Hankedokument, Veebileht ja mobiilirakendus

Simple tender
within Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI programme project ELRI-113 „Via Hanseatica“
Object and purpose of the tender: This simple tender is organized within Estonia-Latvia-Russia
ENPI Cross-border cooperation programme project ELRI-113 "Via Hanseatica" for elaboration,
translation and editing English, German and Russian language travel guidebook introducing Via
Hanseatica region.
Via Hanseatica (VH) is the historical road between Hanseatic cities of Lübeck and St. Petersburg.
Via Hanseatica is the official name of Pan-European Transport Network road and is called transport
corridor 1A. The entire route passes cities such as Lübeck-Gdansk-Kaliningrad-Šiauliai-JelgavaRiga-Valka/Valga-Tartu-Narva-St. Petersburg.
VH is:
Strategically thoroughly planned and rapidly evolving development zone.
Attractive area rich in cultural and historical heritage.
Attractive and high quality tourism destination – with developed road infrastructure and
high-quality tourism products and services.
Distinctive and attractive tourism product - several countries and many different cultures
with single visit.
Within present project of Via Hanseatica section of route from St. Petersburg to Riga will be further
developed. Activities will help to transform transport corridor into tourism route for culture and
history oriented tourist, which should provide tourists with experience connecting fascinating
history, beautiful architecture and attractions, new knowledge and surprising facts, diverse culture,
good food, nice atmosphere and friendly people, which is combined into unforgettable and special
A guidebook should be based on the thematic routes (appetizers) developed by the VH team (family
vacation, nature holidays, cultural holidays) and support overall concept of Via Hanseatica tourism
route. The goal of the guidebook is to provide information on Via Hanseatica in both directions St.
Petersburg-Riga or Riga-St. Petersburg, to generate interest and wish to travel in VH region and to
provide the reader with entertaining reading experience by combining fictional story with specific
tourist information.
Procurement carried out by the Foundation Jõgeva County Development and Enterprise Centre
(reg.nr. 90001322, address: Suur 3, Jõgeva 48306, Estonia) (hereinafter: the procurer).
Estimated value of the contract 18 000 EUR (including VAT).
1. Tender preparation instructions
1.1. The tender must be drafted according to present tender documents and its appendixes
(hereinafter referred to as tender documents), the tender notice and legislation of the
Republic of Estonia.
1.2. Tender documents have been made available in electronic procurement registry, where all
interested parties can download them and register themselves as participants of the tender.
1.3. Clarifications and additional information on tender notice and tender documents can be
obtained through public procurement web-environment (https://riigihanked.riik.ee/register),
which requires that the tenderer registers itself in the web-environment for this tender
procedure. Procurer is not responsible for the technical operation and availability of public
procurement web-environment.
1.4. Procurer provides explanations within three (3) working days after receipt of a written
request, the explanations are provided through the public procurement webenvironment (https://riigihanked.riik.ee/register).
1.5. Tenderer shall not be compensated for any damages or costs arising from participation and
submission of the tender. Tenderer must bear all costs connected to the preparation and
submission of the tender and concluding of the contract.
2. Tender description
2.1. Tender subject is the elaboration of Via Hanseatica travel guidebook (on Via Hanseatica
region: section Petersburg to Riga through Narva, Tartu, Valga, Valmiera) in English,
German and Russian languages or translation into mentioned languages, content based and
linguistic editing of the text in all abovementioned languages and formation of final
manuscripts. The work also includes the preparation and/or acquisition of the photos,
illustrations, maps needed for the book (including rights to use them in publishing the
2.2. The guidebook must be written in fluent, entertaining and informative storytelling style
(can be fictional stories/tales), include general description of Via Hanseatica, a brief
information/interesting facts about countries and regions described in the guidebook,
practical tourist information, an exciting legends/interesting facts about
objects/destinations/history/traditions/etc., very high quality photos and illustrations, maps
attractions/museums/important traditional events. The guidebook text/stories and travel
experience must be written through the eyes and experience of a character(s) (e.g.
Hanseatic merchant and his family, etc.), allowing the reader to obtain information in more
entertaining and easily understandable manner. All stories must be connected into one
single comprehensive narrative (travel story).
