Living Environment Syllabus - Valley Central School District

Living Environment 2015-16
Mrs. LaRocco
ROOM 214
Course Description: This year long course follows the New York State Living Environment
curriculum. It is a study of life and how living organisms interact with other organisms and the
environment. Topics of study include: Scientific Inquiry, Cell Structure and Function,
Biochemistry, Homeostasis, Human Body Systems, Reproduction and Development, Genetics,
Evolution, Classification of Life, Ecology, and Human Impact on the Environment. This course is
a preparation for successful completion of the Living Environment NYS Regents Exam. There is a
laboratory requirement for this course. Failure to complete the laboratory assignments will prohibit
the student from sitting for the exam in June.
Laboratory Requirement: The New York State Education Department requires all students
taking a Regents science course to complete a laboratory requirement. The Valley Central High
School laboratory requirement consists of 90 laboratory periods which must be documented by
student written reports. These written reports must be handed in on time and receive a passing
grade of 70. These lab reports will be kept on file by the teacher.
 Failure to complete this laboratory requirement will result in a student being barred from
taking the Regents exam and failure in science for the year.
 Regents Exam Lab Deadline: Thursday, May 19, 2016
Materials Needed By Students:
3 Ring Binder Notebook
Colored Pencils
Student Expectations:
All students have the right to learn in an environment which will provide them with the best
chance of success in this class. No student has the right to interfere with the learning of any other
Be cooperative and participate in class.
Be attentive when others are speaking.
Be on time and ready for the beginning of class.
Be prepared (notebook, pencil, calculator, homework, etc).
Be respectful of others.
Stay on task.
Follow ALL lab safety rules.
All pocketbooks and book bags are to be placed under the chairs or desks.
Post Session Detention:
Please be advised that students may be assigned post session detention that school day for (but not
limited to) the following offenses:
Not taking the notes during class
Not doing the class work during class
Not doing the homework
Late to class without a pass
Extra Help
Extra help is available in room 217 with Mrs. LaRocco Tuesday through Friday during post session.
Students will be informed if post session is canceled due to conferences or meetings. Other times
during the day can be made with an appointment with Mrs. LaRocco.
Students grades will be done on the basis of points earned out of total points possible. Each test,
quiz, lab, as well as some homework assignments, do nows, and exit tickets will be assigned a point
value. The grade will be calculated by taking the number of points earned on each assessment and
dividing it by the total number of points you could have earned.
I am looking forward to having a great year! Please feel free to contact me at any time!
Phone message: 845-457-2400 x 19375
I have read and understand the student expectations for the Living Environment Course 2015-16.
Student Signature _________________________________________________Date _________
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________Date _________
Parent/Guardian Email: ______________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Cell: ____________________________
Home: ____________________________