Branches of Science WS

Branches of Science- Read the following list of science disciplines. Put an LS if it would be a type of
life science, put an ES if it is a type of earth science, put a PS if it is a type of physical science.
_____Acoustics – study of sound
_____Botany – study of plants
_____Glaciology- study of glaciers
_____Limnology- study of fresh water lakes and ponds
_____Seismology- study of earthquakes
_____Atomic physics- Study of the atom
_____Genetics – study of DNA
_____Phylogeny- study of the evolutionary history of organisms
_____Parasitology- study of parasites
_____Radiology- Study of using radioactive substances to diagnose and treat diseases
_____Paleontology-Study of the fossils of plants and animals
_____Ornithology – study of birds
_____Psychology- Study of the mind and behavior
_____Optics – Study of light
_____Ecology- Study of the relationship between organisms and their habitat
_____Geodesy- Study of the size and shape of the earth
_____Hydrology- Study of the effect of water on the earth’s surface, in its atmosphere, and below
its surface.
_____Physiology-Study of the structure and function of the parts of organisms.
_____Organic chemistry-The study of carbon compounds
_____Thermochemistry – Study of heat that is released or absorbed during a chemical reaction
_____Dynamics- The study of the effects of forces on a moving body
_____Dermatology- the study of the skin and its diseases
_____Mycology- Study of fungus
_____Cryogenics-The study of the effect of low temperatures
_____Meteorology- The study of the atmosphere and weather
_____Xenobiology-Study of life forms from outside the earth
_____Herpetology- Study of amphibians and reptiles
_____Oceanography- Study of the oceans
_____Mechanics-The study of the action of forces on matter.
_____Ichythyology- The study of fish
_____Pathology- the study of diseases