2.3. List of tourist sites/services/attractions (for a total of about 90 objects), and route sections
(the route from St. Petersburg to Riga is divided into about 20 subsections) to be included
to guidebook will be provided by procurer.
2.4. The guidebook should contain photos of each object. Photos must be professionally made,
include the positive emotion (preferably people or activities), leave a good impression, have
very good quality (incl. be of printing quality). Minimum resolution for photos is 300 dpi.
In the absence of photo or if story is better illustrated with an illustration, the object may be
visualized with illustration, however the illustrations must convey all of the important
components of the object.
2.5. The guidebook should include illustrations/photographs of the main character(s) (the
Hanseatic merchant family, etc.).
2.6. The guidebook should include a topographical map of the entire route from St. Petersburg
to Riga (Via Hanseatica area is considered to be of 50 km on both sides of the road), and
map fragments on route spots/destinations (cities, districts). Maps must include main roads,
tourism sites/attractions/museums/hiking trails mentioned in the list provided by the
procurer, larger settlements, transport info (railway stations, bus stations and fuel stations
near settlements/attractions), passenger information (accommodation, meals, work). Map
fragments can be illustrations and map symbols objects can be indicated by their illustrated
images. The VH route must be shown also in Europe size map.
2.7. The procurer obtains all property rights for printing, further use, reproduction, distribution,
adaptation, public disclosure, and dissemination of the elaborated guidebook.
2.8. Concrete actions for elaboration of the guidebook are therefore:
2.8.1. The preparation of the concept of the guidebook outlined in this tender document in
the light of the general conditions. Procurer has the right to propose improvements to
the concept before its final approval.
2.8.2. The preparation of guidebook manuscript in English language, volume 200 A5
2.8.3. Content-related and linguistic editing of the English-language guidebook;
2.8.4. Translating the guidebook into German;
2.8.5. Content-related and linguistic editing of the German-language guidebook;
2.8.6. Translating the guidebook into Russian;
2.8.7. Content-related and linguistic editing of the Russian-language guidebook;
2.8.8. The tenderer must present to the procurer before the submission of final manuscript
texts the finalized texts for approval, and makes based on the proposals
corrections/additions to manuscripts;
2.8.9. Preparation/purchase of photographs and illustrations;
2.8.10. Preparation/purchase of maps;
2.8.11. The preparation and handing over three electronic files of guidebooks in three
languages for forwarding to printing.
2.9. For tender evaluation of the tenderer presents concept description and designed
sample product (story) in the English language. Same persons must provide also further
service that are participating in elaboration of sample product.
Sample product must be in volume of 4 pages, A5, including partial description of
Via Hanseatica, presentation of the intended character (e.g. the Hanseatic merchant’s and
his company) and a story about one object (provided in the list) with illustrative materials.
The information requested above should be submitted in the conceptual way as it is later
planned to be presented in full version of the guidebook.
Sample product must be written using one of objects stated below:
2.11.1. House Museum of Pushkin’s nanny in Gatchina district, Russia;
2.11.2. The stationmaster museum in Gatchina district, Russia;
2.11.3. Narva Castle in Narva, Estonia, and/or Ivangorod Castle in Ivangorod, Russia;
2.11.4. O.Lutsu Parish School Museum in Palamuse, Jõgeva County, Estonia;
2.11.5. AHHAA Science Center in Tartu, Estonia;
2.11.6. Sangaste Castle in Valga County, Estonia;
2.11.7. Valmiermuiza Brewery and Museum in Valmiera, Latvia;
2.11.8. Gauja National Park in Latvia.
2.11.9. Cesis castle ruins in Latvia.
3. Contract period is 01.08.2013 - 15.12.2013
Contract completion date is 15.12.2013. This deadline-driven time-schedule is to be provided by
the tenderer in its offer.
4. Requirements for tenderer
4.1. Tenderer must have operated in relevant field of present public procurement (elaboration of
books, publications, info brochures, advertising texts) for at least past two years. Proof of
past work must be provided.
4.2. Tenderer must have completed at least one contract during last three years since the
announcement of the current tender, with an object equivalent to the object of present
procurement. Equivalence is considered to be fulfilled if the completed travel
guide/book/brochure elaboration contract was for sum not less that 10,000 EUR (ten
thousand euros) excluding VAT. Written confirmation showing the details of previous
contracts (the name of the customer, value) must be provided in accordance with the form
in tender document Annex 4.
