Dynamic Interface Design

Edmond Yee
Advisor: Professor David Kirsh
Dynamic Interface Design
General Goal
Quite a few accredited interface theories from the 80s till now have failed to stress the
importance of the user’s role in interface design.1 In particular; they assume that all users have
constant expectations about what to do with an interface. Whether an interface is successful or
‘direct’ largely depends on the user’s life experiences, age, cultural background, and prior
experience to the interface or a similar one. This effect is especially common in interfaces built
for complex task domains. For example, a user who is expert in squash may found the field in a
tennis racket completely natural whereas a user unfamiliar with the racket sports may found the
field of a tennis racket novel and unnatural. The problem here is that most of these interfaces for
complex task domains are built for experts with high conceptual model (higher expressive
capacity) which makes these interfaces difficult to learn. The goal here is to give an account on
how to effectively create the feeling of directness between a particular interface and a user when
the user’s conceptual model is always changing. This paper will explore this question.
Direct Manipulation Interface
The idea of direct manipulation was first introduced by Edwin Hutchin in the paper,
“Direct Manipulation Interface” (1985). The paper was initially written to address design
technique of what now known as graphical user interface. However, they have brought up
important ideas of interface design that should not be overlooked.
The fundamental goal of direct manipulation is to create an interface that give rise to
users’ feeling of directness. An interface can achieve this goal by reducing the distance between
what the user has in mind to achieve a goal and the way an interface is designed to achieve that
goal. That is, the closer the match between the user’s expectations and the interface design, the
shorter the distance and the higher the directness. The distance also refers to the gulf between the
user’s intention and the meaning of expression in an interface.
Specifically, the level of descriptions must be matched in order to reduce the size of the
gulf. Level of description refers to the level of detail narrative in a task. For instance, the highest
level of description of a task can be “writing a paper”, a lower level would be typing in a word
processing program, and the lowest level could be the changes of bits inside the electronics of
the computer.
There are two different types of distances: 1) semantic and 2) articulatory. Semantic is
the distance between the meaning of expression of a task in the interface language and the
meaning of that task in the user’s mind. For instance, the semantic distance of an interface that is
suppose to show the water level in a cup could be increased by graphically illustrates the rate of
change of the water rather than increasing instantly from one water level to another.
Articulartory distance refers to the distance between the meaning of expression and the form of
expression. In the cup example, articulartory distance would be the representation of the cup,
should it be triangular? Rectangular? Or in cylindrical shape? So if it is in ‘cup’ shape that most
people recognize and illustrated in animated ‘water’, the system will be articulartory more direct.
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
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According to Hutchin et.al, direct engagement is whether the user engages in direct
interaction with the object of interest. With that said, 1) the input and output domain must be
seamlessly integrated together so that driving the interface would have the same feeling as
manipulating the actual object. For instance, pressing a GUI button with a mouse and clicking
gestures would have less engagement then pressing the same button on a touch screen. In the
latter case, there is no (at least really small) intermediary layer between input and output. 2)
Semantic and articulatory distances should be minimized as much as possible and that 3) there
should be no delay in direct engaging system unless it is suggested by the knowledge of the
system itself.
What Direct Manipulation Interface does not answer?
The problem with direct manipulation interface is that the theory seems to ignore the
importance of the role that the user plays in an interface. They defined direct manipulation
principle to be a feeling of directness that the user gets. This means that the user’s perception is
crucial to this type of interface. There are generally two problems in this theory: 1) The feeling
of directness is subjective and that one person thinks an interface is direct does not necessary
mean that another person will also think it is direct, 2) the feeling of directness can change over
time within a single person.
As I have mentioned before, one of the most important goal in direct manipulation is to
match the level of descriptions between the user and the interface. This essentially means that it
would either up to the user or the interface to make that effort to bring closer the level of
description. However, due to the fact that a user must participate in using an interface, the user
must make some effort in bringing closer the level of description. They have acknowledged this
fact by claiming that “the user must generate some information-processing structure to span the
gulf.” (Hutchins 1985) Now, they claim that a good interface must take full efforts to bridge the
gulf and thus minimizing what the user has to do. However, users’ level of description in a task
is not constant and each user thinks of the task differently in different levels. For instance, a
professional tennis player would think of a tennis racket differently than a novice player that had
never played tennis before. How can a designer assure that the design of a tennis racket matches
the level of these two different players? He cannot (at least not so simple). A tennis racket is
simply designed to match the level of descriptions of the professionals. That is why it is difficult
for a novice tennis player to hit a ball with it. Thus, it is impossible for one static interface to
match the level of description in everyone’s mind.
Hutchin also mentions that automated behavior does not reduce the semantic distance
because the user has to do too much work to bridge the gulf. But why not? Automated behavior
is extremely crucial on how humans learn to use tools/interfaces in this world. Driving, writing,
typing, playing a piano, riding a bike and even walking is a result of automated behavior. More
importantly, the expressive power of each of these interfaces would be very limited without
automatization. Imagine how many song (or notes) one can play on a piano without automated
behavior. Imagine how driving would be like without automatizing the skills. Think about how
different ones’s life could be without automatizing those natural born ‘interfaces’ call legs when
one is small. Without automatization, the gulfs between many interfaces and the users are simply
impossible to be bridge and that those interfaces would never achieve its full expressive power.
For instance, a user could only use the piano to play individual notes if he is not achieving
automated behavior. Continuous harmonics and certain tempo could never be achieved, not even
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
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mention the possibility to control acoustical nuances. Thus, many good interfaces are designed
for matching the level of description when one reaches automatization of certain behaviors in
order to maximize the expressive power of the interfaces. With that said, an interface that is
complicated and not easy to learn at first does not necessary concludes that it is a bad interface.
Likewise, an easy to learn interface which minimizes the effort a user may not be a good
interface since their expressive power can be easily limited. That is, a toy piano which only has
10 keys is much easier to play and learn compare to a 72 keys standard keyboard, but a 10
keyboard would never achieve the capability of a 72 keys keyboard.
Directions in solving the problems
However, the direct manipulation theory is not something that one could simply set aside.
After all they are the pioneers who recognize the importance of matching level of description
between a user’s intention and functions of an interface in order to minimize the gulf and
maximize the expressive power/possibilities. But it is not as simple as they would think to
achieve this goal; that is to match the level of descriptions. As I have mentioned above,
intentions can varies among person and within person, there is simply impossible to design a
static interface which is capable of matching all levels of descriptions. For example, an interface
can either built to match a low level of description (like a guitar) which will maximize the
possibilities (and expressive power) but minimize the feeling of directness of first time players
(which makes it really hard to learn) or a high level interface which is relatively easy to learn but
with very limited capabilities (e.g. the specially designed guitar in the Guitar Hero game series).
