Calculator Contract

Calc # _____________ Calculator Use Contract
As a Boyd County High School student, you will have access to the use of a TI-84 CE graphing calculator
in_________________math class. This calculator is to be used in the classroom only.
The use of this technology is a privilege which can be revoked at the first sign of misuse.
assigned to students by number and are the responsibility o
Students will use the same assigned calculator throughout the school year unless the student’s schedule
and all other inbe available for use on all assignments, quizzes
Students must report the first sign of misuse to their teacher immediately.
Again, the use of calculators is a privilege; they are expensive and are property of Boyd County High
School’s Math Department. Damage to calculators is considered destruction of school property and the
replacement cost is $130.00
some cases, official charges of destruction of school property.
Your signature below indicates you have read and understand the proper use and consequences of
misuse of Boyd County High School calculators.
Student ________________________________________ Date ________________ Print and Sign
Parent ___________________________________________Date________________