Handy hints/focussed strategies to improve attendance (DOC, 19KB)

ATTENDANCE – focus on motivating the student
Be proactive rather than reactive
Use EATSIPS checklist to audit school
Get the roll marking and tracking systems accurate and consistent
Plan for the future – start in the early years - foster a strong positive sense of what it mean to be Aboriginal
and/or a Torres Strait Islander
Engage with the leaders in the community – seek their input to achieve a child and community centred
Organise mentors for new teachers
When out and about think about how you will greet these students and make them feel welcome
Set attainable goals - aim for one person, one family to come back to school and so on
95% of young people trust peer recommendations and respond to personal invitations – use this knowledge
to send out positive messages about school
Ensure there is a culturally appropriate ethos in the school including clear visual signals that this school
respects all cultures – murals, artefacts etc.
Build extra-curricular activities into the school calendar
Ensure parents understand the importance of education – promote what the school can do for their child
through a series of campaigns, use of champions and former students
Support families with mechanisms for students to access food, uniforms, books and well-being and health
Use a carrot not a stick – hooks, rewards and incentives, practical assistance
Use personal invitations rather than announcements or notices
Employ an Attendance Officer to work with Elders, Indigenous Education Workers and local people to
promote attendance to students and seek out localised support for disempowered families
ENGAGEMENT – focus on “What’s in it for them?” –school success, connectedness and a safe place to be, work readiness
Build resilience by:
acknowledging the language background and learning needs of EAL/D students
o connecting students to purposeful pedagogy that will lead to long term success in life
o offering timely, respectful case management
o teaching human values such as respect, peace, responsibility
Incorporate values education to ensure a safe environment where the student feels connected
Identify the key students/ families who do not attend regularly and develop a differentiated improvement
attendance plan for each student with family members and then bring in agreed support staff and agencies
Speak regularly to each student – meet and greet them and their family each day at the front gate – say
“goodbye” each day and check on well-being
Incorporate technology as a key learning tool – young people think everything they need to know is online
SUSTAINING ATTENDANCE, ENGAGMENT THROUGH PARTICIPATION – focus on keeping students involved in education
through the presence of caring adults and peers
Demonstrate why you personally want them in the school and how they will make a difference to the school
Co-plan with the student – build in incentives and responsibilities
Create leadership opportunities - peer to peer invitations can work well
Introduce the student to a mentor – someone he/she can trust
Include them in extra- curricular activities
Keep the momentum going