One way to solve this problem is to create an interface that would dynamically change its design
to match the user’s intention/level of descriptions. The most difficult thing to do in building such
an interface is to where the highest level of description should be set. That is, how can a designer
assure that everyone could immediately create a feeling of directness in that level? To achieve
that one must first find out what behavior or expectation is immediately obvious and natural to
all people in this world with very few exceptions (physically/mentally disable people, young
children, etc). The study of affordance of object and natural mapping would help us identify this
primitive nature of interaction.
Tangible User Interface
However, before starting the discussion in affordance, I will introduce a more recent
interface theory. Tangible User Interface is first officially introduced in the “Tangible Bits”
paper by Hiroshi Ishii (1997). In their vision, they think that traditional Graphical User Interfaces
separates people from the physical world that we live and interact with for millions of years.
Thus, it is necessary to bring back elements of physical interactivity/physical form of objects into
user interface design, and go beyond pure GUIs. Rather than relying overly on human visual
perception like GUIs do, TUIs put a much stronger emphasis on taking advantage of all human
sensory experiences. It is important to note that Tangible User Interface is not about making
computer ubiquitous but to use people’s natural legibility of interacting with tangible objects in
designing interfaces. It brings up two important concepts: 1) using people’s natural legibility of
interacting with tangible system in designing interface, and 2) “taking advantages of multiple
senses and the multi-modality of human interactions with the real world” (Ishii 1997). Note that
multi-modality does not necessarily equal to multi-sensibility. For instance, an interface that is
taking advantage of human’s ability to distinguish colors and shapes are an example of multi1.
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
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modal system but not a multi-sensory system. According to Ishii (1997), an example of natural
legibility would be the fact that we know what to expect of a flashlight. This idea of natural
legibility is basically a subset of affordance. While this concept is very powerful when defined
correctly, they have made a big mistake when implementing the concept. I will explain this later.
Taxonomy of TUIs
“A Taxonomy for and
Analysis of Tangible Interfaces” by
Fishkin (2004) is an important paper
since it provides one of the best
frameworks of tangible interfaces.
The paper starts out by giving a very
board definition of TUIs and
attempting to narrow it down.
However, they found that narrowing
the definition of tangible interfaces
problematic because many classical
“digital desk”- type interfaces are not
identified as TUI while some
interfaces that have the same exact
configurations are said to be tangible
interfaces. This contradiction makes it Figure 1
meaningless to provide a binary
(yes/no) framework to identify whether or not one system is a tangible interface. Rather, they
found it useful to view tangibility in a 2D multi-value taxonomy. The two spectrums are
embodiment and metaphor and they are both divided into four levels. It is important to note that
increasing the tangibility does not necessary yield a better system.
Embodiment is defined to be the proximity level between the input and output focus of a
system. The four levels from highest to lowest embodiment (tangibility) are full, nearby,
environmental and distant (see fig. 1).
Metaphor is defined to be a measure of how much the user’s action in manipulating a
particular system analogous to an action in the real world; of course, the stronger the analogy, the
higher the tangibility. Generally, metaphor is only measured in two ways: noun and verb. They
use these two values because they think that noun and verb are innate concept to human being
based on cognitive psychology studies. The four levels are created based on these two scales:
none, noun or verb, noun and verb, and full (see fig. 1).
This taxonomy, however, suffers from almost the exact problem mentioned in Direct
Manipulation Interface theory. Both theories assumes that users of an interface would have
constant conceptual models. As Fishkin (2004) mentioned in the paper when attempting to define
embodiment: “To what extent does the user think of the states of the system as being ‘inside’ the
object they are manipulating? To what extent does the user think of the state of computation as
being embodied within a particular physical housing?” It is clear that Fishkin himself understand
that his taxonomy of TUIs depends almost entirely on users’ conceptual model (or perceived
affordance in Norman’s term) about an object. If this is true, how one could accurately identify
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
the embodiment and metaphorical level of an interface or object? One could definitely do that,
but that identification may suffer heavily from personal bias which may lead to serious design
problems. For instance, if I am an interface designer, I must have high level knowledge about
how a certain system operates and that I might think that the system is operating at ‘full’
metaphorical level while it is not the case for most people. Fishkin (2004) defined full
metaphorical level by claiming that “the user need make no analogy at all—to their mind, the
virtual system is the physical system; they manipulate an object and the world changes in the
desired way”. Notice this is almost the same logic purposed in Direct Malipulation Interface
(Hutchin 1985) Though both of these theories realize the importance of user’s conceptual model,
they seem to build their theory by almost completely ignoring this fact.
Although many researches in TUI suffer from this same problem, the ideas of designing
interfaces based on natural legibility and taking full advantage of human sensibility are powerful
concepts that should not be overlooked. I will now discuss the concept of natural legibility in
terms of affordance defined by Donald Norman in 1988.
General Concept of Affordance
According to “The Design of Everyday Things” by Donald Norman (1988), affordance of
object refers to the possible actions embedded and suggested by the object itself, to quote them,
“the perceived and actual properties of the thing, primarily those fundamental properties that
determine just how the thing could possibly be used.” (Norman 1988, PP 9) As mentioned in the
book, a useful (but informal) way to know the affordance of an object is to ask questions like,
“this is for… or this feature is for…” Some example of fundamental properties of objects can be
very strong. A piece of glass is suggested to be seeing through; there is no way that a person
could pretend not to see through it. The user could either not look at it or see through it. However,
it is not possible for him to physically go through that piece of glass. This type of fundamental
properties could be used as a natural guidance (or constraints) that when carefully taken
advantage of could match the highest level of language in an interface that anyone could easily
understand. Note that although the idea of affordance is used to describe ‘object’, it is logical to
apply this idea to the design of physical interfaces due to the fact that a physical interface must
be an object itself. This will be further discussed later in this proposal.
Perceived Affordance VS Real/Physical Affordance
Knowing the affordance of an object is always helpful, but it is important to note that
most affordance is not naturally perceived to be the same by the user like the piece of glass
mentioned above. That is, cultural conventions are very often involved in the process of
identifying affordance of object or interfaces. For instance, the affordance for people to twist the
cap counterclockwise out of a bottle of water is a cultural convention. This is learned affordance.
That is, the value of affordance of this little piece of plastic on a bottle is not constant but user
dependent. If this is the case, affordance simply re-introduced the same problem as I have
mentioned above but not really attempting to solve it. Again, the goal is to identify a guideline
that would help us identify a primitive nature of interaction which is stable enough that everyone
knows what to do.
