


LAB #6: On a Collision


 Theory of Plate


 Plate Boundaries

HW: Plate Boundaries

BONUS LAB: Where do you Draw the Line


Unit One Quiz







Mohole Project


Mohorovicic discontinuity


Hydrothermal vent

Convergent, divergent and transform boundary


Subduction zone


Juan De Fuca plate


How Do They Know That???

What do you already know about the formation of the earth?

What do you want to know?

Follow up: who’s got the answers?

What is inside the earth?

How is the surface of the earth made?

How do geologists know the age of the earth?

What goes on inside of an atom?

How old is old?

When did the universe begin?

Can scientists predict when earthquakes will happen?


Cooking Up a Universe

Recipe of the day:

Serves 7 billion and counting…

 1 proton- shrink down to a billionth of its size

 A sprinkle of every last particle of matter that exists in the universe, and beyond.

 A space- smaller than a proton



Preheat the universe to 10 billion degrees.


Watch for a nuclear reaction in the oven until new elements are created- hydrogen and helium.


Stir together all the particles of matter in a proton

2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times smaller than the dot in this ‘i’.


Wait for ingredients to expand infinitely.


Let cool in order for universe and galaxies to form properly.


Drizzle with several new elements and enjoy!

For similar recipes, please check out the following videos:

 “Known Universe: The Most Explosive” YouTube (DocumentaryPlus)

 “The Elegant Universe, Part 1” PBS Video (Nova)

 “Journey of the Universe: Preview” YouTube (PBS)

 “Stephen Hawkings: Formation of the Solar System” YouTube


Unit 1.1: Old, Old, OLD Beginnings

Galaxy vs. Universe vs. Solar System:

Solar System: Consists of the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity. This includes the ______ planets and their moons, the asteroids, the dwarf planets, all the Kuiper belt objects, the meteoroids, comets and interplanetary dust.

Galaxy: large system of _________ held together by mutual gravitation and isolated from similar systems by vast regions of space. The Milky

Way measures about 100,000 light-years across, and is thought to contain 200 billion stars.

Universe: the totality of known or supposed objects and phenomena throughout space; the __________; macrocosm.

So to sum it up:

We live on planet Earth, which is part of our local Solar System.

Our Solar System includes the Sun and everything that orbits the Sun.

Our Sun is just one Star in the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Milky Way Galaxy is just one Galaxy in the Universe.

Check Your Understanding:


What is the name of the Galaxy that Earth belongs to?




What is the difference between the universe and a galaxy?




Describe the method you would use to explain how large the universe is to someone who had never seen pictures or video.




The Story of Earth

(National Geographic)

Video LAB: Part I - Universal beginnings

The earth was formed approximately ____________ billion years ago.

_____________ pulled dust into tiny rocks. Essentially, planets are made up of ________ and ________, pulled together over billions of years. When the earth started to form, the temperature was about ___________ degrees Celsius; there was no __________, just _________________,

__________________ and ___________________________.

The moon was formed from ___________________________________.

As the earth cooled over millions of years. At ______________ million years, a hail of _______________ brought a new element to earth: ___________________. The earth’s

________________ forms as the water cools.

Nothing a little doodle can’t explain…


Due Date: ____________________________

The Formation of the Earth

Scientists believe that a great cloud of dust and gas floating in space began to collapse on itself approximately 4.6 billion years ago. Matter from the central part of the cloud formed a sun, which is now the centre of our solar system. The remaining matter formed a disk surrounding the sun.

During the following 100 million years or so, small particles in the disk of matter collided with each other and formed larger units of matter. Eventually they were large enough to be labeled as planetesimals.

The planetesimals continued to collide until small planets were formed. The infant planet Earth came into being.

The heat of the continued collisions with planetoids kept the young, small planet in a molten state. As matter continued to be added, heavy metals, such as iron and nickel, sink to the centre of the planet, forming a core.

Meanwhile, solar winds cleared the surrounding space of many of the tiny particles of matter. As the space cleared, there were fewer and fewer collisions. The planet began to cool. As the planet cooled, its layers began to separate. The top layer cooled the most, forming a crust surrounding the planet.

Quick Check:

Design an experiment that could be used to show people the process of the formation of Earth. Think to yourself: what materials would demonstrate the cooling rates?

What objects could I use to simulate heavy metals? Be imaginative, get creative!


Unit 1.2 Historical Perspectives

Geology: ______________________________________________

Geologist: _____________________________________________

The first written information we have about the earth from ancient people is a mixture of fact, superstition, guess work and the beliefs of the time. Through study and observation, scientists were able to slowly piece together the true history of the earth.

300 BC

Theophrastus (c.

372-287) wrote a mineralogy book

Concerning Stones. This work gathered together, for the first time, all known information about rocks, minerals and fossils.

1500’s AD

Leonardo Da Vinci

(1452-1519) recognizes that material carried by rivers to the sea was eventually compacted into sedimentary rock and later uplifted to form mountains.


Nicolaus Steno

(1638-1686), a

Danish physician, discovered sedimentary rocks are laid down in a horizontal manner and layers (strata) of rock are always deposited with the oldest layers at the bottom and the youngest layers at the top. These discoveries lead to the formation of the Laws of Superposition, which scientists use to determine the order in which geological events took place.

Straus’s work on the formation of layers and the fossils they contain was crucial to the development of modern geology. The principles he stated continue to be used today by geologists and paleontologists.



James Hutton

(1726-1797) stated the earth was gradually changing and would always continue to change in the same ways. He said these changes could be used to explain the past. Hutton, a

Scottish farmer and naturalist, is known as the founder of modern geology.


German scientist

Friedrich Mohs

(1773-1839) devised a

1-10 scale system to determine the hardness of minerals. Common objects can be used in place of the minerals on

Mohs’ scale to determine a mineral’s hardness. By scratching unknown minerals with the suggested object in

Mohs’ scale, scientists can identify collected specimens.


