Elvetham Heath Pupil Premium Statement

Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to schools for pupils who are registered as eligible for Free
School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years or are Looked After Children who have been
looked after for 1 day or more or were adopted from care. The premium was introduced by the DfE in
2001 and is aimed at addressing the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free
school meals and those that are not by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils
who need it most.
The Pupil Premium is clearly identifiable. It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since
they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within
their responsibility.
Pupil Premium at Elvetham Heath Primary School
At Elvetham Heath Primary School we have high expectations for all our pupils and work hard to ensure
that all pupils make good progress across the school and achieve their best. Each pupil’s progress is
evaluated termly through Cohort Progress Meetings and additional support is provided for any pupils at
risk of not making good progress. One of our Deputy Headteachers, Mrs Debbie Nicholass, has particular
responsibility for ensuring that there is high quality provision for children receiving Free school Meals or
who are Looked After. The Deputy Headteacher meets with the designated Pupil Premium Governor once
a term.
The Deputy Headeacher and Governors have attended training on effective use of Pupil premium
funding. Financial tracking of expenditure is closely monitored alongside the children’s attainment and is
reported to governors on a termly basis. Teachers and support staff are aware of those pupils in their
classes who are in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding and are responsible are for planning and teaching
that meets their needs. During progress meetings Pupil Premium children are monitored and tracked.
Interventions are put into place to support the children.
The number of pupils receiving Free School Meals at Elvetham Heath is low compared to schools
Pupil Premium Funds allocated in 2012-2013 Budget
£30,035 (49 pupils)
Pupil Premium Funds allocated in 2013-2014 Budget
£46,538 (53 pupils)
Pupil Premium Funds allocated in 2014-2015 Budget
£76,750 (61 pupils)
The Pupil Premium is used to support a range of interventions:
Specific Deputy Head role of Pupil Premium Champion, to ensure good social, emotional and
academic provision for pupils receiving Free School Meals (FSM) and to ensure their effective
induction on arrival at Elvetham Heath.
Release time for each Year Group Leader to monitor the progress of and develop the provision
for FSM pupils in each cohort.
Small group (Wave 2) interventions for specific areas of learning such as reading, spelling,
handwriting and mathematics, enabling children to work at, or above, age-related expectations.
Individualised (Wave 3) interventions where there are specific barriers to learning.
Social and Emotional support through our Emotional Literacy Support Advisor.
1:1 support in core areas delivered by teaching assistants across the school.
Provision of a Partners in Learning handbook for the parents of all pupils receiving FSM to
facilitate an effective support at home.
Financial support for pupils receiving FSM to ensure that they can participate in a broad and rich
curriculum including extra-curricular activities, including after school clubs and residential and
day visits.
Shared employment of a Parent Support Advisor (PSA) serving local schools and providing
support for families
1:1 mentoring sessions per child each term so that children are clear of where they are, where
they need to be and what they need to do to improve.
Case studies are used to evaluate the impact of pastoral interventions, such as attendance and
The Impact of Pupil Premium support at Elvetham Heath Primary School
The school’s evaluation of its own performance is rigorous. Tracking of progress over time for each pupil
is thorough, and so we can quickly identify any gaps in learning and respond with interventions to
promote progress.
DfE data from 2014 shows that:
100% of Year 6 pupils (9 out of 9) receiving Free School Meals made achieved level 4 or above in
maths. 44% (4 out of 9) achieved level 5.
89% of Year 6 pupils (8 out of 9) receiving Free School Meals made achieved level 4 or above in
reading. 56% (5 out of 9) achieved level 5.
78% of Year 6 pupils (7 out of 9) receiving Free School Meals made achieved level 4 or above in writing.
22% (2 out of 9) achieved level 5.
Our 2014 parent survey shows high regard for the school’s provision and its impact on pupils including
those receiving Free School Meals (98% of parents agreed that teaching is good and 95% agreed that
the school fosters a positive environment in which every child is valued).
Pupil Premium 2014-15
The new funding formula for schools allocates a Pupil Premium of £1,300 per pupil who has received
Free School Meals at any point over the last 6 years. Additionally there will be £300 funding for each
child with a parent serving in the armed forces.
We will continue to track the progress and provision for these pupils to ensure that they directly benefit
from additional funding and will report to Governors each term on the quality and effectiveness of our
provision for Free School Meals pupils.