Study Guide Sedimentary Rocks


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Chapter 5 Section 2 Study Guide: Sedimentary Rocks

How do Sedimentary Rocks form?

What is sediment?


Sedimentary Rocks form from particles deposited by water and wind.

Sand grains, mud and pebbles are some particles.

Small, solid pieces of material that come from rocks or living things.

What is the sequence of processes that forms sedimentary rocks?

 Erosion




 Deposition

Sediment settles out of the water, wind or ice carrying it.

 Compaction

Process that presses sediments together.

Year after year new layers form.

Minerals slowly dissolve.

 Cementation

Process by which dissolved minerals crystallize and glue particles of sediment together.

What are the three major groups of sedimentary rocks?

1) Clastic Rocks-Forms when rock fragments are squeezed together. a.

Grouped by size of fragments. b.

Common clastic rock-

shale- formed from clay.

c. Sandstone- formed from the

Compaction and cementation

Of sand. c.

Conglomerate and Breccia-

Formed from a mixture of

Rock fragments.

2) Organic –Forms from the remains of plants and animals deposited in thick layers. a.

Coal b.


3) Chemical rock- Forms when minerals are dissolved in a solution and crystallize.

Sandstone and limestone are used for building materials

 Can be easily cut.

 Limestone is used for making cement.

Uses of Sedimentary rocks

Uses of Sedimentary Rocks