Mary Anning found a strange fossilized sea monster as a child, on the coast of England. Over the next 35 years, she gathered fossils, discovering the first plesiosaur in history.



William Smith (1796-

1839) was the first to use fossils to tell the age of rock layers

(strata). He published the first geological maps showing the strata of England.


Sir Charles Lyell

(1797-1875), a

British geologist, published the first volume of

Principles of

Geology. It was one of the most important events in the development of geology. He wrote that geological features take shape, erode, and reform at a constant rate through time. He was knighted for his scientific accomplishments in 1848.


Marie Curie

(1867-1934) was a Polish physics and chemist working mainly with radioactivity.

She was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize.

Marie Curie discovered that certain types of rocks poured out constant extraordinary amounts of energy, yet they didn’t become smaller or change. What she discovered was has



Bertram Boltwood

(1870-1927), using the radioactive decay method, dated Earth’s age as somewhere between 400 million and 2.2 billion years. This technology has been used since 1907, but advances in technology and knowledge of atomic structure have shown the earth to be even older.


Alfred Wegener

(1880-1930) proposed his

Continental Drift theory. He believed that the continents once formed a supercontinent called Pangaea. The continents gradually broke apart, forming the seven continents. The continents have slowly drifted into their present positions.



Mary Tharp

(1920-2006) was an oceanic cartographer, who mapped the ocean floor.

During her travels she helped to discover the

Mid-Oceanic ridge, a line of undersea mountains in the Atlantic Ocean.


Harry Hess (1906-1969) established that the surface of the earth is broken up like a jigsaw puzzle into enormous plates that move. This theory, called Plate Tectonics, helped support the idea that the continents drift on the earth’s surface. It also explained the occurrence of mountains, volcanoes, and other geological features.

Guess Who:


Take a card from the deck of Who’s Who Geologists.


Place the card in a headband on your forehead. DO NOT LOOK AT



Read over the fact sheet above once more.


Walk around the room. Ask questions to guess who you are. Answer questions that others ask you.


The first 3 people to guess their identity correctly will win a rock… unless that rock is a mineral!

Quick Check:


_____ 1. geologists

_____ 2. Alfred Wegener

_____ 3. Theophrastus

_____ 4. Harry Hess

_____ 5. geology a.

Continental Drift theory b.

Wrote Concerning Stones c.

The study of the earth d.

Scientists who study the earth e.

Plate Tectonics theory

Fill in the Blanks

6. In 1907, _____________________, using the radioactive decay method, dated

Earth’s age at somewhere between 400 million and 2.2 billion years.

7. In 1812, German scientist __________________________ devised a 1-10 scale system to determine the hardness of minerals.

8. __________________________ recognized that minerals carried by rivers to the sea were eventually compacted into sedentary rock and later uplifted to form mountains.

9. In 1830, Sir Charles Lyell published a book that explained about


10. _____________________ published the first map of strata layers in England.


Due Date: ____________________________

Measuring the Earth

For half a century, geographers have been using math and back breaking techniques of stretching heavy chains between two points- known as triangulation.

Triangulation was the method used by Greek astronomer, Hipparchus of Nicaea, in 150 BC, to work out the Moon’s distance from the Earth.

The first thing you must do is measure the distance from one corner to another corner.

Let’s pretend we are trying to figure out how far this tree is from you (A). First, you will measure the distance from A to B. You can use a right angle triangle OR an equilateral triangle.

The most important thing is to think about the angles of the corners on your side of the river. In this example, you have a 90 degree (A) angle and a 45 degree angle (B).

Next, you add up the angles to find out what the final angle is. We know that the 3 angles in a triangle always add up to 180 degrees. So…

90 + 45 = ______

I have given you the first steps on finding distance, using triangulation. Do you think you can figure out what Hipparchus did next? How did he figure out the distance from A to the tree knowing the shape of a triangle and the length of one side?








Hint: don’t be afraid to trace the triangle and use your knowledge of mirroring, rotation and reflection to find the answer….

HW Check


Unit 1.3 Rocks Rock! (and Minerals Mineral?)

LAB #1 Treasure Hunt


Look outside for at least 10 different types of rocks.


What colours are the rocks?


Do they look the same throughout, or do they have different types of materials mixed together?


Do they feel heavy or light in comparison to their size?


Do they have pieces that sparkle or reflect light?


Which of the rocks is the hardest? How can you tell?


Do your rocks look like most other rocks? If not, why do you think they are different? How do you think they got to where you found them?

Minerals: the Building Blocks of Rocks

All Rocks are made of ___________________: pure,

naturally occurring substances that are found in


Would you like a career studying minerals? If so, you are a future ______________________.

In order to be a geologist, you are going to have to pass basic training… Mineral testing falls under 8 categories. While you may think the first levels are a breeze, be prepared to put on your safety goggles and apron to advance to the final levels of training. The 8 categories you must master are:






Crystal Structure












Eight Levels of Classification of Minerals

Level 1: Colour

Some minerals are usually one colour, but some can be different colours. You cannot identify a mineral by colour alone, but it is a useful property to use for identification. For example, Quartz is often white, but it can also be pink, violet, grey, black or colourless.

Level 2: Streak

When the mineral is scraped across a porcelain tile, what colour does it leave behind? Each mineral makes a streak of a certain colour. This colour may be different than the colour of the mineral itself. For example, the mineral pyrite looks like gold. It is a golden colour, but it leaves a greenish-black streak, this is the way to tell if you have found a valuable gold nugget, or just a piece of “fool’s gold.”

Level 3: Crystal Structure

Most minerals develop into shapes according to the six different crystal systems shown in the diagram below. A crystal has straight edges, flat sides and regular angles. Sometimes the crystal structure is visible but often crystals are too small to be seen.

Does it have a crystal shape or grainy fibers? Crystals are tiny particles that are connected in repeating patterns. This feature tells us how quickly the rock cooled. You will need a magnifying glass for this step



Level 4: Magnetism

You can use a magnet to find out if a mineral is magnetic.

