Biology EOC Teacher Key- Pages 33-48 Domain

Biology EOC Teacher Key- Pages 33-48
1. Domain- Similar kingdoms are grouped together such as Archaea, Bacteria,
and Eukarya.
2. Classification- broad system in which organisms form and structure are the
basis for specimens. Organisms have different degrees of similarity.
3. Phylogeny- an organism’s evolutionary history.
4. Cladistics- method of analysis that reconstructs phylogenies by inferring
relationships based on shared characteristics.
5. Carnivore- meat eaters
6. Herbivore- plant eaters
7. Omnivore- eat both plants and animals
8. Genus- unit of classification in which similar organisms were put into the
same groups.
9. Taxonomy- science of naming and classifying organisms.
10.Polynomials- many meanings
11.Species- single most descriptive scientific part of an organism
12.Eight levels of classification: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order,
Family, Genus, and Species.
13.Prokaryotes- smallest, single celled, simplest cell that lacks a nucleus and
membrane bound organelles.
14.Eukaryotes- Plant / Animal, multicellular, have a nucleus and membrane
bound organelles.
15.Eubacteria- part of the oldest domain Bacteria.
16.Archaea- Second prokaryotic domain, composed of Archaebacteria
17.Six Kingdoms- Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and
18.Primordial Soup- large amounts of organic matter and molecules that are
contained in the Earth’s ocean.
19.Primate- member of the mammalian order Primates.
20.Hominids- Primates that walk upright on two legs.