here. - St Vincent de Paul

Paws for thought
I think I may have stopped growing now - at least I don’t seem
to be getting physically bigger. Well I am nearly 20 months now
but I am expanding - expanding in girth, expanding in
knowledge (sometimes) expanding in wisdom (well again
sometimes). I suppose all life is this we never stop growing its
just the direction of that growth, its focus that changes.
Growth is both external and internal and can be stunted in
either so I must ask what is growth like for others and where is
it leading to.
Love and licks
Ezekiel 17:22-24
PSALM RESPONSE: It is good to give you thanks O Lord.
SECOND READING: St Paul to the Corinthians 5:6-10
Alleluia, alleluia
I call you friends, says the Lord,
because I have made known to you
everything I have learnt from my Father.
Mark 4:26-34
Welcome to
St Vincent de Paul’s
East Kilbride
A Parish of the Diocese of Motherwell SCO11041
Tinto Way, G75 9DQ
Tel. 01355 243619
Parish Priest: Fr Ivan Boyle
Parish Priest: Fr Ivan Boyle,
Parish Deacon: Rev Joe Gallagher
Sunday Masses:
Vigil 6pm (Sat), 10am, 11.30am and 4pm on Sunday
Weekday Mass: 9.30, Exposition: Mon-Sat 8.30-9.30am, Confessions sat 10am &
Breakfast Club: After 10 and 11.30 masses on Sundays in hall (for Mary’s Meals)
Sunday 7.00 pm
Each weekday morning after mass in side chapel
Jive class:
Monday 7.30pm in the hall
Tuesday 6pm in the Church House
Computer Club: Off till after the summer
Legion of Mary: Wednesday morning after 9.30 am Mass
Divine Mercy Gp:
Wednesday 7pm in the side chapel
Irish Dancing: Wednesday 7.00pm in the hall
Tea n Toast:
Thursday after 9.30am mass
Off till after the Holidays
Youth Drama Gp:
Friday 6.30pm in the Hall
All Hall Bookings: Call 01355 265395
The Hall is available for Baptisms, Funerals, Weddings, and other
functions at reasonable rates.
For Hall Catering telephone:
First Collection:
Thank you for your
Duncan 07709 051558
2nd Collection
£ 481
Mission Statement:
“As the parish community of St Vincent de Paul Church
we are called by Baptism to celebrate the presence of Christ here in East Kilbride
through Word, Sacrament, Charity and Love”
This year as part of our universal call to holiness
we remember especially in prayer, the process to call our new Bishop
and other special vocations in the Church.
Eleventh Sunday of the Year - 17th June 2012
Readings Year B, Divine Office Vol 3 Wk 3
Mary’s Meals Sponsor a school
Feast Days:
Thu: Memorial of St Aloysius Gonzaga Fundraising so far: £10491.73 includes
second collection of £1000 from last
Friday 29th June - Solemnity of
We also sold £463.27 worth of Mary’s
Sts Peter and Paul - there will be a
meals raffle tickets and collected 189 bags
special collection for Peters Pence
for the rags to riches collection.
Interested in in life as a diocesan priest? Thank you for your continued support.
If you would like more information then
please contact our diocesan vocations
Gift Aid Thank you to all who
director or the Priests for Scotland Tel
support the Church through the Gift Aid
942 8384
Catholic Family Conference
system. We have received a cheque to
2nd-6th July 2012 will be held at Madras the value of £6966.56 from the Inland
College St Andrews - see notice-board
Revenue. If you are a taxpayer we would
Annual Mass at Scalan Scotland’s penal
encourage you to donate through Gift
time seminary up past Aviemore- will be Aid to help increase the return from the
held on Sunday 1st July at 4.00 pm - see
‘tax man’. Thank you for your generosity.
available from
Fr Ivan.
Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage and Lourdes Hospitalite
Will take place at The National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, Carfin on Sunday 24th
June at 3.00 pm with concelebrated Mass followed by the Blessing of the Sick. All are
Catholic Assembly of Parent Councils
Saturday 25th Aug 2-5pm Vigil Mass 5.30 pm Xavier Centre, Carfin - see noticeboard. Visit “Becoming first and best teachers”
Threat to Marriage - The church has received the following legal opinion regarding
the Scottish Parliaments consultation on same sex marriages.
In March, European judges ruled that while gay marriage is NOT a human right,
churches could be forced to perform gay marriages. If a member state decides to
allow gay marriage, but treats homosexual married couples differently that allows a
challenge under European human rights law. So although we do not wish to
discriminate against people we can legally be sued as a church for upholding what
we believe. Just look at the couple a few months ago running a B&B sued for
upholding their conscience and lot allowing gay couples to share a bed under their
own roof. Whatever guarantees the Scottish government say they are putting in
place are worthless as the equality legislation such a case would be based on is
reserved to Westminster.
From Fr Ivan - To be honest I struggled for some time to see what harm this
legislation could do beyond some abstract redefinition of a term - even one as
important as marriage. However this as a priest scares me as it goes much deeper
than I thought. This is make no mistake about it an attack on our right of freedom of
religion according to our faith passed onto us from God. I believe that some of our
Scottish Catholic Observer on sale at the Stall featuring Diamond
Jubilee Celebrations for Bishop Emeritus John Mone of Paisley. The latest
reports from 5t0h International Eucharistic Congress; Top QC warns
changing marriage law is a threat to schools, worker; Cardinal highlights
pressure on schools.
Medjugorje 2012
Fr Ivan will lead a pilgrimage to Medjugorje from 14-21st of October (the
School week) this year, Flying from Edinburgh. Cost £539 Half Board. This
is a great opportunity to visit this special shrine of Our Lady which our own
bishop has called that place where heaven and earth meet. Please see Fr
Ivan or Phil Collins for further details
King’sTheatre Glasgow - we are hoping to organise an outing to the
pantomime Cinderella on Saturday 5th January 2013 at 2.00 pm Cost £20
each includes ticket and bus for ALL tickets. Please add your name and
number of tickets required if you wish to join us. The list will remain in the
porch this weekend and next. A pay-up scheme will be arranged once we
have numbers.
Please Pray for
Sick: Andy Williamson, Sharon McHarg, Katherine McKinnon,
Cecilia Clark, Rose McCoach, Kevin Brown, Stewart Smith, Jessie Lang
Margaret Murtagh, Vera McGuire, Carol Malyn, Frances Rooney, Robert Cassidy,
Tony Scanlon, Olive Cowan, Debra Gillan, Reg Prow, Liz Smith,
John McConnechie, Sheila Prentiss, Jane Slater, Catherine Savage, Eddie Welsh
Jim Ross, Patricia Hill, James Hanlon, Bobby Davis, Doreen Scott, Mary Wilson
Kevin Allen, Alisdair Whyte, Robert McDermott, Mary Hill, Alastair Livingstone
Recently Dead Jean Duffy, James Clark, William McCulloch, Margaret
Cockburn, Phylis Maclean
Anniversary: Brendan McCann
As you can see from above its time once more to update our sick list to be prayed
for - if there is someone whom you would still like prayed for please confirm it
with Fr Ivan - all names except those confirmed will be removed from the above
list next week. We of course are happy to and encourage people to continue
praying for those sick - this is simply a periodic housekeeping as our list gets
Wednesday - Day Off - Please note Fr Ivan’s day off is on a Wednesday please do
not call or come to the door on a Wednesday.
Paws for thought
Who is this Christ fellow and what is it with all these small
white circles of bread. To be honest I have trouble
understanding when I hear all this talk of the body and blood
of Christ. I suppose as a dog that’s not surprising - but what I
do understand is love and giving - I am good at both but
apparently this Christ person is the real expert.