Magnetism is produced by the motion of electric charge, resulting in attractive and repulsive forces between objects.

Level 5: Lustre

Lustre refers to the way a mineral reflects light. It is independent of colour and can occur in various qualities. If a mineral reflects light in a similar way as a metal, it is said to have metallic lustre; or it can be nonmetallic. Below is a table that describes the classification of nonmetallic lustre.

Classification of Non-Metallic Lustre


adamantine glassy greasy waxy pearly silky

Level 6: Reaction


Has a hard brilliant shine like diamond

Has a glass-like reflection

Looks like it is covered with a thin layer of oil

Looks like wax

Has a sheen like a pearl

Has a shine like silk

Some minerals have special characteristics by which they can be identified. The way they taste or the way they react with another substance may be a way to identify the mineral.

The mineral halite, for example, tastes salty. Calcite will react with a mild acid to produce bubbling.

Level 7: Cleavage

You can also look at the way a mineral breaks. Cleavage is breakage along smooth, flat planes. If it fractures, it breaks leaving rough, jagged, or curved lines.


Level 8: Hardness

The Mohs ’ Scale of Hardness was developed to help identify common minerals. A German scientist named

Friedrich Mohs developed this system for comparing the hardness of a mineral to ten common minerals. Mohs ’ scale is based on common minerals, not on exact differences in hardness. The difference in hardness between minerals three and four is much less than the difference in hardness between minerals nine and ten. Even though the scale is not exact, it is useful for identifying mineral specimens.

Talc is a mineral that is so soft you can pinch it into powder with your fingers.

Diamonds are the hardest minerals found on earth. They can cut glass. A harder mineral can scratch a softer one. Each mineral on the scale can scratch a mineral with a lower number. Your fingernail has a hardness of about 2.5. A fingernail can scratch talc and gypsum, but not calcite. It can be fun to collect rocks and minerals. People collect all kinds of things. Minerals are probably the oldest things in the world you could collect. When you collect them, you will realize how different they are from each other. You can identify them by using your eyes and remembering some of their physical properties.

Mohs Hardness Scale

Mineral talc gypsum calcite flourite apatite










Mineral Hardness Hardness of common objects

1 softest Soft pencil point (1.5)



Fingernail (2.5)

Copper penny (3.5)

Iron nail (4.5)

Glass (5.5)

Steel file (6.5)

Porcelain tile (7.5)



10 hardest

Flint sandpaper (7.5)

Emery paper (9.0)

Carborundum paper (9.5)


Due Date: ___________________

Quick Check

1. Why is colour alone not a good characteristic to use to classify minerals?



2. Why do industries that drill into the ground use diamond tipped drills?



3. Why does the streak test only work on minerals with hardness less then 7?



4. In the boxes below draw a picture illustrating the difference between cleavage and fracture.

Cleavage Fracture

_________________________ ___________________________


Rocks vs. Minerals

Rocks are the basic material that makes up the earth’s crust. Rocks are made up of minerals. Most rocks have several types of minerals in them. Granite is made of several minerals, including quartz, feldspar and hornblendes. Occasionally, a rock consists of only one mineral. Limestone is made of one mineral: calcite. Rocks may contain organic materials, such as coal. Rocks have various chemical compositions due to the presence of different minerals. They are classified into three main groups: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. These classifications are directly related to the processes under which the rocks are formed.

All rocks are made of minerals. A

mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic

(nonliving) solid. It has a crystalline structure. This means that the atoms or ions that make up a mineral are arranged in an orderly and repetitive manner. It’s made up of only one thing. A diamond is a mineral. It has a crystalline structure; it is made up of carbon. Crystals form one of six different shapes. A mineral has a crystal structure even if it is not visible by the naked eye.

Minerals are the building blocks for rocks. Minerals combine differently to make rocks and are usually elementary compounds in their pure form. Minerals have four common features:

 Minerals occur naturally

 Minerals are organic (carbon-based)

 Minerals are solids

 Minerals have a single chemical composition/ structure

Minerals are relied upon as a major resource today. Although there are over 4,000 known minerals, with new ones being discovered each year, only about 10-12 are abundant. Together, these abundant minerals account for what are known as rock-

forming minerals, which consist of 8 basic elements:

Oxygen (O)

Silicon (Si)

Iron (Fe)

Aluminum (Al)


Calcium (Ca)

Sodium (Na)

Potassium (k)

Magnesium (Mg)

Minerals can be classified into groups known as families. For example, one family is known as silicates. They have a common crystalline structure, known as the silicon-

oxygen tetrahedron. Quartz, a silicate, is a mineral found in many rocks on the earth’s surface. In its pure form, quartz consists entirely of silicon-oxygen tetrahedron. Most other silicates combine with other elements, such as iron, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Other families include: carbonates, halides, oxides, sulfides, and sulfates. These are considered to be non-silicates and account for only onequarter of the earth’s crust.

Mineralogists commonly use a variety of tests to determine the identity of a mineral. Although there are many tests for identification, only seven of the most common will be examined. These are the same categories that we have already examined: colour, streak, crystal structure, magnetism, lustre, cleavage, hardness and reaction to acid.

Quick Check:


The basic material that makes up the earth’s crust is: a.

Mineral b.

Calcite c.





Calcite is the only mineral that makes up: a.

Limestone b.

Granite c.





Mineralogists commonly use a variety of tests to determine the identity of: a.

Rocks b.

Minerals c.

Depth of Earth’s crust d.



Inquiry Investigation

Minerals, Crystals and Rocks


Choose one of the following stations (There can be no more than 2 people at each station).


Read the directions for the station and check to be sure you have all the necessary materials


Use the following worksheets to complete the activities at each station.


Answer the questions posted at the station. Work with your friends to find the solution to the challenges.


Once you have completed an activity and documented the results, you can move on to the next station.

