Arts and Kindness Research Paper Summary People United is a

Arts and Kindness Research Paper Summary
People United is a creative laboratory and registered charity. We explore how the arts and creativity can
inspire kindness and social change. We commission artists, create imaginative new work, develop
research and support new social initiatives. We are based at the Canterbury Innovation Centre on the
University of Kent campus.
We need some assistance with the development of a new research paper focused on arts and kindness.
This paper will explore connections between arts and creativity, and altruism and pro-social behavior. It will
aim to inform and inspire the arts and voluntary sector, while introducing making links with a broad range of
academic studies. The paper will aim to answer the question why the arts are necessary for kinder
communities. This has the potential to have a significant impact across the cultural sector.
The paper is being led by People United in association with the University of Kent (senior link - Professor
Dominic Abrams). Our two lead researchers on the paper have extensive experience of community
cohesion work in the UK and overseas, and in arts research at the highest levels. The paper will be
launched nationally in London in Spring 2012.
The initial stages of the project (Sept-Oct 2011) will focus on research. We need to gather initial research
from across a range of academic areas.
We are seeking students interested in contributing to the project. Successful applicants will be primarily
involved in:
Researching (literature review) the psychology of pro-social behaviour and altruism and linked
Researching (literature review) of a range of practical projects
Working with an assistant researcher to pull the work together
This initial piece of work will take place Sept-Oct 2011. This is an exciting working project that we hope will
have a regional and national impact, providing a valuable learning experience for all involved.
For more information and expression of interest contact:
Tom Andrews, Chief Executive
Tel: 01227 811800