In May 1999, Norman wrote an article clarifying the concept of affordance2. He divided
the term affordance into perceived affordance and real affordance. According to him, most object
affordances that people have identified are perceived affordances which essentially refer to
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
affordances of conventions. That is, for example, affordances of a plastic cap on a typical water
bottle. A clear definition is that perceived affordances are what a particular user perceived or
expected and that they can be independent to the real/physical affordances of an object. Physical
affordance in contrast is the natural affordance of object that must be perceived in some way. A
good example is the ‘see-through’ affordance of a piece of glass mentioned above. Another
example would be the old-school 3.5 inches floppy disc in which it is physically limited to be
inserted into a floppy drive in one and only one direction out of eight possible ways (there are
two sets of the four possible directions since floppy discs have two sides). Physical/real
affordance is a very important concept and a powerful one since it clears out users’ subjective
views to an object or a physical interface (or it avoids these subjective views). If real affordance
is properly taken advantage of, it would be highly possible to create an interface that all users
from any part of the world with any cultural background will naturally and instantly know how
to use this interface. In the paper, “Technology Affordance”, William Gaver (2001) also
suggested a similar idea. The paper mentioned that “distinguishing affordances from perceptual
information about them is useful in understanding ease of use.” (Gaver 2001) However, it is still
difficult for a designer to accurately identify and take use of real affordances of an object.
One effective way to take advantage of affordance is to create an affordance by
introducing constraints. According to Norman (1988), there are four different kinds of
constraints: physical, semantic, cultural and logical. Physical constraint is closely connected to
real/physical affordance. Since human being lives and interacts with this physical world for
billions of years, every one of us is expert in physical laws and rules in the earth. For instance,
every human that lives in this world would know what to expect if you release a ball above the
ground: it would be impossible for the ball to not fall on the ground unless there are some other
external forces which go against the gravitational force. This is one example of many physical
laws that designers can use to create physical constraints on objects or interfaces which limits
action possibilities. Physical constraint provides extremely strong cues to the user of how to
interact with an object or an interface without words or instructions. Consider the 3.5 inches
floppy disc again. Designer purposely created the disc to be slightly rectangular so that it is
impossible to insert it sideways. This is a physical constraint which limits four possibilities out of
eight. The diagonal corner and the sliding direction of the mental door prevent other possibilities
and allow users to insert the disc in one direction only. Introducing constraints reduce the real
affordance of the floppy disc. The user must follow this constraint when inserting the disc into
the drive because the real affordance is now limited to one direction. It is important to note that
those physical constraints greatly reduced the time required for one to learn to use a floppy drive
system. Imagine none of those constraints are presented, the user must insert the disc in eight
different directions to test which directions the floppy drive could read the data in the disc. This
process is done by observing appropriate feedbacks from the computer. It is true that the user
might eventually learn which way is the right way to insert the disc but it would take much more
time (and training) to achieve the same goal.
Cultural constraints may not be as powerful as physical constraints, but they are
extremely useful in designing objects and interfaces as well. Cultural constraints refer to
constraints perceived by users; they are conventions of a group of people. Cultural constraints
are closely connected to the idea of perceived affordance since perceived affordance is
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
affordances that each person thinks an object have by looking at it. Cultural conventions can be
useful in that they provide addition hints which limit or guild users to the real affordances
blinded to an object. Take the floppy disc example again, the little arrow on one side of the disc
that sits right next to the sliding metal door is an example of cultural conventions or constraints.
People in American culture or most other cultures would understand what that arrow means and
insert the disc following the direction of that arrow. It is also a convention for them to know that
they have to insert the disc while the arrow is visible and facing upward. This arrow provides a
short-cut for people to make use of the real affordance of the disc rather than testing it eight
times through instant feedbacks of trial and error. However, this arrow is certain not a good
cultural constraint since it has really low visibility. A better example would be the ‘bar like’ door
handle which promote pushing on the right side of the door mentioned in Norman’s book (1988).
In this example, the real affordance of the door is pushing it on the right side. The cultural
constraint is the ‘bar like’ door handle located on the right side of the door, and people would
perceive it as a connection to the real affordance of that door.
Semantic constraint is constraint promoted by the situation or system. For example, tires
should be inserted around the wheels. This type of constraints is very similar to cultural
constraints and that it should be a subset of cultural constraints.
Logical constraint refers to limitation created by proper logical rules. For example, if
there are five identical tires and four identical wheels, one of those tires that installed to one of
those wheels has been damaged. It is logical to replace that damaged tire with the fifth tire which
is identical to all other tires. This follows the logic if A=B and A can be installed to C, B must
also be installed to C. Logical constraint can sometimes be as powerful as physical constraint
because logical rules are facts and that they are always true if the premises are true. However, the
problem with logical constraint is that people would more likely think inductively (what is
probably true) rather than deductively (logical rules described above) when facing a logical
problem. (Gray 2006) Thus, it would be very difficult for designer to use logical constraint in
product design due to this bias.
Visibility and Feedback
Visibility is extremely
important in interface and object
design. In order for some object to
be perceived to have certain
affordances, the first thing to do is
to make something visible. This is
true no matter whether the
affordances are perceived or real.
Note that according to Norman,
visibility here not only refers to
traditional visual sensation (what
one can see) but also other
perceptual experience like auditory
sense. A good design must convey
good visual message to inform the
correct affordances of an object. In
Figure 2
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
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his essay, William Gaver (2001) has described the relationship between affordances and the
quality of visual information presented in a system (see fig. 2). The horizontal axis, real
affordance, indicates whether a certain affordance in fact present in a system. The vertical axis
indicates whether there is visual or perceptual information present that suggests a certain
affordance. For instance, a TV remote control with a curve metal on one side and not the others
would provide visual information suggesting the remote control is transmitted from that side.
Here, signal transmission is one of the real affordance of the system, and if the curve metal is on
the same side as the signal transmitter, this visual/perceptual information (curve metal) supports
the real affordance. Gaver calls those affordance perceptible affordance. Note that perceptible
affordance is different from perceived affordance. In this example, the way that most users
expect the curve to be a transmitter is the perceived affordance of this item. Again, the perceived
affordance does not necessary to be the same as the real affordance. If the actual signal
transmitter is on the opposite side of that metal piece, the perceptual information would give
false hints to the real affordance. In this case, the user will try to aim that metal curve closer to
the TV to get better signal, only to find that the signal is hardly getting stronger. This is called
false affordance. Hidden affordance is simply when some real affordance of a system is hidden
from the user (or very hard to find); for instance, an on/off switch inside the computer. When
there is no visual cue about some non-existing affordance, the user simply expects that part of
the system to afford nothing. Gaver refers situation like this to correct rejection by the user. This
taxonomy of visual/perceptual information and affordance is useful because it provides basic
design guidance to what should and should not be made visible.
