Relación de e-books de REDECO 1.

Relación de e-books de REDECO
1.- Fat Economics : Nutrition, Health, and Economic Policy. Mazzocchi, Mario
2.- Intellectual Property Rights, Development, and Catch Up : An International Comparative Study. Odagiri, Hiroyuki
3.- Demography and the Economy. Shoven, John B.
4.-The Economics of Crime : Lessons for and from Latin America. Di Tella, Rafael
5.- Islam and the Path to Human and Economic Development. Mirakhor, Abbas
6.- Business of Literary Circles in Nineteenth-Century America. Dowling, David
7.- Gendering the World Bank : Neoliberalism and the Gendered Foundations of Global Governance. Griffin, Penny
8.- Innovation for Development Report 2010-2011 : Innovation as a Driver of Productivity and Economic Growth. LópezClaros, Augusto
9.- Financing Social Policy : Mobilizing Resources for Social Development. Hujo, Katja
10.- Political Economy of Refugee Migration and Foreign Aid. Czaika, Mathias
11.- Work and Life in the Global Economy : A Gendered Analysis of Service Work. Howcroft, Debra
12.- State Subsidies in the Global Economy. Zahariadis, Nikolaos
13.- Globalization in the 21st Century : Labor, Capital, and the State on a World Scale. Berberoglu, Berch
14.- Wired for Innovation : How Information Technology Is Reshaping the Economy. Brynjolfsson, Erik
15.- Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 6. Jaffe, Adam B.
16.- Geographies of Globalization. Murray, Warwick E.
17.- Inequality and Economic Integration. Farina, Francesco
18.- Local and Regional Development. Pike, Andy
19.- Global Challenges and Local Responses : The East Asian Experience. Shin, Jang-Sup
20.- Localised Technological Change : Towards the Economics of Complexity. Antonelli, Cristiano
21.- Globalization and the Middle Classes in India : The Social and Cultural Impact of Neoliberal Reforms. Ganguly-Scrase,
22.- Frontiers in the Economics of Gender. Bettio, Francesca
23.- Avoided Deforestation : Prospects for Mitigating Climate Change. Palmer, Charles
24.- Re-Thinking Intellectual Property : The Political Economy of Copyright Protection in the Digital Era. Tian, YiJun
25.- Intellectual Property and the New Global Japanese Economy. Taplin, Ruth
26.- Environment and Economy. Scott Cato, Molly
27.- Regions and Cities : Controversies in Local Economic Development : Stories, Strategies, Solutions. Perry, Martin
28.- Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy : Rationality and Explanation in Economics. Lagueux, Maurice
29.- Routledge Studies in Global Competition : Innovation in Complex Social Systems. Ahrweiler, Petra
30.- Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy : Sustainable Reform and Development in Post-Olympic China. Yao,
31.- Routledge Studies in Development Economics : Latecomer Development : Innovation and Knowledge for Economic
Growth. Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji
32.- Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics : Valuation of Regulating Services of Ecosystems : Methodology
and Applications. Kumar, Pushpam
33.- Greening the Economy : Integrating Economics and Ecology to Make Effective Change. Williams, Robert B.
34.- Neoliberalism and Culture in China and Hong Kong : The Countdown of Time. Ren, Hai
35.- Understanding Indias New Political Economy : A Great Transformation?. Ruparelia, Sanjay
36.- Entrepreneurship and Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy. Karlsson, Charlie
37.- East Asia, Globalization, and the New Economy. Adams, F. Gerard
38.- Economic Analysis of Public Policy. Bellinger, William K.
39.- Global Economy Contested : Power and Conflict Across the International Division of Labor. Taylor, Marcus
40.- Limits to Globalization : North-South Divergence. Reuveny, Rafael
41.- Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy : Economic Geography of Air Transportation : Space, Time, and
the Freedom of the Sky. Bowen, John T.
42.- Higher Education and the Market. Brown, Kate
43.- Planet Water : Investing in the World's Most Valuable Resource. Hoffman, Steven A.