4.3. Tenderer must conclude a team of at least six members, who are responsible for contracts
implementation, and who must have the competencies, professional expertise and practical
experience necessary for the provision of the service:
4.3.1. Writer of the texts, who have at least university degree, previous creative writing
experience (at least two published works in area of fiction or poetry or travel
guidebook with fictional elements).
4.3.2. Translator-editor of German language with special education, at least three years of
relevant work experience, and previous experience in editing German translated texts;
4.3.3. Translator-editor of Russian language with special education, at least three years of
relevant work experience, and previous experience in editing Russian translated texts;
4.3.4. Editor of English language texts with at least three years of relevant work
4.3.5. Photographer with professional photo-taking experience for at least two years;
4.3.6. Illustrator-designer, who has previous experience at least two years in illustrating
and designing books/publications;
4.3.7. If the writer does not write in English, then translator-editor of English language
with special education, at least three years of relevant work experience, and previous
experience in editing English translated texts;
4.3.8. CV’s must be provided for all team members, including copies of educational
qualification documents, certificates, and a list of samples of previous work. Provide
confirmation in accordance with the form provided in tender document Annex 5.
4.3.9. The procurer has the right to require a change of team member in case of mismatch.
4.3.10. Written confirmation must be provided that the whole team will participate in the
project from start to finish. Team members may be changed only with the prior consent
of the procurer and with a new member equivalent to a previous team member.
Confirmation must be provided according to form provided in tender document Annex
4.3.11. Tenderer shall submit confirmation that persons listed in offer can be used for
contract execution. If that person does not have a contractual relationship with the
tenderer, the tenderer shall submit a third-party confirmation that a third person is
involved in contract performance. Confirmation must be provided according to form
provided in tender document Annex 7.
5. Documents to be submitted by tenderer
5.1. Application for participation in the procurement procedure in accordance with the tender
documents Annex 1, including signature of the tenderers’ representative, name of tenderer's
authorized representative's and contact details.
5.2. A proxy must be included, if the offer is signed by the tender representative, whose
representation is foreseen by the law.
5.3. Joint offers
5.3.1. If several tenderers submit offer jointly, they must appoint among themselves an
authorized representative for representing them in tender procedure, contract award
and execution of contract. The proxy and confirmation of joint responsibility of all
tenderers must be submitted with the offer, according to the form provided in tender
document Annex 8.
5.3.2. The contact address and contact details of the joint offer is the address and contact
information of an authorized representative of joint offer.
5.4. Confirmations of tenderer on the absence of conditions excluding them form the tender
procedure, according to the form provided in tender document Annex 3.
5.5. Technical specification on the proposed content and conceptual solution of the guidebook.
5.6. Contract works time-schedule.
5.7. Documental evidence of compliance with the conditions set out in section 4.2 (list of works
carried out).
5.8. Confirmations on the absence of conditions excluding them form the tender procedure,
according to the form provided in tender document Annex 6.
5.9. Documental evidence on team member’s qualifications in accordance with clause 4.3.
Sample product
Supplier shall submit in the offer a designed sample product in English on four A5 pages,
which shall contain partial description of Via Hanseatica, presentation of the character (e.g.
Hanseatic merchant and his company), and a story about one object (provided in the list)
with illustrative materials.
The cost of an offer
5.11.1. The cost of an offer cannot be conditional nor during the tender period nor during the
contract period, i.e. it must be independent of inflation, exchange rates, etc.
5.11.2. The offer must be presented in EUR (including VAT) according to tender documents
Annex 3 including detail offer on separate cost categories.
Tenderer shall present offer either in Estonian or English, sample product must be
presented in English.
Offer must be valid for at least 50 days.
6. Opening of tenders and negotiations
6.1. Opening of tenders is not open for public.
6.2. If necessary, the procurer shall have negotiations with tenderers.
6.3. Procurer can hold negotiations with tenderer on technical description of the tender.
6.4. The aim of negotiations is further specification of specific conditions of the tender.
Negotiations must be participated by responsible specialists and authorized (legally or with
proxy) representative of tenderer.