Station #1: Salt and Sugar Crystals

Directions: Examine the crystal shape of salt and sugar. Sprinkle sugar on black paper. Examine the crystals with a hand lens and microscope. Compare the shape of the sugar crystals to the crystal chart found at the station. Now repeat the procedure with salt. Use your knowledge to correctly identify container A and B.



What was the shape of the sugar crystals: _______________________


What was the shape of the salt crystals: ______________________

Station #2: Rocks vs. Minerals

Directions: Take two bags and label one rocks and the other minerals. Create a specimen description card for each bag “Appears to be made of more than one substance” and “Appears to be made of only one substance.” Sort the rocks and minerals at Station 2 into the correct bags. Once you think you have correctly sorted the specimens, hand them in to your teacher.


Made up of an assortment of materials

Contains organic materials

Various chemical compositions visible



Appears to occur naturally



Single chemical structure

Station #3: The Shapes Minerals Take

Directions: Cut out the paper crystal shapes. Glue tabs together. Once you have assembled the six different paper minerals models, label them with the correct geometrical shape and match them to the mineral samples provided at your station. When you believe you have correctly matched the paper mineral to the real mineral, submit your data to the teacher.

Examples of minerals in each category:

ISOMETRIC salt, pyrite, garnet, galena, fluorite, copper, silver, gold


TETRAGONAL quartz, calcite, tourmaline, graphite, beryl, apatite, corundum, hematite, cinnabar zircon, rutile, wulfenite, chalcopyrite

ORTHORHOMBIC sulfur, topaz, olivine, barite, stibnite, epsomite, aragonite


TRICLINIC orthoclase, mica, gypsum, malachite, azurite albite, rhodonite

Station #4: Create your Own Crystals!

Directions: Fill a jar half full with warm water. Stir salt into the water until no more salt will dissolve. Attach a thread or string to a pencil and hang it above the solution. Do not let the thread touch the bottom of the jar. Label your jar with your name and the date. Write your predictions on the cue cards provided at the station. What do you think will happen? How long will it take? What will it look like? What do you wonder? How does this model compare to real life crystal formation. Set the jar aside to observe over the next 2 weeks.

Over the next two weeks: Observe your salt crystals each day. As the water evaporates, cubic salt crystals will form on the thread. Use a magnifying glass to examine the salt crystals. Can you see the cubes?


Station #5: Minerals in our Daily Lives

Directions: Look at the following website: http://www.oum.ox.ac.uk/thezone/minerals/usage/index.htm

Have a look and find out more about the minerals around you by selecting one of the links. Complete the worksheet provided at station 5 and submit to your teacher.

Station #6: Rocks and Minerals- Everyday Uses

Directions: We use things made from rocks and minerals every day. It is estimated that every person in the United States will use more than three million pounds of rocks, minerals and metals during their lifetime.

As each of us use the Earth's natural resources on a human time scale, it is important to consider that mineral resources form on geologic timescales, and the vast difference between the two. The items in this case are just a few of the ways that we use rocks and minerals in our everyday lives.

Use the following website to help match the rocks and everyday objects from our lives: http://natural-history.uoregon.edu/collections/web-galleries/everyday-usesrocks-and-minerals

Once you believe you have the correct arrangements of objects and rock/mineral samples, complete the worksheet at the station and submit to your teacher.


LAB #2 Identifying Minerals:

Are you “cut out” to be a geologist?

You have just been hired as a part-time geologist for spring break. You are taken out into the field to show off your incredible skills. After a long day of collecting samples, you head back the lab to classify your finds.

Question: Can you identify unknown minerals by their properties?


 safety goggles

 apron

 set of minerals

 Mohs hardness scale

 Hand lens

Streak plate







Use the following table to conduct this lab.


Select a mineral from the samples provided. Record the number of the mineral in the first column of your chart.


Colour. What colour(s) is your mineral? Record in detail


Streak. Rub your mineral across the streak plate. Brush off the extra powder with your fingers. Record the colour of the streak, if any.


Lustre. Is the lustre of the mineral waxy, metallic, brilliant, glossy, silky, dull or pearly? Try to find the best words to describe your mineral.


Hardness. Scratch your minerals with Mohs mineral #5 (or a nail). If this does not leave a scratch or grove in your mineral, continue along the scale until #10.

Rank the hardness of your mineral.


Magnetism. Use a magnet to determine if your mineral is magnetic.


Reaction with vinegar. Use a dropper to put a few drops of vinegar on your mineral. Does it fizz? Record your results.


Sample #

Lab Notes:

Sample # Sample # Sample #










For more information: http://depthome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/geology/core332/minerals.htm


Due Date: _____________________

Lab Results and Quick Check


What tests were most successful in identifying your rocks?



What tests were least successful in identifying your rocks? Explain.


Identify which rocks were composed of living organisms. Explain.


What kind of rocks and minerals are used in your every day world?

Example 1



Baby Powder







Basketball players hands


Example 2

Example 3


$25 Clement Bucks

Your own back yard is FILLED with minerals and rocks.

This is a map of the Cowichan Valley. It reveals the layers of rock found beneath our feet. We could be walking on limestone, or we could be walking on a goldmine.

To complete this challenge you will need the Internet. Search for the site that contains the answer key for the codes on this map. Your hints to complete this challenge are as follows:

Hint #1:

Hint #2:

Hint #3:

Geology of British Columbia

Geologic Legend



Unit 1.4 The Structure of the Earth

Video LAB: Part III:The Formation of Plates and

Continents. The Story of Earth (National Geographic)

Hidden beneath the water are ____________ that generate movements. They push and pull the islands together and apart. A ____________ takes form. The surface temperature is about 18 ° Celsius.

The supercontinent begins to _________ over time, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as the volcanoes release energy. CO2 mixes with H2O to form acid rain. __________ absorb huge amounts of Co2; the atmosphere, short of C02, cools significantly, creating the first Ice Age ________ million years ago.

As the ice moves over the earth’s surface, it becomes a giant snowball.

