Acid/Base Review Guide

Name: __________________________________
Hr: ________
Acids and Bases
1. List 3 things you could find at home that would test below 7 on the pH scale.
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
2. List 3 things you could find at home that would test above 7 on the pH scale.
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
3. Draw and color a pH scale labeling the numbers from 0 to 14. Be sure to use the correct colors for each level
on the pH scale. Also label which regions on your scale would be considered to be the following.
a. Strong Acid
b. Strong Base
c. Weak Acid
d. Weak Base
e. Neutral
4. What type of ions do acids make? ____________________________________
5. What type of ions do bases make? ____________________________________
6. Compare and Contrast Acids and Bases. You must put at least 4 things in each column
7. A (an) __________________________________ is an organic compound that changes color in the presence
of an acid or base.
8. A (an) __________________________________ is a substance that produces hydroxide ions.
9. A (an) __________________________________ is a substance that produces hydronium ions.
10. A (an) __________________________________ acid/base is one that completely ionizes in a solution.
11. A (an) __________________________________ acid/base is one that only partially ionizes in a solution
12. The _________________________________ of an acid or base refers to the amount of acid or base
dissolved in a solution. This is what we test using the pH scale.
13. Any rain that falls to the ground with a pH lower than ______________ is considered to be acid rain.
14. A (an) __________________________________ reaction is a chemical reaction between an acid and base
creating water and salt.
15. Identify if we have an acid or base then complete the ionization reactions.
Acid or Base
_____________________  ____________________ + _______________________
Acid or Base
____________________ + _______________________ ____________________ + _______________________
16 Complete the following Neutralization Reaction.
HBr + LiOH + H2O
___________ + ____________ + _____________  ___________+ ___________+__________+____________
Water: ___________ + ____________  ____________
Salt: __________+____________  ____________