Destination #1: Monday: Grab your rope and get ready to rappel

Destination #1:
Monday: Grab your rope and get ready to rappel! Best grab some serious winter gear as well
for visits to this destination!
Tuesday: Did you bring some extra oxygen? You’re gonna need it if you visit here!
Wednesday: The author of this destination book was a guest speaker at CTMS in February of
2011 and he was awesome!
Thursday: Our story revolves around a 14 year old who wishes to be the youngest person to
stand above 29,000 feet in this story! Does he succeed?
Destination #2:
Monday: This destination is so intriguing that Walt Disney created a movie about it!
Tuesday: Get your eye-patch ready and let’s sail away on the high seas ready for some
Wednesday: This destination adventure is actually co-written by two authors who lived in tow
different states at the time it was written!
Thursday: Best hang on tight in case I have to fly high above the clouds to get away from the
Destination #3:
Monday: The year is 1941 and our main character’s father has been sentenced to death in a
prison camp.
Tuesday: The setting destination of this novel is one that is not glamourous, and is part of the
old Soviet Union occupation. Its people were controlled by fear and intimidation.
Wednesday: When Soviet guards come and take you by night, all you get is 20 minutes to get
one suitcase ready. And you don’t know where you’re going. But you have no choice. You are
now an enemy of the Soviet Union.
Thursday: I will use my art and write messages. Perhaps one will make it to my father. Or
maybe I better bury the art so I won’t be a traitor.
Destination #4:
Monday: I am fortunate to live in a rather exclusive neighborhood in this destination story. But
unfortunately, I’m not neighbors with the Queen.
Tuesday: Time-travel doesn’t exist. Or does it? The time-travel gene runs like a secret thread
through some families in this destination story.
Wednesday: Opal and Amber, Aquamarine, emerald, Sapphire, Diamond, Ruby, Citrine, Jade –
all part of a song that keeps the secret in order.
Thursday: Time-travel must be controlled with a chronograph or it gets really dangerous!