Plate Tectonics Questions

Plate Tectonics Questions
1. How many large plates form the outer shell of the Earth (continents)? _____
2. What lies directly beneath the crust? _______________
3. The upper mantle and crust make up what major tectonic feature of our
planet, also known as the rock sphere? ______________________________
4. What lies beneath the lithosphere and acts as a lubricant so that the plates
can easily slide? ________________________________
5. Oceanic crust is made up of _______________ rock, while Continental crust
is made up of ________________ rock.
6. Where is new oceanic crust being formed? ___________________________
7. The San Andreas Fault is a classical example of a _____________________
8. The East Pacific Rise and the Mid Atlantic Ridge represent
9. What does subduction mean?
10.The inner core is made up of _______________ and __________________
11.What produces the Earth’s magnetic field?
12.Lithosphere is destroyed at ________________________ boundaries
13.List the seven major lithospheric plates.
14.What kinds of plate boundaries are found in California?
15.Which of the seven plates consists mostly of oceanic lithosphere?_________
16.Where is the Juan de Fuca plate located? ____________________________
17.Label the seven major lithospheric plates.