6.5. Procurer shall agree with tenderer the negotiation time and place.
6.6. In negotiations the tenderer introduces an offer, if necessary tasks, requirements to works,
the volume of work, cost calculation principles and other contractual performance
requirements are specified. Agreements reached in the negotiation are stated in written
minutes of the meeting.
6.7. If necessary, the procurer shall present to tenderer a proposal for presenting an offer, which
is a base for tenderer for preparation of revised offer. The tender must be valid for 50
calendar days from the date of submission of revised offer.
6.8. Procurer shall not disclose information obtained in the course of negotiations to the other
6.9. The content of tenders submitted to procurer is confidential and will not be disclosed to
third parties (except for cases prescribed by law).
If the offers exceed the estimated value of the contract or procurers’ economic limits,
the procurer has the right to negotiate decreasing the value of the tender and ask the
tenderer(s) to submit a new, lower-cost offer.
The procurer reserves the right to reject the offers if offers’ amount exceed the
estimated value of the contract or procurers economic limits.
7. Evaluation of offers
7.1. Procurer shall evaluate only offers that comply with conditions set.
7.2. The procurer has the right to require from tenderers reasonable explanations on the
inaccuracies in the tender in accordance with the Estonian Public Procurement Act.
7.3. Winning offer shall be economically most advantageous tender based on following
assessment criteria
7.3.1. Cost of the offer: 20 points
7.3.2. Content and quality of the solutions provided: 40 points
7.3.3. Sample product: 40 points
7.4. Cost of the offer: scoring is based on the value points (Merit Point System) method. The
lowest cost tender shall receive maximum number of points: 20. The other offers shall be
awarded proportionally fewer points, using the formula: lowest proposed cost / costs of the
offer x 20
7.5. Points for content and quality of the solutions:
of the
of the
Evaluation basics
The proposed concept and content of the guidebook meet fully
the objective of the procurement. The guidebook structure is
systematic and well understandable. The guidebook is
convenient and can be very well used by a wide range of users.
The proposed concept and content of the guidebook meet
generally the objective of the procurement. The guidebook
structure is logical and understandable. The guidebook is
convenient and can be well used by a wide range of users.
The proposed concept and content of the guidebook do not
ensure achieving the objective of the procurement. The
guidebook structure is neither logical nor understood.
Time-schedule is realistic, believable and strongly feasible.
Realization of time-schedule is associated with great
Realization of time-schedule is not feasible.
7.6. Points for sample product:
Evaluation basics
The stories are told in a very smooth and interesting way, the information
and data presented in the work are correct, photographs and illustrations
of high quality and beautiful, providing extra-value and positive emotion.
After reading the overall impression of Via Hanseatica remains very good,
attractive, fascinating and creates desire to visit. The story is entertaining
and suitable to a wide audience.
The stories are told in a smooth way, the information and data presented
in the work are correct, with quality photographs and illustrations but
lacking positive emotion and attractiveness. After reading the overall
impression of Via Hanseatica seems good, but lacking attractiveness and
distinctiveness. Entertaining part of the story is minimal or it is targeted to
too specific audience.
Stories are ordinary, generally available materials and texts are used.
Information and data are taken from existing brochures or web. Quality
photos and illustrations lack positive emotions or extra-value to the text.
After reading the overall impression of Via Hanseatica is not distinctive
and does not create a desire to visit. Entertaining part is missing.
7.7. Successful offer is the offer that collects most points from three assessment criteria.
8. Submission of offers
8.1. The deadline for submission of offer is 15/07/2013 at 14:00
8.2. The tender must be submitted with digital signature to info@jaek.ee.
9. Conditions of awarded contract
Contract will be signed with tenderer who has submitted successful offer (draft contract is
provided in tender document Annex 8).
10. Annexes
Annex 1 - Application for participation in procurement procedures (Form)
Annex 2 – Tenderers proxy (Form)
Annex 3 - Cost of the offer (Form)
Annex 4 - Information on previous works (Form)
Annex 5 – Information on team member (Form)
Annex 6 – Confirmations on the absence of conditions excluding tenderer from
tender procedure (Form)
Annex 7 - Confirmation of third party (Form)
Annex 8 – draft contract