SIO Class Spring 2012 syllabus2.doc

Engaging Education
Student Initiated Outreach Class
Winter 2013
Tuesday or Thursday
Location: TBA
Faculty Sponsor:
Cindy Cruz
Associate Professor, Education Department
Class Coordinators:
Chinaza Oti
(310) 802-9143
Class email:
Danielle Lindstrom
(424) 477-4568
Office Hours:
Chinaza’s Office Hours:
Location: e2 Office
Danielle’s Office Hours:
Location: e2 Office
Class Description:
Student Initiated Outreach class aims to provide a productive workspace and foster
leadership skills for future outreach coordinators/interns, primarily housed under
Engaging Education, but open to other organizations. We will challenge ourselves through
dialogue and critical thinking about the needs of our communities and the current climate
of our education system. Through skill-building workshops and addressing issues in the
education climate, we strive to become leaders to serve our communities to achieve higher
education. By participating in this class, we hope to build a tighter coalition and community
at UC Santa Cruz.
Class Requirements:
Attendance: Students are required to attend class and be ON TIME. Any unexcused
absences will affect your grade and the class. If you plan to be absent, it is your
responsibility to contact any of the facilitators to let us know a day in advance. Also, it is
your responsibility to check in with the facilitators about what you missed before the next
Weekly Reflections: Are assigned as in-class exercises and/or take-home. Turn in notebook
during midterm and finals week.
Field Work: The goal of the fieldwork is to provide us with a perspective and hands-on
experience of what the youth in our communities are facing in the current education
system. By observing the current status of the educational system, we can develop a better
understanding of the struggles in public education. This can be an opportunity to build
networks with schools and/or non-profit organizations for future collaborations.
The fieldwork may include field trips to local Santa Cruz high schools or community
centers, working/coordinating with current SIO programming and other programming
hosted by e2, like social justice tours or joining Strategic Planning committees, and
volunteering for off campus events. This experience will provide students with the insight
of working with underrepresented and under-served communities.
The fieldwork is mandatory, unless discussed with facilitators for excuse absences.
Please inform facilitators in a timely matter if you are going to be absent.
Midterm: Students will have to submit in class a proposal for their final project on the due
date. No late submissions. There will need to be prepared to receive feedback from class
facilitators as well as fellow classmates.
Final Project: Students will be required to create a project that may take one of the following
forms. Students can research other outreach programs to see and present to the class their
findings or another form is an expansion of skills learned in class in some form. The final project
can be done in groups. Students will have to write a minimum 3-page reflection paper of their
process. Presentations will be held on the last day of class.
Note: It is your responsibility to keep all your work organized. The hand outs we give you
are to benefit you and your coordinating work in the future.
The SIO class has an Ecommons site and you will be able to access it once you have your
permission code and are enrolled in the class. Readings and some discussions will be posed
on the Ecommons website so please check it.
If you have any questions about your SIO programs or logistics, please email the
facilitators. We will try to incorporate your questions into our dialogues in the next class.
Attendance: 20%
Participation: 15%
Weekly Reflections: 20%
Field Study Work: 15%
Midterm (Final Proposal): 5%
Final Project: 25%
Course Outline:
Student Initiated Work
Week 1:
Tuesday April 2rd or Thursday April 4th
● Introductions of Facilitators, Class, and Engaging Education
● Things they want to learn
● Paper work
Week 2:
Tuesday April 9th or Thursday April 11th
● Volunteer for SIO programs
● Delegation
Week 3:
Tuesday, April 16th or Thursday April 18th
How to write a proposal
Week 4:
Tuesday April 23rd or Thursday April 25th
● Field Trip(local)
● Volunteer for ISHE April 26th-28th
Week 5:
Tuesday April 30th or Thursday May 1st
Proposal Writing
Week 6:
Tuesday May 6th or Thursday May 8th
● AATAT/ Rainbow: How to do outreach
Week 7:
Tuesday May 13th or Thursday May 15th
● Guest speaker/Facilitator: Cindy Cruz presents on her research
● Budget Tracking
Week 8:
Tuesday, May 20th or Thursday May 22nd
● Field Trip(Bay Area)
Week 9:
Tuesday, May 27th or Thursday May 29th
● coordinator/participant testimonial panel
● Volunteer for MC
Week 10:
Tuesday, June 4th or Thursday June 6th