Handbook (doc) - Mt. Olive Lutheran Church

Child Development Center
2780 North Center Street
Hickory, NC 28601
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Child Development Center
Statement of Purpose
Mt. Olive Child Development Center is a Christ-centered developmentally appropriate learning environment
for children ages nine months through kindergarten. We believe the early enlightenment of children
establishes the foundation upon which a positive self-concept develops through interactions with family,
teachers, and peers. Mt. Olive Child Development Center is committed to providing a nurturing program that
not only recognizes but enhances students’ mental, social, spiritual, emotional and physical growth. A child’s
world is one of exploration and discovery and should be filled with concrete “hands on” activities: therefore,
we are continually enriching the classrooms’ environment. We provide a setting in which children experience
the joy of learning and establish independence, security and responsibility. Thereby, the center helps the
children develop an awareness of self, others, the natural environment and Jesus Christ. Mt. Olive Child
Development Center appreciates that children are unique and bring their own experiences and creativity to
our program. Our goal is to meet children at their own level of growth and then to promote further
development. Although we do not include any specific denominational doctrine, the Christian faith is primary
in our curriculum.
Statement of Admission
Mt. Olive Child Development Center admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights,
privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies,
admission policies, scholarships and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs.
However, we do have the right to refuse admission to any child who does not conform to the Center’s rules
and regulations.
1. We want to make this experience as successful as possible. In order to accomplish this, we need time to
set up centers, toys, art supplies, and get ready for the day. Please do not bring your child in earlier than
8:45am unless arrangements have been made ahead of time with the teacher. Make sure your child’s
teacher has acknowledged their presence in the room.
2. If you have made special dismissal plans; we will need a note or phone call giving us the name of the
person who has permission to pick up your child. Identification will be required.
3. Failure to pay tuition fees for two consecutive months may result in termination. Please see the Director
if it is necessary to arrange a payment schedule. We will make every effort to work with you to avoid
disrupting your child’s enrollment.
4. Priority is given on the waiting list to the following:
a. Teachers employed by Mt. Olive CDC that have become pregnant or have children eligible for our
b. Mt. Olive Church members and families with children currently enrolled at Mt. Olive CDC.
5. We are not required by law to be licensed, but maintain our standards at or above that of the state. We
keep ratios at or lower than required.
6. The children are supervised at all times and are not left alone.
7. If the parent or guardian of a child is forbidden by the court system to have access to that child, the CDC
must have a copy of the court order on file.
8. A late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged beginning at 12:55pm.
9. Mt. Olive CDC will give parents two weeks notice in the event of a change in policy or guidelines.
10. Out of respect for the children’s privacy, the Director needs to be made aware of anything going home
with students not pertaining to school work. (e.g., birthday invitations, notes, etc.)
11. The staff works hard to prepare a full four hours of enrichment. We strongly encourage your child be in
their class promptly at 8:45am so they can take advantage of all planned activities.
12. If it is deemed necessary by the teacher or Director that a child may need to receive special services, the
CDC reserves the right to suggest to the parents that the child be evaluated by a specialist. Termination
of the child’s enrollment may be advised if the CDC does not have the capabilities to meet the child’s
13. We encourage you to share your concerns about your child. We can refer you to county agencies for
assistance with developmental concerns and parenting skills.
Mt. Olive Child Development Center has an open door policy. Parents are encouraged to come interact, eat
lunch, or accompany children on field trips. If you have a special talent you would like to share with the
children, please let us know. If you would like to volunteer an hour or more on a weekly or monthly basis
please talk to your child’s classroom teacher. We appreciate you help and support!
The Pastor, a church staff member or the Director will hold chapel every Wednesday for the entire Preschool.
Children not enrolled on Wednesdays are invited to join us with their parents for this worship time of praise,
songs, and Bible stories in Mt. Olive’s sanctuary.
Ones (Toddlers)
Plenty of formula and juice bottles, diapers, wipes. Lunch (baby food or finger
food), spoon, “security” items, and a change of clothes.* Please label all cups
and bottles.
Diapers or pull-ups, wipes, lunch with drink, spoon, cup, “security” items, and a
change of clothes.*
Pull-ups (if needed), lunch with drink, spoon, and a change of clothes.*
Pre-Kindergarten &
Transitional Kindergarten
Lunch with drink, spoon, and a change of clothes.*
* PLEASE put a complete change of clothes in a labeled zip bag to be kept in your child’s room. Include socks,
shoes, underpants, pants, and a shirt. LABEL all of your child’s belongings. Remember to consider the season
for the bag’s contents.