44.- Pre-Commerce : How Companies and Customers Are Transforming Business Together. Pearson, Bob
45.- Macroeconomic Performance in a Globalising Economy. Anderton, Robert
46.- Culture in Economics : History, Methodological Reflections and Contemporary Applications. Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd
47.- Economic Growth in Europe, Volume 1 : A Comparative Industry Perspective. Timmer, Marcel
48.- Crude Democracy : Natural Resource Wealth and Political Regimes. Dunning, Thad
49.- Political Economy of Agricultural Price Distortions. Anderson, Kym
50.- Law and Economics of Contingent Protection in International Trade. Bagwell, Kyle W.
51.- Economic History of Europe : Knowledge, Institutions and Growth, 600 to the Present. Persson, Karl Gunnar
52.- Chinese Worker After Socialism. Hurst, William
53.- Diffusion of Military Power : Causes and Consequences for International Politics. Horowitz, Michael C.
54.- Economic Gangsters : Corruption, Violence, and the Poverty of Nations. Fisman, Raymond
55.- Between the Local and the Global, Volume 12 : Confronting Complexity in the Contemporary Agri-Food Sector.
Marsden, Terry
56.- Finance and Governance of Capital Cities in Federal Systems. Slack, Enid
57.- Science for Agriculture : A Long Term Perspective (2nd Edition). Huffman, Wallace E.
58.- Policy and Choice : Public Finance Through the Lens of Behavioral Economics. Kling, Jeffrey
59.- Mexico's Transition to a Knowledge-Based Economy : Challenges and Opportunities. Kuznetsov, Yevgeny
60.- Gender and Macroeconomic Policy. Raj, Nallari
61.- Urbanization and Growth. Buckley, Robert M.
62.- Agriculture and Rural Development : Building Competitiveness in Africa's Agriculture : A Guide to Value Chain
Concepts and Applications . Webber, C. Martin
63.- Innovation Policy : A Guide for Developing Countries. World Bank
64.- After 2015 : International Development Policy at a Crossroads. Sumner, Andrew
65.- Economics, Real Estate and the Supply of Land. Evans, Alan W.
66.- Community Disaster Recovery and Resiliency : Exploring Global Opportunities and Challenges. Miller, DeMond S.
67.- Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management : Transforming Government and Building the Information
Society : Challenges and Opportunities for the Developing World. Hanna, Nagy K.
68.- Global Connections : The Changing Global Economy. Pavlovic, Zoran
69.- Knowledge Development and Social Change through Technology : Emerging Studies. Coakes, Elayne
70.- Technical Change and Economic Growth : Inside the Knowledge Based Economy. Korres, George
71.- Learning Region: Foundations, State of the Art, Future. Rutten, Roel
72.- Introduction to Climate Change Economics and Policy. Fitzroy, Felix
73.- Prioritizing Agricultural Research for Development : Experiences and Lessons. Raitzer, D. A.
74.- Empires of Oil : Corporate Oil in Barbarian Worlds. Clarke, Duncan
75.- Innovation Imperative : National Innovation Strategies in the Global Economy. Marklund, Göran
76.- Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management. Seaman, Bruce A.
77.- Recent Advances in Neo-Schumpeterian Economics : Essays in Honour of Horst Hanusch. Pyka, Andreas
78.- Innovation, Knowledge and Economic Progress. Morone, P.
79.- Creating Experiences in the Experience Economy. Sundbo, Jon
80.- Property Rights, Consumption and the Market Process. Andersson, David Emanuel
81.- Research Handbook on the Economics of Property Law. Ayotte, K.
82.- Rethinking Macroeconomics of Sustainability. Nadal, Alejandro
83.- Multinationals and Emerging Economies : The Quest for Innovation and Sustainability. Dolfsma, Wilfred
84.- Handbook of Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Andretsch, David B.
85.- Innovation, Markets and Sustainable Energy : The Challenge of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells. Pogutz, Stefano
86.- International Economic Law, Globalization and Developing Countries. Faundez, Julio
87.- Knowledge in the Development of Economies Institutional Choices Under Globalisation. Sudgen, R.
88.- When Marriage Ends : Economic and Social Consequences of Partnership Dissolution. Andreß, Hans-Jürgen
89.- Enhancing the Effectiveness of Innovation : New Roles for Key Players. Molle, Willem
90.- New Economics of Technology Policy. Foray, Dominique
91.- Two Faces of Globalization : Munificent and Malevolent. Das, Dilip K.