With good visibility, users can figure out what functions are supported and not supported
in a system. They could learn the possibilities that a system is capable of; what can be done and
what can’t be done. Good visibility also gives users immediate cues to physical constraints of a
system and that the process of trial and error can be avoided. Since trial and error can almost
always damage the system or interface, it is crucial to provide accurate hints to the capability.
For instance, the side mirror of my car does not afford flipping and that the designer purposely
made no gap between the car body and the mirror so that a false affordance could be avoided
instantly without trying to push it and cause irreversible damage to the mirror.
Moreover, visibility in a system is more than showing the user the affordances of a
system and the capacity of those affordances. Making something visible is crucial for producing
immediate, obvious and accurate feedback (or in rare cases, delayed feedback to match the
nature of a task) for the users. Having good visual feedbacks is important because this is the only
way for a user to know whether he has done what is intended with the interface/object. It is also
important for people to know the state of a system, and the status of whatever is being
manipulated if it is an interface. For instance, turning a steering wheel clockwise would cause the
car I am sitting in to turn right. Since the car has immediate and accurate feedback, I know the
car is turning right at the moment (the state of a system) and further turning is not needed.
Imagine if the state of this system does not provide accurate and immediate feedback (the car
would sometimes turn and sometimes don’t) how could one possibly rely on this interface i.e. the
steering wheel? It is very unlikely that someone would risk their life dealing with such an
interface with not accurate and delayed feedback.
Natural Mapping
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
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Mapping refers to some sort of relationship from one thing to another. For example, A
maps to 1, B maps to 2, C maps to 3, etc. According to Norman (1988), natural mapping refers to
mapping that people will figure out naturally and instantaneously. This is a critical idea of
boosting the feeling of directness in an interface. Natural mapping both relies on cultural
conventions and physical standards. One of the best examples would be the steering wheel of a
car. People would naturally turn the wheel clockwise to make the car go right and
counterclockwise for turning left. There is no thinking involved in the process and the spatial
analogy is naturally done. This seems to be an easy concept to apply. However, the problem for
natural mapping is that it is difficult to know for sure what types of natural mapping are cultural
conventions and what other types are intuitive for all people in this world. This is an important
question before natural mapping can be effectively applied to interface or object design.
(Norman 1988 PP 23)
There is in fact a large amount of ongoing research in Cognitive Psychology trying to
find a more concrete answer to what type of mapping is intuitive for people and that practice is
not involve in the process. (Fischer, 1999) People call this field of study Stimulus-Response
Compatibility. This is a difficult research topic because it is extremely difficult for researchers to
differentiate between learned conventions and ‘real’ intuition. The progress in this field of study
is largely incomplete and that there are no specific guidelines or methodology to apply the
knowledge to object or interface design. (Fischer, 1999). Although the field of S-R compatibility
is very immature, there are still some useful research data which can give designer a basic sense
of how to apply natural mapping to their design.
According to Norman, natural mapping can be done in four possible ways: spatial,
cultural, biological and perception. (Norman 1988 & Fischer 1999) Among all, biological effect
seems to be the most powerful since it would have a really high chance of being intuitive to all
human being in this world, and that everyone from any cultural background could acquire proper
hints when dealing with such a system.
One worth mentioning biological effect is the study done by Wikens et. al. (Wickens,
1984). The study shows that when a stimulus offers to the right side of the brain (for instance, an
apple on the left visual field), responses using the same side of the brain (e.g. left hand) would be
faster and more accurate than if stimuli and responses need to be processed across hemispheres.
Spatial effect is also another very powerful mapping that could be relied on when
designing interfaces. The steering wheel example mentioned before is a good example of spatial
mapping in which turning the wheel to a certain direction maps to turning the car to that
direction. The studies of the arrangement of the four burner stoves (mapping between four stoves
and four controls) also show that spatial analogy is very intuitive and that it has higher priority
over cultural mappings. (Chapanis, Smith, Shinar, 1967) However, some spatial analogy,
especially those that could varies among culture may not be as stable as biological one since
spatial analogy that seems intuitive to us may not be intuitive to people in other cultural group.
One example of that would be the way that Aymaras would map future as backwards and past as
forward (Nunez 2006). And they may have difficulties using the backwards and forward buttons
on the web browsers that all westerners think it is natural and intuitive.
Cultural effect is mapping that is affected by cultural conventions. For instance, the way
that most people in the western culture would think that turning a knob clockwise means
increasing the volume. As I have mentioned in this essay, cultural effect can be problematic
since they are not universal and intuitive for all people. But they can sometimes be helpful if the
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
designer is almost certain that the cultural conventions they are applying are strong enough that it
is intuitive to most people.
Perception effect is similar to that of spatial effect. It simply states that linear and direct
grouping and patterning could increase the intuitiveness of how people think of the task. In a
sense this effect is forming a mental model for the users similar to spatial effect. Some examples
of perception effects including using the same color for similar controls, or applying sensor lines
on control-responses panel. For example, drawing visual lines connecting each control to the
appropriate stove that it corresponds to. (Chapanis, 1965)
Although there is no concrete framework of how to apply those mapping technique to
designing interfaces (Fischer 1999), it is still better to have some relational mapping than none.
Arbitrary mapping of controls and responses would make an interface or object confusing and
extremely difficult to use. (Norman 1988) They may also create an extra layer that the user must
learn to adapt before they could achieve their intention. Even though the mapping may not be
completely intuitive (like the biological compatibility), the user could off load more cognitive
resources (less to remember) to a system with good relationship between placement and control
along with good visibility and feedbacks so that a system would be easier to learn. (Norman
1988, PP 23)
Interfaces, what are they?
I have been using the word interface and object interchangeably without really defining
what is an interface. It is definitely beyond the scope of this writing if a detail definition of
interface is given. A short and concise definition should be enough to lay the foundation of this
discussion. An interface is the point of interaction between one entity and other entity (s). This
point of interaction can be both physical and virtual. Here, interface refers to the point of
interaction between human and other entity (s). For instance, a steering wheel is the point of
interaction between human and a vehicle. The guideline of what is good and bad interface that I
am about to discuss primary describes physical/material interfaces, but they are common design
principles that should well fit into designing good virtual interfaces as well.