Volcanoes pump of billions of tons of ___________, filling the atmosphere once again. Temperatures rise and the ice begins to melt. Possibly, the earth’s crust bounces up, creating _____________ and weak spots.

__________________ is formed out of combines oxygen and water molecules. This molecule releases massive amounts of oxygen.

Nothing a little doodle can’t explain…



Layers of the Crust and Upper Mantle

LITHOSPHERE = tectonic plates = crust + solid upper mantle

ASTHENOSPHERE = plastic, flowing section of upper mantle

MOHO = mohorovicic discontinuity = boundary b/n crust/mantle

The lithosphere is composed of about 12 very large pieces called plates. The plates of the lithosphere ‘float’ on, and are moved by the asthenosphere. The plates fit together like puzzle pieces, and are moving constantly, causing mountains, trenches, earthquakes and volcanoes.


What causes the plates of the lithosphere to move? Share your ideas with your partner and record your hypotheses below.


Science LAB #3 Earth’s Layers

Driving Question: How can we model the earth’s layers?



Styrofoam, clay, marbles, foil


Form a theory about how scientists have created accurate models of the earth. How do they measure the distance in each layer? What is each layer of the earth made from?

Does the material of each layer effect the technology used?


Dissect the objects provided in the Science Kit. What are the strengths and weaknesses of these objects as models of Earth?

Figure 1: The Layers of the Earth


Earth’s Layers LAB

Date: __________________________

Scientific Question: How can we model earth’s layers?


How can you accurately measure the earth’s layers? a.

Find a partner who has an enormous curiosity about the question stated above. b.

Design an experiment that could possible answer this question. c.

Pick up a materials kit. d.

Demonstrate your enthusiasm for all things science with a model. e.

Present your theory to the world- or the class!










Model for Experiment







Quick Check:


What do scientists know about how the plant Earth was formed?





How do scientists develop their ideas or theories about the formation of stars and planets?





Why is it important to think about the beginning of the planet’s formation?





What is the outermost layer of the earth called?



BONUS $5 ClementBucks

Draw a diagram of a cross-section of Earth and label the four layers.

Bonus $10 ClementBucks

Your journey to the center of the earth would take 64 hours at 100km/h. What is the total distance you have travelled?

Bonus $15 ClementBucks

Create a cross-section of Earth and label the four layers out of plasticine.


Due Date: ______________________

Earth: A Layered Planet

The Earth’s Crust: Think of an egg and its parts. The yolk is in the center, then there is the white of the egg, and a thin shell surrounds it. The Earth can be compared to an egg. It also has three parts: the core is in the center, the mantle, and the surrounding crust.

As far as scientists know, all life exists either on the surface or within the first few meters of the crust. The crust is made of different types of rocks. The upper crust is made primarily of sedimentary rocks. These rocks are formed when materials on the Earth’s surface are worn away. Underneath these layers, the crust is made of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks form when magma, or molten rock, cools either deep within the Earth or on the surface. Metamorphic

rocks are formed when sedimentary or igneous rocks are changed due to extreme heat and pressure. The igneous and metamorphic rocks form a solid later of the crust, which is know as bedrock.

There are approximately 90 different chemical substances, or elements, that have been identified in the Earth’s crust. Five of them, however, make up more than

90% if the crust:






Sodium, potassium, and magnesium are among the most commonly found elements in the remaining 10% of the crust.

The elements and compounds found within the crust provide many of the energy resources we depend upon for survival and comfort, including gas, coals and oil. They also provide the metals we commonly use, such as gold, iron and lead. Minerals that have found important places in our lives are also provided by the earth’s crust: diamonds, quartz, and graphite.

The word litho comes from the

Greek word meaning rock or stone.

Scientists refer to the crust as the lithosphere, the solid portion of the Earth.

Earth’s crust, or lithosphere, is broken into several segments or plates. They also believe crustal plates move, or drift, on hot molten material that is beneath the crust.


Quick Check:


How are each of the following kinds of rock formed: a.

Sedimentary __________________________________________ b.

Igneous _____________________________________________ c.

Metamorphic _________________________________________


What is the bedrock layer: _______________________________________



What are the five most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust:




What is the lithosphere:__________________________________________



What do Scientists believe is happening to the segments of Earth’s crust, which are called plates:




See SCIENCE ACTIVITIES folder for Bonus Activities


The Mantle

The mantle appears to be composed of _____________, ______________

___________, ______________ and ______________. There seem to be greater percentages of iron deeper in the mantle.

Geologists believe that the mantle is _____________________, which is denser rock than that of the crust __________________ it. The density of the mantle itself seems to ________________ as the depth increases. This may be due to the increased amount of ______________ deeper in the mantle.

Let’s think about that egg again and its parts. Remember, we compared the shell of the egg to the crust of the Earth. Just inside the shell is a thin membrane and the white of the egg. Let’s see how this compares to the mantle.

Scientists have developed a model of the mantle that designates the first 100km (62 miles) as very

____________ rock. From that point to a depth of 250 km

(155 miles), they believe the mantle is close to its

___________________. The rock has reached a point of

___________________ but it has not changed from a solid to a true liquid. It does not actually melt, due to the great ________________ exerted upon it by the material above. From the 250km line to the edge of the mantle at 2,900 km, it is assumed to be ___________, solid matter again.

The plastic-like rock material in the 100 to 250 km zone seems to flow, almost like ____________________. This is magma, which is moving by the weight of the landmasses and oceans pressing down upon it.



Mohole or Deep-Sea

People are naturally curious, and they are constantly striving to learn more about the unknown. Once of the great mysteries for scientists is the exact structure of the earth. They have been able to drill into the Earth’s crust, but not beyond it. Two projects were recently designed to seek answers to some of the questions that have been puzzling scientists for years.

Team A: Project Mohole, begun March 1961

Team B: Deep-Sea Drilling Project, begun 1968


Research your team’s project, using the Internet.


Organize your information into a speech. Be sure to outline your arguments using the organization of a debate: a.