92.- Innovation Strategies for a Global Economy : Development, Implementation, Measurement and Management.
Gault, Fred
93.- Innovation and Economic Development : The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Latin
America. Cimoli, Mario
94.- European Universities and the Challenge of the Market : A Comparative Analysis. Regini, Marino
95.- Population Ageing and Economic Growth : Education Policy and Family Policy in a Model of Endogenous Growth.
Müller, Werner A.
96.- Innovation and Firm Performance : An Empirical Investigation for German Firms. Franz, Wolfang
97.- Markets and Malthus. Rao, M.
98.- Knowledge Economy : The Indian Challenge. Khanijo, M. K.
99.- European Bloc Imperialism. Canterbury, D.
1.- 99 historias sobre la globalización, el libre mercado capitalista y la guerra
2.- A System Of Health Accounts
3.- América Latina ante la nueva economía
4.- Asia and the global crisis: the industrial dimension
5.- Capitalismo cognitivo: propiedad intelectual y creación colectiva
6.- Códigos de conducta y monitoreo en la industria de la confección: experencias internacionales y regionales
7.- Delegando poder en la gente: El presupuesto participativo en Porto Alegre
8.- Democracia y mercados en el nuevo orden mundial
9.- Desindustrialización y crisis del neoliberalismo: maquiladoras y telecomunicaciones
10.- Economic surveys and data analysis: CIRET Conference proceedings, Paris, 2000
11.- Economic theory for the environment: essays in honour of Karl-Göran Mäler
12.- Educación en economía social: problematización inicial (versión resumida)
13.- Educational Innovation In Economics And Business
14.- El "sector informal": una revisión conceptual bibliográfica
15.- El codesarrollo, de un proceso histórico de oportunidades y desarrollo hacia una herramienta más de explotación y
16.- El desarrollo rural en el trópico húmedo mexicano : 1968-1990
17.- El informe Petras: padres-hijos, dos generaciones de trabajadores españoles
18.- El mito de la globalización capitalista: socialismo o barbarie: primera parte, 1 de 4
19.- El poder, los principios y la ética del desarrollo (Raúl Prebisch)
20.- El tiempo en masculino : VII congreso español de sociología, sociología del tiempo. Universidad de Salamanca
campus Unamuno, 20-22 de septiembre, 2001
21.- Enron y liberalismo
22.- Environment in the transition to a market economy: progress in Central and Eastern Europe and the new
independence states
23.- Environmental Economics And The International Economy
24.- Evolutionary And Neo-schumpeterian Approaches To Economics
25.- Fostering entrepreneurship
26.- Globalización y pobreza
27.- Improving the environment through reducing subsidies
28.- Institutional Economics: Theory, Method, Policy
29.- Institutional efficiency and its determinants: the role of political factors in economic growth
30 .- La compleja construcción de la "Europa" superpotencia: una aportación al debate sobre el futuro del Proyecto
Europeo y las resistencias que suscita
31.- La Industria mexicana y su historia: siglo XVIII, XIX, XX
32.- La producción de maíz, leche y café y la integración regional en Chiapas y Oaxaca
33.- La puerta de entrada a el capital de Karl Marx: forma simple de valor.
34.- Labour migration and the recent financial crisis in Asia
35.- Las limitaciones de la globalización: economía, ecología y política de la globalización
36.- Las regiones en la historia económica mexicana: siglo XIX
37.- Libre comercio: promesas versus realidades
38.- Migración, estructura de la economía familiar y cambio de sector productivo
39.- Mujeres en resistencia; experiencias, visiones y propuestas
40 .- Objetivos de desarrollo del milenio: una mirada desde América Latina
41.- Redefining territories: the functional regions
42.- Strategic business services
43.- System of economical contradictions: or, the philosophy of misery
44.- Tepehuanes del norte
45.- The Encyclopedia Of Public Choice
46.- The Reconstruction Of Economic Theory
47.- Un resumen completo de El capital de Marx
48.- Wealth of nations
49.- What is property?: an inquiry into the principle of right and of government?
50 .- ¿Qué es el CAFTA?: un tratado entre desiguales: Centroamérica - Estados Unidos