Good Interfaces
The best interface is the one that is the most direct. One could achieve his goal without
the obstruction of the interface, without recognizing how he can do it. To write is to write; there
is nothing more to it. In a sense the best interfaces is our own body parts. Think about how you
grab a book. The interface here is your hand and that it is a point of interaction between your
brain and the physical world (in this case the book). It is unnatural for anyone to think about how
to use their fingers; to consciously thinking about how to balance the grip with your little finger
while holding the book. In fact anyone should recall (at least partially) how we learn to use these
interfaces to achieve our goals. A baby will not naturally born to walk or run around the football
field; it is also a learning process, an adaptive process in which one has to build a representation
in our sensory motor cortex in the brain (Squire 2008). What even more interesting is how
astronauts must re-learn the way they use their leg and feet to walk on the moon. To picture that,
imagine walking under the swimming pool or walking on the ice skating field with your bear feet.
Why does getting to a desire place in those situations suddenly become so difficult? Why do
your feet suddenly become more visible than you can ever imagine. It is because the
environment itself created an illusion of a different interface; that is, a pair of legs that suddenly
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
gets a lot lighter or a pair of extremely slippery foot. If this seems not too convincing, think
about how a tennis expert would feel if all he can use is a 20 lbs racket. Thus, these observations
could lead us to think that our limbs are interfaces which are not too different from a steering
wheel, a tennis racket, a pair of ice skating shoes, etc. Everyone could take those interfaces and
with a considerable amount of practice, the user will build up feeling of directness just like the
direct feeling we have for walking or holding a book. In fact, we can look at our limbs as
interfaces that are designed by the natural evolution process. They slowly change in a way that
they can be used to do what they are intended to do (for instance, feet with flap shape for better
balance). However, there is a major problem with this logic: Does that mean any interfaces can
be learned or adapted to create the feeling of directness? The answer is yes and no. No, because
the human brain and body has limitations. For instance, it is certainly not possible for anyone to
adapt and feel direct to play tennis with a 100 lb racket. Yes, because human brain and body is
reasonably flexible (Squire 2008) and we can learn to adapt to almost any interfaces to achieve
our intended goal as long as it is within the body’s limitation. Nevertheless, a frame-work of
good interface is essential because the time it takes to create the feeling of directness can be
strongly reduced and sometimes eliminated with good design. The question here comes to what
considered being good interface design.
There are actually couple major differences between our natural born interfaces and
interfaces that are not part of our body: 1) proprioceptive sense, 2) sensory feedback, and 3) the
innateness of knowing possible functions of those interfaces. The first two are easy to understand
in which proprioceptive sense give us the feeling of where they are and what they are doing
(Squire 2008) and sensory feedback simply tell us how and what they have contact with and
where is being touched. The last point I made about the innateness of knowing possible functions
means that people are innate to know what can be moved and what not3; they know the limitation
of their hands and every single joints. A baby will not be taught that he has ten fingers and that
each fingers has three joints which can
only be moved in one direction (towards
the palm). He intuitively knows all
possibilities and limitations of those
natural born interfaces. Nevertheless,
those three elements are impossible to
achieve in everyday object or interfaces.
For instance, a pair of scissors is an
interface for cutting paper. The question is
if it just lay in front of me, how could I
possibly know that it is for cutting, its
possibilities and limitations? There is
obviously no proprioceptive sense for me
to figure out the answers. What I can do is
to rely on the visibility of the operating Figure 3
parts of the interface, or what Norman
called it “system image” (Norman 1988, 17). (see fig. 3) Details about visibility could be found
in the section above. By looking at the pair of scissors, I can tell that it can cut things because it
contains two sharp blades, those are the perceived affordance or in this case the real affordance
of the system. However, I might not be able to figure out what the holes do just by looking; that
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
is, I might not be able to perceive the real
affordance of those holes. However, by the time I
picked up the scissors I would automatically have
several fingers inside the big hole and the thumb
in the small one. “The mapping between holes
and fingers- the set of possible operations- is
suggested and constrained by the holes.” (Norman
1988, PP 12) Finally, I must rely on the sensory
feedback from my hands and the visual feedbacks
from the moving blades to correctly operate this
interface. Now, it should be clear that a good
interface is one that has the real affordances
clearly visible, taking good advantages of natural
mappings and constraints, and has good, obvious
Figure 4
and immediate feedbacks.
Exportable Systems
One interesting thing that people do all the time is to learn by exploring. This means that
in order to figure out the actual affordance of an interface, it is best to test them out. The way that
I try to figure out what those holes on the scissors afford is an example of explorative action.
Explorative action is almost always unavoidable and that it can be extremely helpful for learning
the mapping, real affordances and other underlying structure of an interface. According to
Norman, there are three principles for designing an interface that is good for exploring. 1)
Possibilities must be clear in exportable system. In each state, the users must be able to see and
act on the allowable actions, and that good visibility would remind them what they can do. 2)
Feedback of each action must be clear and easy to understand. There should be no hidden
feedbacks and if there are, designers should find alternate ways to make the feedbacks direct so
that people could build a clear image of cause and effect of each action. 3) What is done to the
system should be reversible, if it is irreversible, it is important for the system to have some way
to signal the user before execution.
Scaffolding is known to be the temporary framework that construction worker built as an
aid while constructing buildings. They are physical aids with highly organized structured which
will be modified (add or remove features) during the construction process. In the end, they will
be completely removed when the building is ready to be used.
When applied to learning, scaffolding is a framework that supports the learning process
much like how the metal and bamboo tubes support an under-constructing building. A good and
concise description of the role that scaffolding plays in learning can be found in the book,
‘Educational Psychology’ (Woolfolk, 2004). She said that scaffolding could be:
“clues, reminders, encouragement, breaking the problem down into steps, providing an example, or
anything else that allows students to do more on their own.”