Introduce your project: Who, Where, What, When, Why, How b.

Main argument: How long did the project last. What were the results? c.

Rebuttal: listen for weaknesses in the other teams argument. Back up your rebuttal with facts about your own project. d.

Conclusion: repeat your strongest points, add any new points that may have come up or been forgotten. End with a BANG. Impress your whole audience!


Create a drawing or diagram of your project.


Due Date: ____________________________

How Do You Find the Core?

Geologists have been able to drill down into the crust.

The rocks they have extracted have given them lots of clues about the formation and structures of the Earth.

They have tried to drill into the mantle as well. It would be impossible for them to drill through the mantle and crust using modern technology. So, how do scientists have any idea what the center of the earth is made up of? How can they measure the layers of the Earth?

Geologists have studied seismic waves, or shock waves, that are created by earthquake activity. They have been able to identify different types of waves and observe their behavior.

There are two kinds of seismic waves: S-waves and P-waves. One difference between the two is their behavior in liquids. P-waves move very slowly in liquids, compared with their speed travelling through solids. S-waves disappear completely when they encounter liquids.

Scientists have collected information that indicates that S-waves and Pwaves behave very differently at a depth of 2,900km (1,800m), the beginning of the Earth’s outer core. The P-waves slow down and the S-waves disappear.

Scientists have also learned that P-waves increase their speed again beginning at the depth of 5, 150km (3,200m). This is where scientists believe the inner core begins.


Quick Check:


Why can’t scientists drill into the Earth’s core: ________________________



What are seismic waves: ________________________________________



What is an important difference in the behaviors of S-waves and P-waves travelling through liquids: _______________________________________



Why do scientists believe the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid?_______________________________________________________



As you go deeper into the earth, temperatures increase. How does the pressure affect temperature? ___________________________________________




If you take a hot apple pie out of the oven, the air temperature will eventually cool the crust. What might have happened to cool the earth’s surface:



See SCIENCE ACTIVITIES folder for Bonus Activities


Unit 1.5 Plate Tectonics: Get the Drift?

LAB #4 Egg Tectonics

Driving Question: can we model the earth’s plates with an egg?



boiled egg


food colouring

In this activity, the hard-boiled egg will represent Earth. Gently tap the egg on a hard surface to create as few cracks as possible.

Try to make the cracks large fragments; these fragments will represent the earth’s plates. With a coloured marker, trace the major cracks. The edges of these cracks represent the earth’s different tectonic plates. Now, squeeze the egg gently to create slight movements of the shell. Places where the eggshells separate represent divergent plate boundaries. Where two pieces of eggshell come together, a convergent boundary is represented. A transform boundary is represented when one piece of eggshell slides past another.

What geological activities might along the boundaries?


Divergent boundary _______________________________________



Convergent Boundaries _____________________________________



Transform Boundaries _____________________________________



The Pangaea

How does the Earth’s crust move? Scientists have been investigating this question for many years. One scientist, a German meteorologist named

______________________ (1880-1930), noticed that if you cut out the continents from a map that they almost fit together like the pieces of a

______________. Wegener was not convinced that the fit of the continents was merely a coincidence. He proposed that the continents were joined together in a

huge land mass called the __________________ and that over millions of years the continents __________________ apart forming our present day continents.

These maps show how the continents have changed position over millions of years.

Find and label North and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and

Antarctica in each map.


Fossil Evidence for Pangaea (Continental Drift)

Examine the map of the Pangaea showing fossil evidence to support the theory of continental drift. Use this map to answer the questions below.


Complete the table below summarizing the location of fossil evidence that supports the theory of continental drift.

Fossil of Evidence for ...





Fossils found on which continents?



Explain why the location of these fossils supports the theory of continental drift.



Geologic (ROCK) Evidence for Continental Drift


Complete the table below summarizing the location of rock evidence that supports the theory of continental drift.

Rock Type

Coal (C)

Desert Sandstone (D)

Gypsum (GY)

Glacial deposits (GL)

This type of rock is found on which continents?


The Earth's crust is constantly moving, both vertically and horizontally, at rates of up to several inches a year. A widely held theory that explains these movements is called "plate tectonics." It was developed in the mid 1960s by geophysicists.

The term "plate" refers to large rigid blocks of the Earth's surface (Lithosphere) which appear to move as a unit. These plates may include both oceans and continents. When the plates move, the continents and ocean floor above them move as well. Continental Drift occurs when the continents change position in relation to each other.

Due Date: ________________

Evidence Supporting Continental Drift

While plate tectonics is a relatively new idea, scientists have been gathering data in support of the Continental Drift theory for a very long time. In 1912, Alfred

Wegener and Frank Taylor first proposed the theory that 200 million years ago the Earth had only one giant continent, from which today's continents broke apart and drifted into their current locations. Wegener used the fit of the continents, the distribution of fossils, a similar sequence of rocks at numerous locations, ancient climates, and the apparent wandering of the Earth's polar regions to support his idea.

The Shapes Match -

The continents look as if they were pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle that could fit together to make one giant super-continent. The bulge of Africa fits the shape of the coast of North America while Brazil fits along the coast of Africa beneath the bulge.

The Plants and Animals Match -

Wegener noted that plant fossils of late

Paleozoic age found on several different continents were quite similar. This suggests that they evolved together on a single large land mass. He was intrigued by the occurrences of plant and animal fossils found on the matching coastlines of

South America and Africa, which are now widely separated by the Atlantic Ocean.

He reasoned that it was physically impossible for most of these organisms to have traveled or have been transported across the vast ocean. To him, the presence of identical fossil species along the coastal parts of Africa and South America was the most compelling evidence that the two continents were once joined.


The Ice Matches -

Wegener was aware that a continental ice sheet covered parts of South America, southern Africa, India, and southern Australia about

300 million years ago. Glacial striations on rocks show that glaciers moved from Africa toward the Atlantic

Ocean and from the Atlantic Ocean onto South

America. Such glaciation is most likely if the Atlantic

Ocean was missing and the continents joined.

