
Caitlin Sherman
Extra Credit 3
Unit 5
1. Which area on the Earth receives the most amount of direct sun light?
a. The equator
b. The mid latitudes
c. The subpolar region
d. The Polar region
Feedback: the sun hits the equator straight-on and only glances
the poles, resulting in the equator getting more sun light.
2. Which is true about rising air?
a. Rising air compresses and warms
b. Rising air expands and warms
c. Rising air compresses and cools
d. Rising air expands and cools
Feedback: rising air expands and cools, while sinking air
compresses and warms
3. Why is Death Valley warmer than the Redwood forest?
a. The mountains create a warming effect when the air comes down
the other side
b. There are less clouds in Death Valley
c. Air is heated and condensed by the time it reaches Death Valley
d. All of the above
Feedback: See textbook 5.1 for more information
4. Weathering is which type of change in rocks?
a. Chemical
b. Physical
c. Mechanics
d. Biologic
Feedback: Weathering is a physical change that makes rocks
smaller from big pieces
5. What is the missing part of the equation to make soil?
Rust + Sand + clay + _______________ = soil
a. Calcium
b. Iron
c. Worm poop
d. Pepsi
Caitlin Sherman
Extra Credit 3
Feedback: the rust, sand, and clay left behind in sediment form,
plus a little organic material often including worm poop, becomes
layer of soil
Unit 6
1. What happens if rocks arrive faster than a river can move them?
a. Rocks pile up, creating a lake
b. Rocks pile up along the shore making it harder to fish
c. Rocks pile up, steepening the stream to move the rocks
d. Rocks don’t pile up, the river can always move them
Feedback: if more rocks arrive than water can move, rocks pile up,
steepening the stream so it can move more rocks
2. A delta builds which way?
a. Out but also up
b. Out but also down
c. In but also out like a fan
d. In but also up
Feedback: A delta builds out but also up, backing up sediment to
bury fields and houses for some distance up stream
3. How thick is the Mississippi delta?
a. The Mississippi does not have a delta
b. 27 miles
c. 17 miles
d. 7 miles
Feedback: The delta is as much as seen miles thick
4. Why is the location of New Orleans a bad choice?
a. It lies in flood plains
b. The river isn’t able to build natural levees
c. It is sinking
d. All of the above
Feedback: See textbook 6.2
5. Which rock dissolves very easily?
a. Calcium
b. Limestone
c. Sandstone
d. Mudstone
Caitlin Sherman
Extra Credit 3
Unit 7
Feedback: Limestone dissolves easily creating sinkholes, caves,
and springs
1. What types of rocks show a glacier was present?
a. Abraded
b. Plucked
c. Abraded and Plucked
d. Neither
Feedback: plucked and abraded rocks show clearly that glaciers
were present
2. Since water in the ocean is not all the same, one molecule in 500 has an
extra what?
a. Neutron
b. Calcium atoms
c. Carbon atoms
d. Water in the ocean is all the same
Feedback: Water in the oceans is not all the same- roughly one
molecule in 500 has an extra neutron or two in one or more of the
oxygen or hydrogen atoms.
3. Which hemisphere is the key to controlling ice ages?
a. Southern Hemisphere/Summer
b. Southern Hemisphere/Winter
c. Northern Hemisphere/Summer
d. Northern Hemisphere/Winter
Feedback: Summer in the northern hemisphere appears to be the
key to controlling ice ages.
4. How long ago was the most recent ice age?
a. 40,000 years ago
b. 30,000 years ago
c. 20,000 years ago
d. 10,000 years ago
Feedback: The most recent ice age was 20,000 years ago, and had
a unique glacier tracks across broad areas now far from ice
suggests past paths.
5. What percent of land area is covered by ice sheets today
a. 40%
b. 30%
c. 20%
Caitlin Sherman
Extra Credit 3
d. 10%
Unit 8
Feedback: Ice sheets cover about 10% of land area; at the height of
the ice age about 30% of modern land was covered.
1. Most transportation on a beach is which of the following
a. To and from the beach
b. Along the beach
c. From the north due to sea breeze
d. From the south due to the Gulf Current
Feedback: Most transport is to and from the beach, rather than
along the beach because most waves turn so that their crests are
almost parallel to the beach.
2. In slightly deeper water during a storm the net movement of sand is
a. A huge amount
b. A few big pieces
c. A little
d. A lot
Feedback: there often is a little net movement of sand from the
beach into deeper water during storms, which are more common
during winter than during summer.
3. Which is the best way to describe long shore drift?
a. Water and sand moving away from the beach
b. Water and sand moving onto the beach
c. Water and sand moving horizontally on the beach
d. Water and sand moving along the shore
Feedback: long shore drift is water and sand moving along the
4. What made great granite bodes draped in metamorphic sediments?
a. The subduction and collision with Europe during the closing of
the proto-Atlantic
b. The subduction with Europe during the beginning of the protoAtlantic
c. The convergence with Europe during the closing of the protoAtlantic
d. The convergence with Europe during the beginning of the protoAtlantic
Caitlin Sherman
Extra Credit 3
Feedback: The subduction and collision with Europe during the
closing of the proto-Atlantic made great granite bodies draped in
metamorphosed sediment.
5. At what percent was reported on Cape Cod about the U.S. coast eroding?
a. 95%
b. 80%
c. 75%
d. 50%
Unit 9
Feedback: the Sea Grant Program at the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution, on Cape Cod, reported that the 75% of
the U.S. coastline is eroding, with only 25% stable or advancing.
1. Rocks made entirely of precipitate are called
a. Metamorphic rock
b. Sedimentary rock
c. Basalt
d. Organic rock
Feedback: look in Textbook 9.2 Bryce Canyon, Sedimentary Rocks
2. Which rock is not classified as Clastics?
a. Shale
b. Siltstone
c. Geode
d. Clay
Feedback: Siltstone is slightly coarser pieces of silt. Clay, claystone,
and shale are the very smallest clast rocks. The largest clast rocks
are cobbles and boulders, or conglomerate.
3. Which is a clue found in sedimentary rocks that tell us how it came to be?
a. The clast size or grain size
b. The grain shap
c. Sorting
d. All of the above
Feedback: the sized of a clast or grain indicates slow or no
currents, the grain shape tells whether it has been transported for
in water or wind because transportation knocks off sharp corners
making it round, and sorting tells us if wind and water, a landslide,
or a glacier moved the piece because each deposit different sized
4. How did arch formation start?
a. Deposits of sediments including limestone
b. Deposits of thick beds of salt
Caitlin Sherman
Extra Credit 3
c. Deposits from an ancient stream
d. Deposits of Pepsi cans from European settlers
Feedback: See Textbook 9.2: Arches National Park
5. What is “unconformity”?
a. A slab of rock that is not symmetrical
b. Outcrop of a mountain side with various erosion patterns
c. A time gap in a sedimentary sequence
d. Outcrop of a mountain side with various deposit patterns
Feedback: the correct answer is a time gap in a sedimentary sequence,
which can be caused by actual erosion or lack of deposition