The crucial idea here is the last part, where scaffoldings “allow students to do more on their
own”. Imagine applying this idea to interface design, where people could “do more on their own”
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
solely by observing or interacting with an interface. There is in fact a real life example. Learning
to ride a bicycle is always a difficult task. One of my friend in fact had spent four days (3
hours/day) teaching me how to ride a bike. During that time, I fell many times and injure myself
at least 4 times. The bicycle is designed for people with mental model of how to operate a
bicycle, which is why it is so difficult for me to operate this interface. But as I have mentioned
early on in this writing, interfaces should not be like that, i.e. they should not be designed only
aiming for a certain mental model in a group of people. Here, if training wheel is installed to a
bicycle, the bike would become an interface that fits well into mental models of people who have
never ride a bicycle before. Rather than dealing with speed and balance at the same time, the
training wheels help the user to get the direct feeling of riding a bike first before dealing with
balancing. The training wheels are scaffolds which allow bicycle learners to feel the relationship
between speed and balance. However, they also limit the ‘expressive power’ or the potentials of
the interface. Adding training wheels on a bicycle would prevent the user from turning the bike
freely, and that the user must slow the bike down to a certain speed and slowly turn the bike. The
way they turn it would be very different from turning without the scaffolds. Therefore, it is
important for designers to notice the limitations and benefits that a certain sets of scaffolds
would do to the user. And once the user reaches a certain level, the scaffolds should be modified
or changed or completely removed accordingly. Nevertheless, I should add that if scaffolds are
not obstructing the expressive power of an interface, it is recommended to keep them so that they
can be part of the system and improve the visibility. The letter prints on a keyboard is one good
According to Lev S. Vygotsky, the distance between the achievement that a student will
learn on their own and that a student will learn from others (teachers, peers) is called Zone of
Proximal Development (Vygotsky, 1978). The main idea of my thesis is to create a dynamic
interface which will completely reduce or inverse the ZPD (i.e. student would learn better from
the interface with equal or higher achievement within the same period of time). This idea is in
fact similar to how people learn to play complex video games:
“Learning is a central part of gaming. Popular games often illustrate good instructional design, using a
variety of technologies and conventions to scaffold a player through his ZPD. A game's "curriculum" is the
skills and knowledge necessary to advance through the game and eventually master it. The player is
initially unskilled in and ignorant of the game's curriculum, although many games share a similar
curriculum. Many games include in-game tutorials, and most games ramp up difficulty over time. Such
scaffolding is an appropriate approach to guiding astudent through his ZPD. Commercial game designers
aren't deliberate Vygotskians. Rather, game players value games that foster "playing in the zone," a state of
Platonic ecstasy in which challenges are just barely surmountable, building in difficulty without halting the
flow of gameplay and success. Vygotsky believed that optimal instruction keeps a learner challenged and
successful, and he'd probably agree that the zone of "playing in the zone" is the ZPD in a different hat.”
(Buchanan, 2003)
Although video gaming is not my interest here, it is important to realize the important role that
scaffolding plays in gaming, and how a ‘good instructional design’ helps “scaffold a player
through his ZPD” much like how a good interface may scaffold a user through the learning
Summing up
The thesis that I am about to present will mainly focus on creating a good dynamic
interface which would train the user to reach a certain achievement in a shorter period of time.
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
Again, the idea is to reduce the Zone of Proximal Development in complex interfaces. A user
should achieve a feeling of directness faster than learning from a static interface. According to
what I have said early on in this paper, the first thing to do is to get the user to learn the
possibilities and limitations of the interface. This can be achieved by introducing the
fundamental elements of building a ‘good interface’; that is, one that has the real affordance
clearly visible, accurate, immediate and obvious feedback, plus taking good advantages of
mapping and constraints. At the fundamental level, it is not necessary to worry too much about
the expressive power of the interface. The most important thing is to get the user to know what to
do and a rough sense of how to do it. Here is where the idea of scaffolding comes into play. The
set of first level scaffolds should match the mental model of a beginner and that temporary
limitations to the expressiveness are unavoidable. As the user achieve a certain level, his mental
model and the way he thinks about the task would change and that the scaffoldings should be
modified accordingly. It is important to note that those changes should still follow the guideline
of a good interface. In Norman’s term, the system image of an interface would be dynamically
altering in responds to the ever changing user’s model. (Norman, 1988, P. 17) By the time, the
user achieves the expert level; scaffoldings could be completely removed (though they don’t
have to be) if they obstruct the potentials and expressiveness of the nature of the task.
To make this thesis more concrete, I will now propose that it would take a shorter period
of time for a novice Theremin user (one that with no experience with the Theremin) to achieve
the same or similar proficient level if he begins his training with a well-redesigned Theremin
with modifiable scaffoldings compares to the classical Theremin. The classical Theremin is
considered to be a bad interface mainly because of its lack of visibility and obscure feedback.
Imagine looking at the classical Theremin, there is a metal antenna on the right and a ring shaped
metal wire on the left, plus some knobs on the wooden (or sometimes plastic) housing. It is
completely unclear of what and how to interact with it; the implication is almost completely
unknown. Since visibility of the interface fails to provide first time player enough information
about the possibilities and limitations, it would be natural to explore the interface hoping to
understand what it does. Although the novice player may eventually figure out that the mental
ring is a controller for controlling volume (or amplitude) and the rod shaped antenna for
frequency (or pitch), it is still unclear how it should be played. That is, it is extremely difficult
for an untrained player to find the exact corresponding distance of a certain octave or note. There
is no physical constraintt or guidance to remind the player what pitch or loudness he is playing.
Natural mapping maybe present (the further the distance the higher the amplitude or the lower
the pitch) which allow the user to naturally control the sound; however, the mapping is shallow
and not specific enough for the user to rely upon. The feedback is also not obvious and confusing.
For instance, since the electromagnetic signal is not constant across the vertical (top to bottom)
as well as the horizontal plane across the rod shaped antenna, it is very difficult for a first time
player to know what orientations he should rely on when changing the pitch since moving the
hand in both planes would change the note but one of the plane (the vertical) is not designed to
accurately and proportionally map the musical notes. That is to say it is not accurately tuned.
Therefore, I will attempt to re-design the Theremin according to the guideline of a good interface
I defined earlier. Some of the elements (the system image of the Theremin) will also be modified
to match varying user’s model so that the user could naturally learn from the interface itself and
diminish the Zone of Proximal Development (i.e. so that the distance between the user’s own
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
achievement by learning on their own and the user’s achievement when taught by someone else
can be reduced).
The method below is especially designed in order to understand whether or not a well designed
dynamic interface would significantly shorten the learning process of an interface.
a. Subjects:
A minimum of 36 subjects will be participating in this experiment. Half of them
will be male and half of which will be female. They will be about 18 – 22 years of age,
mostly undergraduate students from UCSD. 1/3 of those subjects must be chosen very
carefully in which the size of their hands must be near identical. All subjects must not
have prior experience with the Theremin but must be able to read musical notations and
have basic knowledge of music: preferably played an
instrument before.
a. Experimental Design:
The experiment will focus on three conditions:
Control (C), Modified Interface (MI) and Video Control
(VC). (see fig 6) Control is the condition where the
subjects will only have the original unmodified
Theremin and nothing else. Subjects in Video Control
condition will have a classical Theremin and a set of
video instructions with expert Thereminist, Thomas
Grillo teaching the right way to use a classical Theremin.
