Sample Constitution and By

XXX ICPA Family Wellness Club
Statement of Purpose
The mission of the ICPA/ Family Wellness Club is to engage and prepare
chiropractic students for success in practice. This will be accomplished by providing
members with educational, clinical, and practical resources to strengthen their
knowledge and applicability of the chiropractic family wellness lifestyle from
conception, throughout pregnancy and childhood.
To maintain and promote the Chiropractic profession as leaders in holistic
family wellness.
To be dedicated to advancing public awareness and attainment of the
chiropractic family wellness lifestyle.
To provide a holistic approach to family wellness and provide quality
chiropractic care with specific emphasis on children, (including infants) and
pregnant women.
To provide educational meetings for students with family practice resources
and methods and to influence students about the responsibility and
importance of family – centered clinical matters so that they may be
positioned to offer outstanding services to the public.
To empower parents with practical solutions, extensive resources and
specific services so they can make conscious, informed health care choices.
Article I-Name
The name of this organization shall be the ICPA Family Wellness Club and is a
Professional Organization
Article II-Purpose
Members of the ICPA Family Wellness Club shall support and promote the
interests, rights, and beliefs of the organization in accordance with the
institutional values, practice profile and mission of XXXXXXXX.
The purpose(s) of the ICPA Family Wellness Club is:
 Getting these important topics in the hands of students to build
their own on-campus community and enhance their own personal
conscious choice making.
 Preparing students with the knowledge of topics (pediatric and family
wellness) and offering students a successful way to communicate these
important topics to parents for when they are in practice
 Empowering students as they go into higher quarters to run these groups
in the clinic for in-clinic practice building and community education
awareness of the family wellness lifestyle.
 To be dedicated to advancing public awareness and attainment of the
chiropractic family wellness lifestyle.
 To provide educational meetings for student in the field of Family
Practice methods and to influence students on the responsibility and
importance of clinical matters so that they may be positioned to make
informed decisions that define their profession.
Article III-Membership
Membership of this organization shall be available to all students at XX
In administering to its affairs, the club shall not discriminate against any
person on the basis of race, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, sex,
sexual orientation, political beliefs, disability or age.
Duties: A member shall at all times abide by the provisions of this
constitution, the bylaws, and other expressions of the majority and shall
strive to work cooperatively with other members of the organization to
accomplish the purposes set forth in the constitution.
Meetings shall be held monthly
Discounted ICPA membership to all club members which includes:
o Discounts on seminars
o A complementary Pathways magazine subscription
o Access to ICPA on-line clinical forums
ICPA will provide:
o All the materials necessary to start a Pathways Connect Gathering
Group on campus
o Provide group with a camera ready, full color, editable flier to post
on campus and generate interest for club meetings and club guest
o Provide a camera ready club logo.
o Open a Facebook page on our behalf.
o Provide a logo and club banner for on-campus club interest day
and community events.
o Provide printed photos for school bulletin board.
o Host an initial “pizza night” so that interest can be generated.
o Maintain an international ICPA/Student Club Facebook group page
where students from around the world can meet and share ideas.
Article 1-Officers and Their Duties
The officers of the ICPA Family Wellness Club shall be a President, Vice President,
Secretary and Treasurer.
• Tenure of Office: The term of the above officers shall be three
consecutive trimesters unless the officer withdraws from XX College,
resigns from office, or is removed from Executive Committee. Students in
good academic standing, as defined by XX College policy, with a current
enrollment status are eligible to run for office.
• Duties of the President: The president shall be the chief executive officer
of the organization, shall preside over general membership meetings, act
as liaison between club and other student organizations, faculty and
administration and the ICPA. The president shall maintain order and
conduct business in accordance with the Rules of Order.
• Duties of the Vice President: The Vice president shall assist the President
and in absence of the President, temporarily assume Presidential duties
on the President’s behalf. The Vice President shall assume the duties of
the President, for the remainder of the term of office, in the event the
President withdraws from XX College, resigns or is removed from office.
• Duties of the Secretary: The Secretary shall be the recording officer of the
general meetings, providing minutes to the members.
• Duties of the Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have charge over and
account for all monies, keep an accurate record of all transactions and
shall perform all other duties as may be required by the president and
present a written budget by the second meeting of each trimester.
Conducting Business: A quorum for purposes of conducting business
shall minimally consist of the President, the Secretary and at least a
simple majority of the general membership.
Article II-Faculty/Staff Advisor
A member of XX College’s faculty or staff shall serve as the advisor of the
ICPA Family Wellness Club. The advisor shall fulfill the responsibilities of the
guidelines of the faculty/staff Advisor to Student Organizations Policy.
Article III-Executive Committee
The Executive committee shall consist of the officers of the club and the
faculty/staff advisor.
Article-IV- Duties and Other Funds
There is no membership fee to join the ICPA Family Wellness Club
The membership club fee to join the ICPA is $109/year (set by the
Fund Raising: The organization will plan and vote on fund raising
activates as it deems necessary and conduct them in accordance with
policies set forth by XX College (e.g., Solicitation On Campus, Bulletin
Board Posting, etc., found in the school’s Student Handbook or Policy
All expenditures of the organization should be brought before the
general members for approval prior to disbursement.
Article V-Nominations and Elections
Nominations of Officers: Nominations for officers shall be made from the
floor at the meeting two weeks prior to the last meeting of the year.
Nominations shall be closed prior to voting. A member must be present
at the meeting at which he/she is nominated.
Election of Officers: Election of officers shall be by majority vote on a
secret ballot. Elections will be held every year.
Should a vacancy of officers other than the president occur, such a
vacancy shall be filled by the consent of a majority of the Executive
Committee. The term of office to end at the completion of the unfilled of
the unfilled officers’ term.
Article VI-Committees
The President may appoint any and all committees as such need arises.
Article VII-Amendments
The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended provided the membership
is notified in writing of proposed changes thirty days prior to the meeting
when such changes will appear on the agenda of business to be
conducted. A two-thirds vote is required to amend the Constitution or
the Bylaws, except that the thirty day notice may be waived by a majority
vote of the Executive Committee in writing.
Article VIII-Removal of Officers
Complaints for removal of an officer(s) must be submitted to the
faculty/staff advisor with the signature of at least two-thirds of the
general members.
The faculty/staff advisor shall investigate the allegations and submit a
brief report of findings to the general membership that includes a
recommendation to remove or retain the officer(s) in question.
At a general membership meeting (a special meeting may be called by the
President), the issue will be discussed and the recommendation of the
advisor voted upon. A 2/3 majority of the general membership shall be
required to remove an elected officer from office.
Article IX-Dissolution of the Organization
No part of the income or property of the organization shall be distributed
to its members, except that an individual may be compensated for
supplies or labor required, including members and officers.
Upon dissolution of the organization, all assets and property remaining
after al liabilities and obligations have been paid, satisfied and
discharged, shall be distributed to the school’s Student Council.