Fluoroscopic-Guided Epidural Injection Training

Fluoroscopic-Guided Epidural Injection Training
Course Description
This course will provide lectures, demonstrations, and practical application of fluoroscopic-guided
epidural injections. A review of radiation safety principles, practical application of C-arm, patient
positioning, and hands-on cadaver-based lab will be presented.
Course duration is 8.0 hours.
W. Keith Barnhill, Ph.D., RN, CRNA/ARNP, DAAPM
Mark G. Odden, MBA, RN, CRNA/ARNP
One Date Course Date
June 18, 2011, Saturday
Regional Medical Center, Manchester, Iowa
Course Accreditation
This course has been approval by the Iowa Board of Nursing for 8 hours for continuing education credits.
Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
1. Use fluoroscopic C-arm technique to view spinal anatomy.
2. Perform fluoroscopic-guided epidural injections.
3. Develop a radiation safety protocol for administering epidural injections at their facility.
Participants must be a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist or CRNA resident-in-training.
The participant must be skilled in performing epidurals.
Course Tuition
The tuition for this course is $400.00. The course fee covers study materials, lectures, laboratory
experiences, lunch, and snacks. This course fee also allows for the inclusion of one radiographic
technician per hospital represented at this course. Checks Payable to”Sleepers Anesthesia PC.”
Course Materials
American College of Radiology (2001). ACR technical standard for management of the use of
radiation in fluoroscopic procedures. ACR, Amended 2006.
Candido, K.D., Raghavendra, M.S., Chinthagada, M. etal (2008). A Prospective evaluation of
iodinated contrast flow patterns with fluoroscopically guided lumbar epidural
Steroid injections: The lateral parasagittal interlaminar epidural approach versus the
transforaminal epidural approach. Anesth & Analg, 106 (2): 638-644.
Fink, G.E. (2009). Radiation safety in fluoroscopy for neuraxial injections. AANA Journal, 77(4): 265269.
Goodman, B.S., Posecion, L.W., Mallempati, S. & Bayazitoglu, M. (2008). Complications and
of lumbar interlaminar and transforaminal epidural injections. Curr Review
Medicine, (1): 212-222.
Mahadevappa, M. (2001). Fluoroscopy: patient radiation exposure issues. Radiographics, (21): 10331045.
Learner Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Perform fluoroscopic-guided epidurals.
2. Provide direction to a radiological technologist on proper alignment to optimize
fluoroscopic anatomical views.
3. Select appropriate equipment to perform fluoroscopic-guided epidurals.
4. Describe the indications, contraindications, and appropriate use of fluoroscopy.
5. List the indications and contraindications for an epidural steroid injection.
6. Perform a thorough pain-focused evaluation of a patient sent for an epidural injection.
Course Outline
Welcome and review of present state of Iowa practice issues related to
the use of fluoroscopy.
The clinical application of fluoroscopy and epidurals.
Fluoroscopic use and radiation safety principles
Fluoroscopic review of spinal anatomy
Fluoroscopic-guided epidurals: interlaminar and caudal approaches
Cadaver lab-Part One
Cadaver lab –Part Two
Post-test and panel discussion
W. Keith Barnhill or Mark Odden at 563-927-3232, or reserve your spot at modden@ialc-oas.com.
Hotel accommodations available in Manchester and Independence, IA.