figure 1

Name: _________________________
Evolution Study Guide (Will help with part of test)
Questions 1-4 apply to Figure 1
1. Circle the correct answer: fossils found in rock layer R
are older / younger than fossils found in rock layer B.
2. Circle the correct answer: Making the statement that
fossils found in rock layer F are older than the fossils
found in rock layer M relies on relative dating /
radiometric dating.
3. Suppose scientists wanted to know the exact age of
the fossil in rock layer M. Explain how they could do
this using radiometric dating (use a complete sentence!)
4. True or False: Scientists could expect to find the exact same fossils in layer R and layer B, because the
types of life on Earth have remained constant throughout history.
Questions 5-9 apply to figure 2.
5. Using a complete sentence, explain
what happened to beak depth over
6. It is easier for birds with larger beaks to eat larger food, and it is easier for birds with smaller beaks to
eat smaller food. In rainy years, small food is abundant. In dry years, large food is abundant. Circle
the correct answer: It can be assumed that from 1977-1987, the environment got progressively drier /
7. Suppose that the 1990s were a very wet decade. Using a complete sentence, describe the effect this
8. Suppose half of the birds in Figure 2 were transported to a very wet island. Explain how the isolation
of these two populations could lead to speciation. ___________________________________________
9. Complete the paragraph: Because of genetic variation, not every bird has the same length of beak.
As the environment changes, the type of beak that is best at gathering food will change as well. Some
birds will survive and pass on their traits, while others will starve. This process is referred to as
______________ ____________ and was first studied by _____________ ______________ in the
Galapagos Islands.
10. True or False: Mutations introduce genetic variation into a population.
11. Matching: Match each of the five pieces of evidence for evolution to their definition.
______1. Homologous Structures
A. A body structure that once had a purpose but now does
______2. DNA
B. The preserved remains of organisms demonstrate that life
on Earth has evolved
______3. Vestigial Structures
C. When developing, many animal fetuses look similar
______4. Fossils
D. All living things on Earth are composed of the same four
DNA bases
______5. Embryos
E. Different living things contain similar body structures
12. Using a complete sentence, Define fitness: _______________________________________________
13. Which of the following is TRUE about adaptations?
a. They develop in response to environmental changes
b. They are heritable
c. They benefit the survival of the organism
d. All of the above
14. What is an endemic species? ___________________________________________________________
Assessment: Case Study
In the 18th century, the English peppered moth looked like the one pictured on the left. Its’ light coloration
was useful to camouflage itself in the trees of its habitat. After the industrial revolution, the air became much
more polluted and all of the trees got darker in color. Overtime, most of the individuals in the moth
population looked like the moths on the right.
15. Explain why being dark in color was an adaptation for the peppered moth using at least one complete
sentence. ____________________________________________________________________________
16. Using the phrase "natural selection," explain why the moth population became darker in color. ______