The video series will be divided into three levels; e.g.
subjects in the first level are required to watch “The
basic of playing a Theremin”. In the MI condition,
sFigure 5
bjects will be required to play a
melody with
Theremin. The 36 subjects will
be randomly and evenly placed
into the three conditions. This
means that there will be 12
subjects in each condition in the
basic setting. There are three
levels: the first level span the
range from no knowledge about
the interface to some basic
knowledge (see section five for
detail). Subjects will be required
to perform a target melody
Figure 6
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
within a 1 hour period. Level 1 target melody simply requires the players to play seven
full steps within a certain octave five times. That is, repeat “do- re-me-fa-so-la-ti- do’-tila-so-fa-me-re-do” five times. Their performance will be determined by the accuracy of
pitch and tempo. They will be required to play the target melody once every 20 minutes.
Their progress will be video captured each time they play for later studies and evaluations
of accuracy. Accuracy of pitch and tempo will be determined by modified version of
computer guitar toner (see fig. 5). Level 2 and level 3 will follow similar experimental
structure with increasingly more complex melody. (Complexity will be evaluated
according to frequency of note
jumping, i.e. do-fa will be more
difficult to play then do-re, and
tempo of the piece) Learning time
will increase to two hours on level
2 and three hours on level 3. If
subjects in MI conditions (Series 1)
cannot achieve the desire accuracy
during the recording time (for
example, 1 hour in level 1), they
will be trained additional time to
achieve at least 90% accuracy on
all variables (tempo, pitch) before
Figure 7
the group is divided in the next
level. This ensures the subjects to
achieve a concrete set of
advancing to the next level.
However, this will be done
separately from the main
experimental method. Accuracy
of amplitude will also be
measured in level 2 and level 3
with similar method. In addition
to amplitude, speed and accuracy,
vibrato will be mandatory in level
3 as a subjective measure of
expressiveness. To measure the
of vibrato, I have to find
Figure 8
different subjects to evaluate the
original group’s level of expressiveness (how good is their vibrato) in a scale of 1-5 from
the video clips captured during the last trial of level 3. Since this is purely subjective, the
evaluation group should be more than 20 people in order to form a statistically significant
result. Another way to measure expressive power is to separate the last trail into couple
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
separate sub-trials and keep videotaping them until whoever among the three first
achieves automate behavior.
If time is allowed, this experiment will be divided into three series. Each series
will focus on the learning progress of each condition. For example, in series 1,
performance of 36 subjects in each condition will be compared and statistically evaluated.
The 12 subjects in the ‘MI’ condition will be divided into three groups continuing to the
next level. The 4 subjects in the level 2 MI condition will then divided and promoted to
level 3. Series 2 and series 3 will follow the same set up only with different condition
focus. (see fig. 7 & 8)
The design of the three series experimental conditions is helpful since it makes
possible an obvious performance comparison. For instance, if the performance of the
same subjects in level 1 MI condition differ significantly after divided into different
learning groups, it is logical to conclude that the differences is resulting from the
different structure of the interface rather than other variables. This design also allows
multiple ways of evaluating subjects’ performance. For example, it is possible to analysis
a general subjects’ performance in the MI-MI-MI (subjects who are trained by the MI
interface in all three levels) sequence against sequence like C-C-C and VC-VC-VC. It is
also useful to analysis results within level as mentioned above. However, such a set up
would be extremely time consuming for subjects, and it is very unlikely to find 24 people
willing to spend the time participating in my experiment. Nevertheless, series-2 is
significant enough to be carried out since it could yield interesting data when comparing
to series 1.
b. Stimulus design:
As mentioned before, “do-re-me-fa-so-la-ti-do’-ti-la-so-fa-me-re-do” five times in
¼ beat would very likely be the first level stimulus. An example of level 2 stimuli could
be melodies like “me-me-me-fa-me-re-fa-so—re-so-la-ti-ti-so”. Note that they are mostly
musical notes that are proximal to each other. In level 2, the subjects will also require to
play each note on a unique amplitude or loudness. For instance, very loud ‘me’ and softer
‘me’ will be the first two notes that the subjects are required to play. Level 3 stimulus
would be an actual song like ‘The Blade Eagle’ (national emblem of the United States).
The user would be required to play this song with vibrato.
c. The way that the experiment will be carried out:
The experiment will be expected to carry out in a sound-proofed 100 to 200
square feet room. A digital video camera will be recording every 20 minutes for a 2
minutes duration. The user will be clearly signaled before the recording is carried out.
And he will be required to perform the target piece whether they feel like they are ready
or not.
d. Predictions:
For predictions, it would be natural to expect that subjects in the MI condition to
perform the piece with much better control comparing to the other two conditions. It is
important to realize that a better performance within a certain fixed period is ideally
equivalent to achieving the target level within a shorter time. Thus, whoever groups in
here that could produce the best performance would yield the shortest learning curve.
Note that MI condition should have a smaller error bar and data should be less deviated
due to better design of the instrument. The Control condition should have the worst
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
performance since there is no instruction to guild the subject through how to operate the
Theremin. Video control condition should produce better results compare to that of the
control condition since there is proper guidance of what should be done. However, the
resulting accuracy in both pitch and tempo will still be far from perfect. After all,
watching other people play is different from playing on their own. There is only a weak
mental model created by watching others. Here, I will assume that I have finished
collecting data from all 36 subjects in level 1. Keep in mind that amplitude will also be
measured in level 2 and level 3. And that vibrato will also be measured subjectively in
level 3. Here are the expected results:
Level 1 Video Control condition Avg. Accuracy
% accuracy
Trial 1 (20min)
Trial 2 (40min)
Trial (20min/trial)
Trial 3 (60min)
avg. tempo accuracy
avg. pitch accuracy
Graph 1
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
Level 1 M.I. condition Avg. Accuracy
% accuracy
Trial 1 (20min)
Trial 2 (40min)
Trial 3 (60min)
avg. tempo accuracy
avg. pitch accuracy
Trial (20min/trial)
Graph 2
Level 1 Control condition Avg. Accuracy
% accuracy
Trial 1 (20min)
Trial 2 (40min)
Trial 3 (60min)
avg. tempo accuracy
Trial (20min/trial)
avg. pitch accuracy
Graph 3
Notice that (Graph 2) the average pitch in the MI condition will be much more
accurate than that of the average tempo. This anticipating result could be explained by a
good visibility of the electromagnetic field which separates the pitches, so that subjects
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
no longer need to intuitively ‘guess’ where a certain note is in midair. (See section six for
detail) It is also logical to expect a lower performance in pitch then in tempo in the
control condition since it is definitely easier to control the tempo with the volume loop in
an all-or-none fashion (i.e. move your hand all the way to stop the Theremin from
producing sound and release so that it produces some sound) than finding the correct
pitch in midair with completely no physical or visual aid. Tempo control in MI condition
is also expected to yield a better performance since the volume controller now has
physical and visual feedbacks. It may also due to the fact that the same cognitiveresources that are required in finding the accurate pitch in the control condition is offloaded to the system in MI condition; and that those access cognitive-resources can now
be used to accurate the tempo in a particular melody.