All children need to bring a bag lunch from home Monday through Friday. Please pack a reasonable amount
of healthy food. Feel free to ask the teachers if the amount seems to be too much or too little. We want our
children to be healthy and happy, but we cannot force children to eat. It is our responsibility to provide
encouragement for a healthy diet.
Mt. Olive CDC will provide daily snacks as part of the program. If you would like to help offset the cost of
snacks by sending a treat (fruit, crackers, etc.), we would welcome it! Please do not send your child to school
still eating breakfast.
Please notify the Director of any changes in your address, telephone numbers (home, work, cell), or the
people allowed to-pick up your child. Accurate information is essential for the smooth operation of the
center, as well as the safety of the children.
We strive to use every resource possible to make this a meaningful experience for the children. This includes
bringing programs to the school for easy access for parents, students, and teachers. Smart Start Partnership
for Children offers workshops for teacher and parents.
If the school does not have a copy of your child’s immunization record on file, one must be signed by a
physician and be on file prior to the first day of school.
No prescription or over-the–counter medicines will be administered without the proper authorization forms
filled in completely by the parent or guardian.
In order to maintain a healthy environment and minimize the spread of illness, children with fevers, upset
stomachs, diarrhea, ear infections, contagious rashes, or noses running with green mucus should be kept at
home. They may return 24 hours after the symptoms pass. We do not have the facilities to care for sick
children – nor do we want to expose other children to illness.
In case of inclement weather, please check the message on the CDC phone line (828-324-0120). In general,
we do follow the Hickory Public Schools decision on closings. (Note: Delayed opening times may differ. Please
check the phone message for all delays.) Our concern is for the safety of the children, parents, and staff. We
will not be able to credit you with tuition charges for closings due to weather but we do try to make up the
missed day(s).
We are well equipped with a wonderful selection of games and toys for your child to enjoy. We ask that you
talk to your child’s teacher before bringing in any toys from home. Books, nature specimens, records, tapes,
and videos are welcome. Chewing gum and candy are not allowed.
We will be glad to celebrate your child’s birthday at the CDC. Cupcakes, cookies, or cakes may be sent for your
child’s class. Please let your child’s teacher know a few days in advance of your plans.
The older classes participate in several field trips during the year. Please make sure to sign a field trip
permission slip in your child’s classroom on the first day of school. You will receive details at least one week
prior to each trip. If permission slips are not signed and returned, we have no choice but to have your child
stay at CDC with another class. If you have the opportunity, please volunteer to chaperon a field trip.
We all strive for a loving, nurturing environment for the children and work in a spirit of cooperation and open
communication; however, it is recognized that occasionally grievances may arise. As referenced in Matthew
18:15-17, the individuals should first meet to discuss the concern intelligently and calmly. If the situation
cannot be resolved, then the Director needs to be notified and made aware of the issue. The role of the
Director will be to gather information from all parties concerned and make recommendations. Should the
Director be involved in the grievance, the Pastor and/or CDC Board would become involved. If a resolution
cannot be made, then the parties will meet with the Pastor and/or CDC Board to review the situation.
Praise and positive reinforcement are effective methods for the behavior management of children. When
children receive positive, non-violent, and understanding interactions from adults and others, they develop
good self-concepts, problem solving abilities, and self-discipline. Based on this belief of how children learn
and develop values, our center will practice the following discipline and behavior management policy.
DO praise, reward, and encourage the children.
DO reason with and set limits for the children.
DO model appropriate behavior to the children.
DO modify the classroom environment to prevent problems before they occur.
DO listen to the children.
DO provide alternatives to the children for inappropriate behavior.
DO provide children with natural and logical consequences for their behavior.
DO ignore minor misbehaviors.
DO treat children as people and respect their feelings.
DO explain things to the children on their level.
DO use short supervised periods of time-out.
DO stay consistent in our behavior management policy.
Mt. Olive Child Development Center strives to create a safe, loving environment for all children, parents, and
staff. It is necessary to have a set policy regarding consequences for inappropriate behavior. Discipline in any
community must be maintained for the good of all. Therefore, the staff of Mt. Olive will monitor the following
 Biting
 Hitting
 Kicking
 Bad language
If after every effort (talking with the child, time-out, redirecting behavior, communication with the parent) has
been expended to eliminate these behaviors, the following discipline consequence steps will be placed into
1st offense: Time-out (3-5 minutes) in Director’s classroom
2nd offense: 3-5 day out-of-school suspension
3rd offense: 1 month suspension
4th offense: Expulsion