The Rocks Match -

Broad belts of rocks in Africa and South America are the same type. These broad belts then match when the end of the continents are joined.

The Positions Don't Match -

If the continents were cold enough so that ice covered the southern continents, why is no evidence found for ice in the northern continents? Simple! The present northern continents were at the equator at 300 million years ago. The discovery of fossils of tropical plants (in the form of coal deposits) in Antarctica led to the conclusion that this frozen land previously must have been situated closer to the equator, in a more temperate climate where lush, swampy vegetation could grow.

Why Few People Believed -

Wegener's Continental Drift theory was not readily accepted by the science community of his day. It was difficult to conceive of large continents plowing through the sea floor to move to new locations. What kind of forces could be strong enough to move such large masses of solid rock over such great distances? Wegener suggested that the continents simply plowed through the ocean floor, but Harold Jeffreys, a noted English geophysicist, argued correctly that it was physically impossible for a large mass of solid rock to plow through the ocean floor without breaking up. Recent evidence from ocean floor exploration and other studies has rekindled interest in Wegener's theory, and lead to the development of the theory of plate tectonics.

To read an excellent historical account of Continental Drift with informative graphics, visit the U.S. Geological Survey .


Quick Check:


In your own words, explain the theory of continental drift and the surface evidence that supports it.




















LAB #6 On a Collision Course

Question: How can you design a model of Earth’s crust that shows the movement of Earth’s plates? How can you show at least one result of this movement, such as mountains, volcanoes or an earthquake?

Directions: With a group of 3 people, brainstorm ways that to set up a model. that shows the rigid plates of the lithosphere floating on the plastic-like layer of the asthenosphere. In addition, your model should show at least one result of the movement of the places, such as a mountain, volcano or earthquake.


1 kg cornstarch

500 ml water


disposable gloves

large, clean plastic tub

measuring cup

small items, such as puzzle pieces, marbles, etc.


1. How do you think your model helps to explain the theory of plate techtonics?





2. What models in the class worked well? Why?






Video LAB Part II: Layer’s of the Earth

The earth’s rapid rotation causes huge

____________ and storms. Over time, the moon moves further away from the earth and the earth’s spin decreases. ______________ appear out of molten rocks. The _________ cools and forms a volcanic island. The first continent is formed from these islands. Meteorites continue to hit the earth, bringing with them _______________ that transport _______________, __________________ and

_________________- the building blocks of life.

Underwater “chimneys” released ____________________ into the ocean.

This chemical soup came together to form life-

_____________________________________; single cell bacteria. Carbon dioxide and water are transformed into ___________________ through photosynthesis, which releases a byproduct called _________________. Iron is formed through the process of rusting.

Oxygen levels continue to rise over the next _________ billion years. The days get longer and the earth begins to take shape.

Nothing a little doodle can’t explain…


Plate Tectonics Theory

The plate tectonics theory explains ___________________ and the origins of

__________________, ____________ and ________________.

The Earth’s crust and the upper part of the mantle are ____________.

They are known as the _____________________. The lithosphere is divided into sections called ______________. Scientists have identified ____________ major plates and several smaller ones. The major plates are:

 The pacific

 The North American

 The South American

 The Eurasian

 The African

 The Australian

 The Antarctic

The Pacific plate is the ______________ plate, consisting of 20% of earth’s crust. All of theses plates, with the exception of the Pacific plate, contain both

_____________ and ______________ crust. Smaller plates include the

Caribbean and Arabian plates.

The lithosphere sits on the hot, fluid portion of the mantle that is known as the _______________. This section of the Earth’s interior is believed to be about 200 km thick.

Geologists believe that the plates move about on the asthenosphere because of _____________________ deep within the Earth. A convention current is the movement of __________ and ___________________ caused by differences in temperature. Scientist also believe that currents rise through the mantel towards

_______________________. When the molten material meets the rigid material at the lithosphere, it begins to travel ___________________. As the material beings to cool, it turns downwards again, returning to the mantle. The cycle is repeated throughout the mantle.

The situation is a bit like a pan of water sitting on top of stovetop burner.

The water closets to the burner will warm first and rise up to the top, move across the surface f the water and fall again to the bottom of the pan.


Diagram A demonstrates the movement of hot, fluid molten

materials rising to the mantle, cooling and then being pushed back into the asthenosphere.

Diagram B represents a more detailed look at the cause and

effect relationship between molten rock moving below the surface and the activity that results above.


Convection Currents

The Formation of Ridges and Trenches

CONVECTION CURRENTS result in the movement of plates. When plates move together, trenches are formed, and when plates move apart, ridges are formed with a rift (flat depression) in the middle.

Examine the diagram below showing how ridges and trenches are caused by



Ridges are formed in the crust in areas where lava is up welling to the surface. Ridges form while plates move apart .


Trenches are formed in the crust in areas where plates are pushed together and under, creating down welling as the crust melts.

In the diagram (right), locate the

Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Peru-

Chile Trench. Examine the convection currents below each of these features and note the type of movement that results in each change in the crust.


Quick Check:


Explain what layers of the earth compose the lithosphere, and how the lithosphere is related to the tectonic plates: ____________________



What is asthenosphere: ____________________________________



How many major plates does the lithosphere have: _________________


What is the largest plate and how is it different from the other plates



How do the plates move on the asthenosphere: ___________________



In your own words, explain how TRENCHES are formed. You must mention convection currents in the Asthenosphere, up-welling and down-welling.







In your own words, explain how RIDGES are formed. You must mention convection currents in the Asthenosphere, up-welling and down-welling.







Due Date: ____________________________


Label the Layers of the Earth

Read the definitions below, and then label the layers of the Earth.


