*Pay-Day Loans* Choice Board

Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities
(Solving Systems)
Choice Board
Standards: Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the
Represent and solve equations and inequalities algebraically and graphically
Essential Questions: How do I create linear equations and inequalities in one variable
and use them in a contextual situation to solve problems? How do I justify a solution for
an equation?
Directions: Select one assignment from each row for a total of three (3) assignments
from the choices below. These are the assignments you will complete during the next 2
weeks. All presentations will be given during the last 30 minutes of class on Thursday,
February 12, 2015. Please ask for clarity on any of the choices. I can’t wait to see your
final products. You will also have a mandatory assignment due on Monday, February 9,
2015. Plan accordingly!
With a partner, demonstrate
and explain how to determine
the difference between the
three methods for solving
systems of equations. Create a
mini-lesson (5 – 10 minutes) to
teach your classmates. Make
sure you incorporate this unit’s
learning objectives.
With a partner, create an
assessment with an
answer key to administer
1 to your classmates at the
end of the week. Make
sure you incorporate this
unit’s standards from this
Create a song, rap, or poem
that demonstrates your
comprehension of the
steps/process to solving
steps to solve systems of
equations or inequalities. Be
ready to perform it for the
Complete the worksheet
2 solving 10 problems by all
three methods of solving
Create a review game that
your fellow classmates could
play that will
review/practice each of the
standards contained in this
In the form of a cartoon, give a
frame-by-frame, step-by-step
demonstration on how to graph
linear inequalities.
Design a poster for the
classroom comparing and
contrasting systems of linear
equations and linear
Interview another student for
tips on organizing/showing their
work for solving multistep
Write a journal entry
explaining the difference
3 between a linear
equation and a linear
inequality. Create a real
world example of both.