Level 1 Trial 3 all conditions pitch and tempo accuracy
% accuracy
Lvl 1 Trial 3 tempo accuracy
Lvl 1 Trial 3 pitch accuracy
Graph 4
Here is an example of overall performance comparison (Graph 4). Once again, subjects in MI
condition will be expected to have the highest performance. Level 2 and 3 will have
conditions like amplitude accuracy and expressiveness.
The Interface
The fundamental goal of building this interface is stated in section three. Here, I will
present some detail about the modified interface.
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
The interface is divided into three levels hoping to take full advantage of the user’s model
for boosting up the learning process. The system image of the first level should aim for matching
the fundamental user models. That is, to understand the implication of the interface, what it does,
and its limitations. Once the users acquire that mental model, he will advance to level two, in
which the interface here is modified to yield higher capacity and expected the user to have the
basic mental model of how to operate the Theremin. Advancement from second to third level
would be based upon the same logic.
Classical Theremin
The Theremin has a loop antenna controlling the amplitude or loudness, a rod antenna
controlling the pitch and two knobs, one controlling the maximum amplitude and another one
controlling the pitch scales. More specifically, the closer the hand is to the loop antenna, the
lower the amplitude and the closer the hand is to the hand is to the rod antenna, the higher the
pitch. If the user is left-handed, simply turn Theremin around for them to play.
Modified Theremin:
Subjects will be given a modified Theremin and the piece of melody that they will play
depending on their level. I will give a brief overview of the interface design in different levels.
Level 1
The modified Theremin has three main parts. Amplitude controller, pitch controller and
posture mounts. Since the amplitude will increase by lifting the hand above and away from the
loop on the player’s left-hand-side, I will install a supporting platform long enough that unrelated
parts will not obstruct the electromagnetic wave of the volume loop. One end above the loop will
have an adjustable hand shaped hand mount which provides strong visible hints for people to put
their left hand inside. The rail will have teeth which will provide subjects tactile feedback to help
keeping the arm steadily. A bright light will cast a shadow of the platform on the back wall
which creates a visual labeling of the amplitude against the pre-painted scales on the wall.
The pitch controller will include a large transparent poly-board placed around the pitch
antenna (see fig. 9). This board must be transparent since it will have minimal effect of the
electromagnetic wave (a transparent board is transparent because electromagnetic wave like light
wave can go through it). A specially designed projecting lamp will project rings of different
colors of light on the poly-board creating a visible musical scale. The knob for adjusting the
range of the electromagnetic wave will be integrated to the top part of the light which is
controlling the range of projecting light if technically possible. Once success, this would make
the non-visible electromagnetic wave visible. The poly-board will be 2.5 feet in radius since
Thereminist Barry Schwam recommended that the first note of the best tuned Theremin should
appear about 2 feet from the antenna.
The set of posture mounts will include a large supporting stage for the subject’s whole
body. The stage will be created with a back supporting board and a front board which will cover
the subject’s whole body. (see fig. 9) The point of the front board is to stabilize the influences of
the body to the electromagnetic field. Thereminist Barry Schwam4 once said that natural body
area and subtle movements caused by breathing can easily create noticeable effect to the
magnetic field. Thus, a large board will almost completely eliminate this unwanted variable. The
back supporting board will provide subject some support to their body to reduce chances of
getting fatigue. Elbow and arm support will be provided serving the same purpose.
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
There will also be some minor modification to the interface such as maximum volume
level indicator and an on/off led light indicator.
Level 2
The interface in level 2 will be very similar to that in level 1 with less physical
constraints and thus, higher expressive power. The rail road with adjustable hand mount
controlling the volume loop will be removed. The left hand will be free from any form of
constraints so that subjects could move their hand up and down with higher speed and flexibility
and thereby increases the expressive power of the system. But the light and shadow system will
remain there and the light will directly cast a shadow of the hand to the scales on the wall.
Eliminating this constraint should allow possible expressiveness required by the melody in level
2. This logic is analogous to how training wheels prevents one from turning the bike above a
certain speed.
Level 3
Since the pitch control must be more flexible for the user to create vibrato, I will take out
the poly-board so that subjects’ hand will have no chance of relying on the board as a physical
support which will more or less obstruct the movement. The board will be replaced by a light
layer of smoke which will become a substitutional medium for the lamp to project the scale upon.
Other elements will be inherited from level two.
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
1. 9 Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
2. Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
3. There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
4. Video from http://expertvillage.com
Review general concept
Review general concept
Review general concept
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com
Norman (2002). The design of everyday things. Basic Books. Reprint. Originally published: The
psychology of everyday things (1988). Basic Books.
Gray (2006) Psychology. Worth Publishers.
Woolfolk (2004) Educational Psychology. Allyn & Bacon.
Squire, Roberts, Spitzer, Zigmond, McConnell, Bloom (2008) Fundamental Neuroscience, Third
Edition. Academic Press.
Vygotsky, Cole, John-Steiner, Scribner, and Souberman. (1978). Mind in society : The
development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Hutchins, Hollan, Norman. “Direct Manipulation Interfaces.” Human-Computer Interaction,
Volumn 1, pp. 311-388 (1985)
Ishii, Ullmer. “Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms”
CHI 97, 22-27 (1997)
Fishkin. “A taxonomy for and analysis of tangible interfaces” Pers Ubiquit Comput 8: 347-358
Fischer. “Intuitive Interfaces: A literature review of the Natural Mapping principle and Stimulus
Response compatibility” J.F. Schouten School for User-System Interaction Research (1999)
Norman. “Affordance, Conventions and Design” Issue of interaction PP 38-43 (1999)
Gaver. “Technology Affordances” (2001)
Buchanan. “The Heritage & Legacy of Vygotsky & Computer Games”. College of Education,
Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan, USA (2003)
Literatures including Direct Manipulation Interface, Hutchins et al. (1985), Emerging Frameworks for TUIs, Ullmer
and Ishii (2001), A Taxonomy for and Analysis of Tangible Interfaces (2004)
Affordance, Conventions and Design (1999) Issue of Interaction, PP 38-43
There is no study proving that, but this should be a reliable prediction based on the evolution theory
Video from http://expertvillage.com