Biology Textbook: Chapters 14 - 16
Essential Terms:
Definitions- Know what the term means and be able to use this information to apply the
term to various circumstances.
Artificial selection
Struggle for
F. Fitness
Survival of the fittest
Natural selection
K. Analogous Structure
L. Vestigial organ
M. Common descent
N. Descent with
O. Genetic Drift
P. Gene Flow
Q. Embryology
R. Species
What I Need to Know/Be able to do:
1. Know the Theory of Evolution = species have changed gradually over time
2. Be familiar with the history of Earth, “primordial soup”, and eras of that time period. Know earliest life forms
they believe were similar to bacteria and then know how life gradually changed overtime into how we know Earth
today: (From Heterotrophs  Autotrophs  more complex organisms).
3. Know the 4 types & definitions of Indirect Evidence for the Theory of Evolution: Fossil Record, Comparative
Anatomy, Comparative Embryology, & Comparative Biochemistry. Know how to read and compare these types of
evidence and their examples.
4. Know the 1 type and definition of the Direct Evidence for the Theory of Evolution: Current Observations
5. Know what Fossils are and how to read what layers of sediment are oldest vs youngest = Relative Dating =
Law of Superposition
6. Know the Definitions, examples of each, and how to compare the following anatomical structures: 1.
Homologous Structures, 2. Analogous Structures, & 3. Vestigial Structures
7. Know that DNA is the MOST RELIABLE form of evidence when comparing ancestral history.
8. Know that each generation of an organism in a population shows some type of variation due to any of the
following & know how to evaluate their effects: 1. mutations, 2. genetic recombination in meiosis, 3. Genetic
Drift, & 4. Gene Flow
9. Know Lamark and his early theories and beliefs: 1. Theory of Use and Disuse & 2. Theory of Inheritance of
Acquired Characteristics
10. Know Charles Darwin and His Theory of Natural Selection (“survival of the fittest) = opposed Lamark.
12. Know Charles Darwin traveled the world on the HMS Beagle and be familiar with his findings and work from his
book The Origin of Species.
13. Be familiar with Darwin’s Finches example and why he saw the different morphological changes in beaks  be able
to apply this concept to the Theory of Natural Selection in different Examples.
14. Know that all organisms originate from a COMMON ANCESTOR.
15. Know the evolution of a new species = SPECIATION. Know the following causes of speciation and their definitions:
16. Geographic Isolation, 2. Reproductive Isolation, & 3. Polyploid Speciation
17. Know what the bottleneck effect is and how it affects evolutionary mechanisms.
18. Know individuals DO NOT evolve but POPULATIONS EVOLVE over time.
19. Know Divergent vs. Convergent evolution
20. Know mimicry vs. camouflage
21. Know the following types of selections: 1. Artificial, 2. Sexual, 3. Directional, 4. Diversifying, 5. Stabilizing
22. Know what a cladogram is and how to read one.
Biology Textbook: Chapters 14 - 16
Essential Terms:
Definitions- Know what the term means and be able to use this information to apply the
term to various circumstances.
Artificial selection
Struggle for
F. Fitness
Survival of the fittest
Natural selection
K. Analogous Structure
L. Vestigial organ
M. Common descent
N. Descent with
O. Genetic Drift
P. Gene Flow
Q. Embryology
R. Species
What I Need to Know/Be able to do:
1. Know the Theory of Evolution = species have changed gradually over time
2. Be familiar with the history of Earth, “primordial soup”, and eras of that time period. Know earliest life forms
they believe were similar to bacteria and then know how life gradually changed overtime into how we know Earth
today: (From Heterotrophs  Autotrophs  more complex organisms).
3. Know the 4 types & definitions of Indirect Evidence for the Theory of Evolution: Fossil Record, Comparative
Anatomy, Comparative Embryology, & Comparative Biochemistry. Know how to read and compare these types of
evidence and their examples.
4. Know the 1 type and definition of the Direct Evidence for the Theory of Evolution: Current Observations
5. Know what Fossils are and how to read what layers of sediment are oldest vs youngest = Relative Dating =
Law of Superposition
6. Know the Definitions, examples of each, and how to compare the following anatomical structures: 1.
Homologous Structures, 2. Analogous Structures, & 3. Vestigial Structures
7. Know that DNA is the MOST RELIABLE form of evidence when comparing ancestral history.
8. Know that each generation of an organism in a population shows some type of variation due to any of the
following & know how to evaluate their effects: 1. mutations, 2. genetic recombination in meiosis, 3. Genetic
Drift, & 4. Gene Flow
9. Know Lamark and his early theories and beliefs: 1. Theory of Use and Disuse & 2. Theory of Inheritance of
Acquired Characteristics
10. Know Charles Darwin and His Theory of Natural Selection (“survival of the fittest) = opposed Lamark.
12. Know Charles Darwin traveled the world on the HMS Beagle and be familiar with his findings and work from his
book The Origin of Species.
13. Be familiar with Darwin’s Finches example and why he saw the different morphological changes in beaks  be able
to apply this concept to the Theory of Natural Selection in different Examples.
14. Know that all organisms originate from a COMMON ANCESTOR.
15. Know the evolution of a new species = SPECIATION. Know the following causes of speciation and their definitions:
16. Geographic Isolation, 2. Reproductive Isolation, & 3. Polyploid Speciation
17. Know what the bottleneck effect is and how it affects evolutionary mechanisms.
18. Know individuals DO NOT evolve but POPULATIONS EVOLVE over time.
19. Know Divergent vs. Convergent evolution
20. Know mimicry vs. camouflage
21. Know the following types of selections: 1. Artificial, 2. Sexual, 3. Directional, 4. Diversifying, 5. Stabilizing
22. Know what a cladogram is and how to read one.