Advanced Commercial Photography Syllabus

Advanced Commercial Photography Syllabus Outline- 2015-2016
Instructor Name: Grant Justus
Contact Information: Phone 281-237- 3130
Room 9115
Course: Commercial Photography
Course Description:
Every day, people are bombarded with thousands of visual images. The print and
online media of the 21st century and beyond will continue this visually-oriented
and graphic trend. Advanced Commercial Photography expands on students
research of the world of photography and photography careers. The law, ethics
and history of photography complement the major units of study: operation and
care of the camera, taking pictures, career prep, lighting techniques, digital
editing and teamwork. Some out-of class time be required, including the time to
shoot photo assignments.
Some things we will learn:
• History of photography
• Digital imaging and editing
• Understanding of camera parts
• Photography Careers
• Composition
• Law and ethics
• Creating a portfolio
• Lighting techniques
Course Goals/Student Outcomes
Demonstrate technological skills by creating images using traditional
techniques as well as newer digital technology in the field of photography.
Gain a more advanced awareness of the different career paths available in
the field of photography and what it takes to be successful.
Demonstrate the use of critical thinking in communicating ideas visually and
artistically with the aid of photography.
Students are expected to participate in class critiques of their personal work
as well as the work of their peers. The vocabulary of art/photography will be
used to engage in written and verbal critiques of these works.