Newsletter 2015 Issue 12 - Riverside Primary School

The Riverside
ISSUE 12 – 11th December 2015
Our new wall feature in the Main Office, doesn’t it look good! 
This week:
Dates for your diary, Year 4 trip, Christmas Fair, lots of learning and much
more …
Year 4 Trip to the Maidenhead Heritage Centre
On Tuesday 7th December Peepal Tree class went on an
exciting trip to the Maidenhead Heritage centre. The trip
was all about the Romans which has been our topic this
term. We learnt about why the Romans invaded, what life
was like for Romans in Maidenhead and how we know
about it. We got to experiment with different types of
Roman food, create our own hypocaust and even got to
see a real Roman skeleton, Julius!
The children showed great enthusiasm and eagerness to
learn more about the Romans. I’m sure if you see any of Peepal Tree class they will be willing to
tell you all about it. Thank you to Miss Porter, Mrs Razaq and Mrs Gulzar who helped make the
trip possible.
Interesting fact of the day: The Romans created the name ‘Great Britain’ due to the great
amount of Tin in the country!
Christmas Fair
On Saturday 12th December, it’s the Riverside Christmas Fair from 11am – 2pm. We have lots
of great stalls and activities for the children and their families to enjoy.
A big thank you to those of you who have kindly donated things for the
fair tomorrow. Don’t forget to bring your 20p’s, 50p’s and £1’s to spend
on some of the fabulous stalls and games. We look forward to seeing
you there 
INSET Day – Monday 4th January 2016
On Monday 4th January we will be having a staff training day. Therefore
the first day back for your child, after the Christmas holidays, will be Tuesday 5th January.
Rev Sally Lynch from St Luke’s Church came in
to work with Year 3 this week.
From the Head’s Chair
Dear All
Another lovely week at your school, which has been made even more magical with the nativity
yesterday. Your children were amazing – singing beautifully, acting confidently and making us
all so very proud. I hope many of you managed to see the performance.
As you know, my time at Riverside was going to be short- I will leave on Wednesday (sadly) but
will be replaced with a very able Headteacher from Yorkshire, Mr John Wright. He has much
experience in headship, is very approachable and will prove to be an asset to the school, until
the Governors recruit for a permanent Headteacher. I wish him well and know you will all look
after him, as you have me! He will be in school next Wednesday and Thursday, so please say
We also, sadly, have to say good bye to some of our teachers, who are moving to pastures new
at Christmas, Mrs Hurst and Mrs Black. We wish them well in their new posts and thank them
for their hard work during their time with us.
We welcome Johanna Moore in Oak class, Madelien Persen in Beech class. Mrs Pockett will
move to year one, working with Miss Porter, Miss Young will be covering PPA in Early Years and
year two. We will confirm the replacement for Mrs Hurst as soon as we can.
It has come to my notice that absence in some classes is very low. As you know, it is very, very
important that children attend school every day, are on time and ready to learn. We would urge
you to ensure that, unless your child is really poorly, that they attend regularly – children’s
progress, particularly in maths, really suffers when they have days off. We have noticed that
gaps in knowledge are not easily filled as the curriculum is very full and other pupils move on
quickly and can leave those that have been absent behind. It makes for big difficulties – so
please send your children in!
Well done to OAK, SILVER BIRCH and PEEPAL TREE you are the top three classes for
attendance this week  . Thank you all so much for your cakes, your efforts and your presence
tomorrow at the Fair. I watched as some beautiful cakes came into Chestnut class this
Browyn Hamilton Brown
Interim Headteacher
Tel: 01628 621741 Email:
Visit our Website on:
We are on Twitter @RiversideMhead
Spoken language lies at the heart of communication and without it there would be no books and no
writing. One of the best ways for children to improve their work at school is for them to become
confident and articulate speakers.
We believe that your involvement in your child’s learning is crucial and that you can make a real
difference to the progress your child makes. With this in mind I am introducing a new simple form of
Talk Homework. Each week in the newsletter I will send home a simple discussion task; it will be same
for all children in school so families can do it together. The aim is to get children sharing ideas with their
families and developing their vocabulary and imagination.
Please help your child to discuss the question they have been given and particularly focus on why they
think that. It is vital for children to try to talk in full sentences and to use words such as 'because'.
Please discuss the question at home and let the children know your opinions. Here are some simple
guidelines for how to do it:
 Set aside some time for ‘Talk Homework’;
 Encourage as many family members as possible to be home on Talk Homework evening and
consider discussing the question while having a meal together.
 Don't just give your opinion, use the 'because' word to explain why you think that.
 Give the possible opinions of two contrasting family members who are not present for
 the talk, and use the 'because' word to explain why they may be different.
 Ask others around the table to give their opinions and to use the 'because' word.
 Ask your child his/her opinion and ask them to use the 'because' word.
 You could link the topic back to something you remember from when you were a child and say
why things may be different now.
We do hope you will enjoy joining in with this learning.
This Week’s Challenge:
What achievements are you proud of this term?
Saturday 12th
Christmas Fair / Winter Festival 11am – 2pm
Monday 14th
KS2 Mid Winter Warmers performance for Parents
/ Carers 2.30pm Main Hall
KS2 Parents /
Wednesday 16th
Caterlink Christmas Lunch
Friday 18th
Save the Children – Christmas Jumper Day
Last Day of Term