
May 15, 2015 FDA approved the release of Treximet
Used for the treatment of: Combination to treat migraines
in patients aged 12 to 17 years.
Dosage Form: Single oral tablet containing 10 mg of
sumatriptan and 60 mg of naproxen sodium.
Marketing Information from Manufacturer: “Until now,
pediatric migraine sufferers have not had the same number of
treatment options compared to adults to manage the
potentially debilitating effects of acute migraine,” Merle Lea
Diamond, MD, president and managing director of the
Diamond Headache Clinic and consultant to Pernix, said in a
press release. “As many as 1 out of 5 teens suffers from
migraines, and their burden goes well beyond the pain, as
migraines can also adversely affect their social growth and
their efforts in school.”
Benefits and Concerns of the Drug: Treximet is the first
approved combination prescription medicine for migraines,
and it is the first approved migraine treatment to include
sumatriptan. Treximet’s boxed warning cautions of
cardiovascular and gastrointestinal risks.
Coverage Recommendations: These recommendations
are available to IPC/EvergreenRx clients from their Account
Manager or Clinical Pharmacist.
Special points of interest
T R E X I M E T [ t re x' i - m e t ]
T a b le t s is a p r e s c r ip t i o n
medicine used to treat
m ig r a i n e a t t a c k s in
G e n e r ic N a m e :
s u m a t r ip t a n / n a p r o xe n
TREXIMET may increase
your chance of a heart
attack or stroke that can
le a d t o d e a t h . T R E X I M E T
contains 2 medicines:
s u m a t r ip t a n a n d
n a p r o xe n s o d i u m
(a n o n s t e r o i d a l a n t i in f l a m m a t o r y d r u g
[ N S AI D ] ) .
T 636.614.1344
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