Continental Crust

Oceanic Crust


Upper most layer of the Earth. This is where humans live


Solid rock; thickest part of crust; all of the land mass on earth

The thinner part of the crust that lies under the oceans

Solid rock; thinnest part of crust

Occupies space over the oceanic crust Large bodies of salt water Ocean




An imaginary line that divides the crust from the Mantle

1-Solid Upper Mantle Top, solid/rigid part of upper mantle

2-Flowing Upper


3-Lower Mantle



Just below the lithosphere and above lower mantle

Deepest part of mantle just above outer core, and below asthenosphere

Crust plus solid/rigid part of upper mantle

Another name for the flexible, flowing part of upper mantle

The point where waves from earthquakes change direction moving from less dense crust to more dense mantle

Solid; part of the lithosphere

Also called the asthenosphere; solid but flowing like taffy; has plasticity

Semi-rigid layer

Another name for tectonic plates; solid

Same as flowing upper mantle; convection currents take place here


Plate Boundaries

Earlier you learned that the lithosphere is broken into pieces called plates.

Scientists have discovered that when magma up-wells and pushes through a weak area between two plates, the magma forms new crust that, in turn, pushes the plates apart. These plates are forced to move on top of the semi-molten layer called the asthenosphere. As plates are pushed apart, other plates are pushed together. Where two plates meet is called a






The Earth’s Plate Boundaries:






BOUNDARIES plates are pushed apart plates are pushed together plates are pushed sideways

 ridges and rifts are created

 often occurs under the ocean and creates new crust in a process called seafloor spreading

 The thin seafloor crust subducts under the thick continental crust

 Or, two continents converge to create higher mountains

 Plates crack, creating a fault.

 This often happens along divergent boundaries.


Types of Plate Boundaries




Represents a ____________________ boundary. The magma is


(up-welling/down-welling) and

pushes the plates of the lithosphere



At __________________ boundaries, _______________ and rifts are formed.


Represents a ____________________ boundary. The magma is NOT involved in pushing or pulling


This boundary is caused by intense _____________ that builds up under the lithosphere and causes the lithosphere to crack and shift over, or __________ another section of the plate. __________________ boundaries can occur in the middle of plates, and often at divergent boundaries.


Represents a ____________________ boundary. The plates of the lithosphere are being pushed together by immense pressure from the opposite spreading side of the plate. ___________________ boundaries create deep

_____________ where the ocean crust subducts under the continental crust.

Mountains and ______________ are formed because of this subduction and


(up-welling/down-welling) of the more dense plate into the asthenosphere.



Plate Movement: In, Out and Sideways

The lithosphere, or solid part of the earth, is divided into plates. The places where these plates meet are called ___________________. The plates ride on the asthenosphere, or hot, fluid part of the mantle. There are _______ types of movement that orrcur at the plates boundaries (or zones).

The first type of bounday is called ________________________ or spreading zone. As the name indicates, this is an area where plates ____________ quickly away from one another. Most spreading occurs on the ocean floor, along the mid-atlantic ridge. Where this ocean spreading occurs, ____________________ is formed.

The second type of boundary is called ______________________ or converging zone, where two plates come together. There are two types of convergences that happen: In the first, as the plates meet, one plates slides over the other plate. The lower plate is forced down towards the mantle, which results in __________________ or the formation of ______________. The second types is when two plates collide, creating folded mountain ranges.

The third type of boundary is called _____________________. Or fracture/ fault zone. At this meeting place, plates slide past one another. No new earth is created, nor any lost. Shollow earthquakes may occur at the fracture zone.

Use the Cause-Effect Graph found on the following page to organize your ideas about plate zone.


Cause-Effect Plate Boundaries

Compete the following chart by filling the potential cause of movement of a boundary and the potential effect it could have on the Earth.





Due Date: __________________

Types of Plate Boundaries

ANALYZE THE DIAGRAM BELOW – Explain what you think is happening off the coast of Vancouver Island? What types of boundaries are there, and how are they moving?























To Recap:

Earth is made up of layers

The inside of the earth is both solid and liquid

Wegener developed the theory of Continental Drift

How was the theory of Continental Drift developed?

How do the plates of the lithosphere interact?

How do scientists identify rocks and minerals?

Minerals are the building blocks of rocks

Rocks are identified by their physical properties

How are rocks and minerals used?

There are 3 different types of faults

Earth’s crust consists of slowly moving plates


The formation of the Earth

 Hot beginnings

 Earth slowly took form


Structure of the Earth

Four layers of the Earth

Convection currents


Famous Geologists

 Wagener

 Lyell


Rocks vs. Mineral

 8 classification levels of a mineral


Plates and the lithosphere

Mohorovicic discontinuity

Plate Tectonics

 Pangaea

 Convergent boundaries

 Divergent boundaries

 Rocks vs. minerals

 Uses in the real world

Transform boundaries

Subduction zone


Return to page 4. Complete the section titled “Follow Up: Who’s Got the Answers?”


Earth’s Crust Word Bank

Scientific Terms Picture or Example


Continental Drift theory

Convection currents

Convergent boundaries



Divergent boundaries

Define in Your Own Words







Inner core

Juan de Fuca plate








Mohorovicic discontinuity

Outer core


Plate tectonics


Rock forming minerals




Subduction zone


Transform boundary

Transform fault boundaries




Workbook Resources:

Bailou, Brier et al. BC Science 10: Student Workbook. 2008. Vancouver: McGraw-

Hill Ryerson

Bryson, Bill. A Really Short History of Nearly Everything. 2003. USA: Delacorte


Chapman, Anita et al. BC Science Probe 7. 2005. Toronto: Nelson

Logan, LaVerne. Geology: Rocks Minerals and the Earth. 2010. USA: Mark Twain


Mason, Adrienne, et al. BC Science 7. 2004. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Ward, Pat and Barbra. Geology: A Science Activity Book. 1994. USA: Mark Twain



Bill Nye the Science Guy “Earth’s Crust” (YouTube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MucQmSIKElU

National Geographic “The Story of Earth” (YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6OuD877Rog

“Japan Earthquake - 15 min LiveCam” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBdvvXyS-r4