Love and kisses
Exodus 24:3-8
PSALM RESPONSE: The cup of salvation I will raise;
I will call on the Lord’s name
SECOND READING: Hebrews 9:11-15
Alleluia, alleluia
I am the living bread which has come down from heaven, says the Lord.
Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever.
Mark 14:12-16. 22-26
Welcome to
St Vincent de Paul’s
East Kilbride
A Parish of the Diocese of Motherwell SCO11041
Tinto Way, G75 9DQ
Tel. 01355 243619
Parish Priest: Fr Ivan Boyle, Parish
Rev Joe
Fr Ivan
Sunday Masses:
Vigil 6pm (Sat), 10am, 11.30am and 4pm on Sunday
Weekday Mass: 9.30, Exposition: Mon-Sat 8.30-9.30am, Confessions sat 10am &
Breakfast Club: After 10 and 11.30 masses on Sundays in hall (for Mary’s Meals)
Sunday 7.00 pm
Each weekday morning after mass in side chapel
Jive class:
Monday 7.30pm in the hall
Tuesday 6pm in the Church House
Computer Club: Tuesday 7pm in the Hall
Legion of Mary: Wednesday morning after 9.30 am Mass
Divine Mercy Gp:
Wednesday 7pm in the side chapel
Irish Dancing: Wednesday 7.00pm in the hall
Tea n Toast:
Thursday after 9.30am mass
Off til after the Holidays
Youth Drama Gp:
Friday 6.30pm in the Hall
All Hall Bookings: Call 01355 265395
The Hall is available for Baptisms, Funerals, Weddings, and other
First Collection:
at reasonable
you for your
2nd Coll Marys Meals £1000
For Hall Catering telephone:
Phil Collins: 01355 Mission
223653, orStatement:
Kathleen Duncan 07709 051558
“As the parish community of St Vincent de Paul Church
we are called by Baptism to celebrate the presence of Christ here in East Kilbride
through Word, Sacrament, Charity and Love”
This year as part of our universal call to holiness
we remember especially in prayer, the process to call our new Bishop
and other special vocations in the Church.
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ - 10th June 2012
Readings Year B, Divine Office Vol 3 P.21
Feast Days:
Mon: Memorial of St Barnabas
Wed: Memorial of St Anthony of
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart
Memorial of the Immaculate
Day of Prayer
Heart of
Maryfor the
Sanctification of Priests will be
celebrated on 15th June, the Feast of the
Sacred Heart. You are asked to pray this
week for all priests
Mary’s Meals Sponsor a school
Fundraising so far: £10491.73 includes
second collection of £1000 from last
We also sold £463.27 worth of Mary’s
meals raffle tickets and collected 189 bags
for the rags to riches collection.
Thank you for your continued support.
Gift Aid Thank you to all who support the
Church through the Gift Aid system. We
have received a cheque to the value of
£6966.56 from the Inland Revenue. If
“O my Jesus, I beg You on behalf of the
you are a taxpayer we would encourage
whole Church; Grant it love and the light you to donate through Gift Aid to help
of Your Spirit, and give power to the
increase the return from the ‘tax man’.
words of Priests, so that hardened hearts Thank you for your
Day - Exposition
might be brought to repentance and
Forms available from Fr Ivan.
you to all who visited and kept vigil
return to You, O Lord.
in the Church during Exposition. Date for
Lord, give us holy Priests; You yourself
maintain them in holiness. O Divine and next Open Day will be announced later.
Great High Priest, May the power of Your
mercy accompany them everywhere and Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage and Lourdes
protect them from the devil’s traps and Hospitalite Pilgrimage
Will take place at The National Shrine of
which are continually being set for the
Our Lady of Lourdes, Carfin on Sunday
soul of Priests. May the power of Your
24th June at 3.00 pm with concelebrated
mercy, O Lord, shatter and bring to
Mass followed by the Blessing of the Sick.
naught all that might tarnish the sanctity All are welcome to attend.
of Priests, for You can do all things.”
New Dawn Catholic Family Conference
“My beloved Jesus, I pray to you for the
2nd-6th July 2012 will be held at Madras
triumph of the Church, that you may
College St Andrews - see notice-board
bless the Holy Father and all the clergy; I St Andrews High School
beg you to grant the grace of conversion Class of 1980 Reunion - see notice-board
to sinners whose hearts have been
hardened by- sin,
Off a special blessing
Please note Fr Ivan’stoday
off isI on
a Wednesday please do not call or come to the
door on a Wednesday. Last Wednesday there were 10-15 separate people calling or
in in life
a diocesan
priest?the door or phone on a Wednesday as it’s
the door
bell.asI try
not to answer
thenAs someone pointed out to me Fr Ivan is
the only way to actually try to get a rest.
available 6 days a week for the good of the parish and not available one day a week
or theofPriests
for Scotland
for the good
the parish.
After myTel
breakdown 3 years ago I am very conscious of
how true this is - like everyone else I need time off and as the chapel house is my
home it would be good if I could actually be at home in peace at least on my day off.
Taize Prayer Evening Sunday 10th June
at St Mary’s Scottish Episcopal Church,
There will be a further training
meeting for new altar servers at 1530 Auchingramont Road, Hamilton @ 7pm.
Come and join us for the peaceful style
on Thursday 14th of June in the
of meditative singing and prayer from
church. Any who missed the last
meeting as well as those who started the Ecumenical Community of Taize All
this week
encouraged to attend.
There is a new rota available in the sacristy, please note that separate readers are
required for 1st and 2nd readings at 1130 mass. Both readers should go up at the
same time and the 1st reader should also read the psalm, with the 2nd reader
should also read the Gospel acclamation.
Novena to the Sacred Heart will start on Thursday 7th June and continue until
Friday 15th June. The Mass for the Feast of the Sacred Heart will take place in St
Xavier’s, Carfin on Friday 15th June
at 7.30 pm,
The Novena will conclude at this
Ivan will lead a pilgrimage to Medjugorje from 14-21st of October (the School
week) this year, Flying from Edinburgh. Cost £539 Half Board. This is a great
opportunity to visit this special shrine of Our Lady which our own bishop has
called that place where heaven and earth meet. Please see Fr Ivan or Phil Collins
1st further
Assembly of Parent Councils
Saturday 25th Aug 2-5pm Vigil Mass 5.30 pm Xavier Centre, Carfin - see noticeboard. Visit
Aid to the Church in Need Carfin Becoming first and best teachers
St Andrew’s Hospice Ladies Midnight
Pilgrimage of Witness and Faith
Walk 16th June- see noticeboard
Saturday 16th June from 11.30 am. Will
be an opportunity for us to gather
Annual Mass at Scalan - will be held on
“Together in Faith” and to remember our Sunday 1st July at 4.00 pm - see noticesuffering brothers and sisters in Christ
who endure violence and persecution for
their faith. See notice-board Please Pray for
Sick: Andy Williamson, Sharon McHarg, Katherine McKinnon,
Cecilia Clark, Rose McCoach, Kevin Brown, Stewart Smith, Jessie Lang
Margaret Murtagh, Vera McGuire, Carol Malyn, Jean Duffy, Frances Rooney,
Robert Cassidy, Tony Scanlon, Olive Cowan, Debra Gillan, Reg Prow, Liz Smith,
John McConnechie, Sheila Prentiss, Jane Slater, Catherine Savage, Eddie Welsh
Jim Ross, Patricia Hill, James Hanlon, Bobby Davis, Doreen Scott, Mary Wilson
Kevin Allen, Alisdair Whyte
Recently Dead William McCulloch, William Mulhearn, Andy McGhee
Thomas Gallagher, Donald MacDougall, Jean Deeley, Elizabeth Callaghan,
Jim Brennan
Anniversary: John Healy, James McQuillan, Canon Alphonsus Woods
New Altar Servers
William McCulloch’s body will come to the church at 1800 next Sunday
and his requiem mass will be at 0930 on Monday 11th June